##!/usr/bin/python2 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%page args="shot, page" /> <% from pygolem_lite.web import cData, make_config, get_page_paths,get page_path, base_path, page = get_page_paths(shot, page) from numpy import load import os import time get = cData.get_nice %> [Source - poloha.py]
[Source - etalon.py]

Configuration of the actual discharge

Ub: ${get('Ub', '%i V')}
Ust: ${get('Ust', '%i V')}
Tst: ${get('Tst','%.1f ms', 1e3)}

List of the measured vacuum discharges

<% items = list() files = os.listdir(page_path+'/etalon') for etalon_name in files: (Ub,Ust,plasma) = etalon_name.split('_') (Ub,Ust) = (Ub[2:],Ust[3:]) path = page_path+'/etalon/'+etalon_name z = load(path) t = z.zip.getinfo('data.npy').date_time t = mktime((t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5],0, 0,0)) date = time.strftime("%d %b %Y", time.gmtime(t)) items.append((Ub, Ust, date,etalon_name )) endfor %> %for (Ub, Ust, date,etalon_name ) in items: %endfor
Ub [V]Ust [V]Createdlink
${Ub}${Ust}${date} ${etalon_name}