Mon May 27 08:40:53 CEST 2013 ============== action: acquisition ======================= make: *** No rule to make target `acquisition'. Stop. real 0m0.015s user 0m0.003s sys 0m0.003s === acquisition done === Time: .0337s Mon May 27 08:40:53 CEST 2013 ============== action: analysis ======================= real 0m0.015s user 0m0.002s sys 0m0.004s === analysis done === Time: .0343s Mon May 27 08:40:58 CEST 2013 !!! ============== action: postanalysis ======================= LOCAL_PATH /srv/www/svoboda/golem/operation/tasks/Students/TerezaR/0213BreakdownStudies/070213_2018/215333/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON Spectrometer - impurity content calculation tee: /home/svoboda/GOLEM/web/roperation/RemoteTokamak/actions.log: No such file or directory MonLOCAL_PATH /srv/www/svoboda/golem/operation/tasks/Students/TerezaR/0213BreakdownStudies/070213_2018/215333/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON including time 5.17321014404 Loaded data of HR+C1886 loaded data calc inst fun 2.29589377026 calc inst fun finished standart chi2 2.2943222536 1.15088985821 [ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.2824 1.9275 2.5997 1.3281 1.3327 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. ] 1.15088985821 [ 1.1244 0.196 0.3035 0.2366 0.427 0.611 0.1581 0.2053 0.4053 0.0827 0.5421 0.0484] 0.0124857448978 0.01912 CalcProjections done chi2 temp: 2.18014415777 chi2 dens: 34.5568117151 fmin_powell Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 3.840212 Iterations: 35 Function evaluations: 15175 fmin_powell finish ion H concentration = 0.05 ion O concentration = 0.01 ion He concentration = 0.00 ion C concentration = 0.00 ion N concentration = 0.00 ion M1 concentration = 0.02 ion MIV concentration = 0.02 flattop temperatute 17.5 chi2 temp: 2.18014415777 chi2 dens: 34.5568117151 real 0m9.951s user 0m0.049s sys 0m0.011s Mon May 27 08:41:25 CEST 2013 ============== action: clean ======================= make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. make: Entering directory `/srv/www/svoboda/golem/operation/tasks/Students/TerezaR/0213BreakdownStudies/070213_2018/215333/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON' make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. make: Leaving directory `/srv/www/svoboda/golem/operation/tasks/Students/TerezaR/0213BreakdownStudies/070213_2018/215333/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON' === plots === Time: 10.10s including time 0.784895896912 no electron temperature including time 1.32569384575 Loaded data of HR+C1886 photodiode alpha was not found!! IDA start 10000.0 0.994877168215 20000.0 1.03785236475 40000.0 1.11785309741 80000.0 1.23089159803 160000.0 1.36257786057 10000.0 0.971149392719 20000.0 0.974542377758 40000.0 0.983676648878 80000.0 1.0075737736 160000.0 1.05936848479 10000.0 0.970430995658 20000.0 0.97202583705 40000.0 0.9754072854 80000.0 0.98425321854 160000.0 1.00714321598 10000.0 0.970489295846 20000.0 0.97216029846 40000.0 0.975697390445 80000.0 0.984783896619 160000.0 1.00740352165 10000.0 0.970395331453 20000.0 0.971918752438 40000.0 0.97495191416 80000.0 0.982607644417 160000.0 1.00222141296 chi2 1.00222141296 real 1m12.220s user 0m0.035s sys 0m0.008s === postanalysis === Time: 72.23s