CHANNELS=1 2 setup: echo "ch1...vystup ze zesilovace" echo "ch2...pila" echo "ch3...trigger pily" echo "" arming: wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?"command=:FPANEL:PRESS+SINGLESEQ" -O /dev/null 2>log acquisition: for channel in $(CHANNELS);\ do make getdata CHANNEL=$$channel ;\ done;\ make convert_isf2csv & getdata: wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?"command=select:ch$(CHANNEL) on" -O /dev/null 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?"command=save:waveform:fileformat internal" -O /dev/null 2>>log echo "TektronixDPO3014: Downloading data for channel $(CHANNEL)" wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'wfmsend=Get' -O ch$(CHANNEL).isf 2>>log convert_isf2csv: echo "TektronixDPO3014: Converting ISF data to CSV in the background" for isf_file in `ls *isf` ;\ do wine cnvrtwfm.exe -l $$isf_file;\ done;\ echo "1" > dataready clean: rm download* log dataready *isf *csv zmbgetdata: wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'command=select:ch1 on' 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'command=save:waveform:fileformat internal' 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'wfmsend=Get' -O ch1.isf 2>>log off: wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'command=select:ch2 on' 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'wfmsend=Get' -O ch2 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'command=select:ch3 on' 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'wfmsend=Get' -O ch3 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'command=select:ch4 on' 2>>log wget http://TektronixDPO3014a/download.cgi?'wfmsend=Get' -O ch4 2>>log echo "1" > dataready rm download.* make graphs make html BASESF=set datafile separator ',';unset key;set style data dots;set format y '%3.1f';set multiplot;set size 1,0.25;set origin 0,0;set xrange [0.001:0.011];set ylabel 'ch4';plot 'ch4' u 1:2;set origin 0,0.25;unset xtics;set ylabel 'ch3';plot 'ch3' u 1:2;set origin 0,0.5;unset xtics;set ylabel 'ch2';plot 'ch2' u 1:2;set origin 0,0.75;unset xtics;set ylabel 'ch1';plot 'ch1' u 1:2 BASE=set datafile separator ',';unset key;set style data dots;set format y '%3.1f';set multiplot;set size 1,0.25;set origin 0,0;set xrange [0.001:0.011];unset xtics;set ylabel 'ch1';plot 'ch1' u 1:2 graphs: echo "set terminal x11;$(BASE)"|gnuplot -persist echo "set terminal postscript enhanced color solid;$(BASE)"|gnuplot > convert -rotate 90 graph.jpg convert -rotate 90 -resize 150 icon.png html: echo "DAS Tektronix">index.html;\ echo "

DAS: Tektronix DPO3014


">>index.html;\ echo "

