Mon Dec 12 09:54:08 CET 2016 ============== action: acquisition ======================= make: *** No rule to make target 'acquisition'. Stop. real 0m0.001s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s === acquisition done === Time: .0020s Mon Dec 12 09:54:08 CET 2016 ============== action: analysis ======================= real 0m0.002s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s === analysis done === Time: .0024s Mon real 0m0.001s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.000s Mon Dec 12 09:54:09 CET 2016 ============== action: clean ======================= make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop. make: Entering directory '/golem/database/operation/tasks/SessionPreparation/2016/121216_0815/095242/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON' make: *** No rule to make target 'clean'. Stop. make: Leaving directory '/golem/database/operation/tasks/SessionPreparation/2016/121216_0815/095242/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON' === plots === Time: ,0084s Mon Dec 12 09:54:14 CET 2016 !!! ============== action: postanalysis ======================= LOCAL_PATH /golem/database/operation/tasks/SessionPreparation/2016/121216_0815/095242/analysis/Radiation/1212Impurities_TO.ON Spectrometer - impurity content calculation including time 0.640830993652 Loaded data of HR+C1886 loaded data calc inst fun calc inst fun finished standart chi2 58.965511839 4.48310993278 [ 1. 1. 1. 1.2208 1.4228 3.2863 5.8616 13.083 21.8277 24.743 23.6221 14.741 1.2019 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. ] 4.48310993278 [ 52.8816 1.6238 2.5345 1.9425 11.1908 9.9285 2.6829 0.3385 1.628 0.2851 1.5507 1.0383] 0.0168524819387 0.01378 CalcProjections done chi2 temp: 19.9200266722 chi2 dens: 24.1347393744 fmin_bfgs ion H concentration = 0.31 ion O concentration = 0.15 ion He concentration = 0.01 ion C concentration = 0.21 ion N concentration = 0.18 ion M1 concentration = 0.92 ion MIV concentration = 0.78 flattop temperatute 30.1 chi2 temp: 19.9200266722 chi2 dens: 24.1347393744 including time 0.556886911392 no electron temperature including time 0.565173864365 Loaded data of HR+C1886 photodiode alpha was not found IDA start 10000.0 1.06025832704 20000.0 1.14379290927 40000.0 1.30824421968 10000.0 1.19496590557 20000.0 1.32668682429 10000.0 1.25094621186 20000.0 1.40869796215 10000.0 1.21578854533 20000.0 1.35364967666 10000.0 1.24497882661 20000.0 1.39934371291 chi2 1.39934371291 real 0m10.478s user 0m9.516s sys 0m0.596s === postanalysis === Time: 10,48s