## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
##""" CREATED: 7/2012
<%page args="shot, page, default_path"/>
<% base = 'http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz'
from pygolem_lite import Shot
from pygolem_lite.config import TororoidalMagneticFieldTrigger, TororoidalMagneticFieldCapacitor, CurrentDriveElectricFieldCapacitor, StabilizationCapacitor, BreakDownElectricFieldCapacitor
from pygolem_lite.web import cData
import datetime, cStringIO
from pygolem_lite.web import cat, emph, get_page_paths
page_path, base_path, page = get_page_paths(shot, page, default_path)
get = cData.get_nice
Basic parameters (Shot: ${shot}):
##- Chamber pressure before gas filling (vacuum pressure): pchinit = ${emph(get('pressure_initial', '%.2f mPa'))}
## - Chamber pressure just before the triggering: pchtrig=${emph(get('pressure', '%.2f mPa'))}
## - Working gas pressure request: pH2req=${get('pressure_request', '%.2f')} mPa
## - Chamber temperature: Tch=${get('chamber_temperature', '%.2f')} °C over the room temperature (thermocouple)
##- Chamber inductance: Lch= ${get('chamber_inductance', '%.2f μH', 1e6)}
## - Chamber resistance: Rch= ${get('chamber_resistance', '%.3f Ω')}
## - CBt capacitors ${get('Cb', '%.1f', 1e3)} mF) charged to: ${emph('%i V'%get('Ub'))}, triggered ${get('Tb','%.1f ms', 1e3)}
##- CBD capacitors ${get('Cbd', '%.1f', 1e3)} mF) charged to: ${emph(get('Ubd', '%i V'))}, triggered ${get('Tbd','%.1f ms', 1e3)}
##- CCD capacitors ${get('Ccd', '%.1f', 1e3)} mF) charged to: ${emph(get('Ucd', '%i V'))}, triggered ${get('Tcd','%.1f ms', 1e3)}
##- CST capacitors ${get('Cst', '%.1f', 1e3)} mF) charged to: ${emph(get('Ust', '%i V'))}, triggered ${ get('Tst','%.1f ms', 1e3) }
##- charging log: t, UB, UBD, UCD, UDS, pchamber
##- Time since session beginning: ${str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(get('session_length'))))} h
% if get('plasma', '%.2f') == "1":
Plasma created!
See more details about the pygolem interface
das_list = []
for i in sorted(cData.das_config.keys()):
if cData.get_data(i, testRun = True):
das_list += [i]