Wed Feb 12 09:08:16 CET 2014 ============== action: acquisition ======================= Wedmake: *** No rule to make target `acquisition'. Stop. real 0m0.002s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.001s === acquisition done === Time: .0022s real 0m0.002s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.000s Wed Feb 12 09:08:16 CET 2014 ============== action: analysis ======================= real 0m0.002s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.001s === analysis done === Time: .0027s Wed Feb 12 09:08:16 CET 2014 ============== action: clean ======================= make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. make: Entering directory `/golem/database/operation/tasks/TrainingCourses/FUMTRAIC/14/Wednesday/120214_0854/090652/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON' make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. make: Leaving directory `/golem/database/operation/tasks/TrainingCourses/FUMTRAIC/14/Wednesday/120214_0854/090652/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON' === plots === Time: .0456s Wed Feb 12 09:08:32 CET 2014 !!! ============== action: postanalysis ======================= LOCAL_PATH /golem/database/operation/tasks/TrainingCourses/FUMTRAIC/14/Wednesday/120214_0854/090652/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON Spectrometer - impurity content calculation including time 0.351294994354 Loaded data of HR+C1886 loaded data calc inst fun calc inst fun finished standart chi2 13.8726341143 5.85318103954 [ 0.9424 17.4453 50.4672 7.0165 3.6239 3.5175 29.8478 1.0099 1. 1. 1. 1.0058 1.1253 1.6156 1.8547 2.4048 3.5365 1.3009 0.909 1. 1. 1. 1. ] 5.85318103954 [ 2.883 3.8581 8.2665 41.0037 36.7184 24.0622 14.8628 4.6201 9.2606 1.3333 14.5113 0.7759] 0.0229220574705 0.02636 CalcProjections done chi2 temp: 4.99336521616 chi2 dens: 39.4073465426 fmin_bfgs ion H concentration = 0.03 ion O concentration = 0.17 ion He concentration = 0.00 ion C concentration = 0.55 ion N concentration = 0.25 ion M1 concentration = 1.38 ion MIV concentration = 0.01 flattop temperatute 12.8 chi2 temp: 4.99336521616 chi2 dens: 39.4073465426 including time 0.330686092377 no electron temperature including time 0.328662157059 Loaded data of HR+C1886 photodiode alpha was not found IDA start 10000.0 5.87330639467 10000.0 6.00038833407 10000.0 6.05688138812 10000.0 6.06717486149 10000.0 6.07856144751 chi2 6.07856144751 real 0m9.913s user 0m9.145s sys 0m0.593s === postanalysis === Time: 9.914s