import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import integrate, signal, interpolate
import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
import hvplot.pandas
import requests
from IPython.display import Markdown
data_URL = "{shot_no}/DASs/LimiterMirnovCoils/{identifier}.csv" #Mirnov coils and quadrupole
BDdata_URL = "{shot_no}/DASs/StandardDAS/{identifier}.csv" #BD = basic diagnostic
shot_no = 33267 # to be replaced by the actual discharge number
#shot_no = 32607 # Test High performance shot
# shot_no = 32660 # Test Low performance shot
# shot_no = 32947
vacuum_shot = 33266 # to be replaced by the discharge command line paramater "vacuum_shot"
# vacuum_shot = 32929 #number of the vacuum shot or 'False'
ds = np.DataSource(destpath='') #/tmp
def open_remote(shot_no, identifier, url_template=data_URL):
return, identifier=identifier))
def read_signal(shot_no, identifier, url = data_URL):
file = open_remote(shot_no, identifier, url)
return pd.read_csv(file, names=['Time', identifier],
index_col = 'Time', squeeze=True)
def elimination (shot_no, identifier, vacuum_shot = False):
#load data
mc = (read_signal(shot_no, identifier))
mc = mc.replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], value = 0)
konst = 1/(3.8e-03)
if vacuum_shot == False:
signal_start = mc.index[0]
length = len(mc)
Bt = read_signal(shot_no, 'BtCoil_integrated', BDdata_URL).loc[signal_start:signal_start+length*1e-06]
if len(Bt)>len(mc):
Bt = Bt.iloc[:length]
if len(Bt)<len(mc):
mc = mc.iloc[:len(Bt)]
if identifier == 'mc1':
elif identifier == 'mc5':
k= 14
elif identifier == 'mc9':
k = 31
elif identifier == 'mc13':
k = -100
mc_vacuum = Bt/k
mc_vacuum = (read_signal(vacuum_shot, identifier))
mc_vacuum -= mc_vacuum.loc[:0.9e-3].mean() #remove offset
mc_vacuum = mc_vacuum.replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], value = 0)
mc_vacuum = pd.Series(integrate.cumtrapz(mc_vacuum, x=mc_vacuum.index, initial=0) * konst,
index=mc_vacuum.index*1000, name= identifier) #integration
mc -= mc.loc[:0.9e-3].mean() #remove offset
mc = pd.Series(integrate.cumtrapz(mc, x=mc.index, initial=0) * konst,
index=mc.index*1000, name= identifier) #integration
#Bt elimination
mc_vacuum = np.array(mc_vacuum)
mc_elim = mc - mc_vacuum
return mc_elim
loop_voltage = read_signal(shot_no, 'LoopVoltageCoil_raw', BDdata_URL)
dIpch = read_signal(shot_no, 'RogowskiCoil_raw', BDdata_URL)
dIpch -= dIpch.loc[:0.9e-3].mean()
Ipch = pd.Series(integrate.cumtrapz(dIpch, x=dIpch.index, initial=0) * (-5.3*1e06),
index=dIpch.index, name='Ipch')
U_l_func = interpolate.interp1d(loop_voltage.index, loop_voltage)
def dIch_dt(t, Ich):
return (U_l_func(t) - 0.0097 * Ich) / (1.2e-6/2)
t_span = loop_voltage.index[[0, -1]]
solution = integrate.solve_ivp(dIch_dt, t_span, [0], t_eval=loop_voltage.index, )
Ich = pd.Series(solution.y[0], index=loop_voltage.index, name='Ich')
Ip = Ipch - Ich = 'Ip'
Ip_detect = Ip.loc[0.0025:]
dt = (Ip_detect.index[-1] - Ip_detect.index[0]) / (Ip_detect.index.size)
window_length = int(0.5e-3/dt)
if window_length % 2 == 0:
window_length += 1
dIp = pd.Series(signal.savgol_filter(Ip_detect, window_length, polyorder=3, deriv=1, delta=dt),
name='dIp', index=Ip_detect.index) / 1e6
threshold = 0.05
CD = requests.get("" % shot_no)
CD_orientation = CD.text
if "ACW" in CD_orientation:
plasma_start = dIp[dIp < dIp.min()*threshold].index[0]*1e3
plasma_end = dIp.idxmax()*1e3
plasma_start = dIp[dIp > dIp.max()*threshold].index[0]*1e3
plasma_end = dIp.idxmin()*1e3
print ('Plasma start =', round(plasma_start, 3), 'ms')
print ('Plasma end =', round(plasma_end, 3), 'ms')
# print (CD_orientation)
def horpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot=False):
mc1 = elimination(shot_no, 'mc1', vacuum_shot)
mc9 = elimination (shot_no, 'mc9', vacuum_shot)
b = 93
r = ((mc1-mc9)/(mc1+mc9))*b
r = r.replace([np.nan], value = 0)
# return r.loc[plasma_start:]
return r.loc[plasma_start:plasma_end]
# return r
r = horpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot)
ax = r.plot()
ax.set(ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(plasma_start,plasma_end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$r [mm]', title = 'Horizontal plasma position #{}'.format(shot_no))
ax.axhline(y=0, color='k', ls='--', lw=1, alpha=0.4)
def vertpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot = False):
mc5 = elimination(shot_no, 'mc5', vacuum_shot)
mc13 = elimination (shot_no, 'mc13', vacuum_shot)
b = 93
z = ((mc5-mc13)/(mc5+mc13))*b
z = z.replace([np.nan], value = 0)
# return z.loc[plasma_start:]
return z.loc[plasma_start:plasma_end]
# return z
z = vertpol (shot_no, vacuum_shot)
ax = z.plot()
ax.set(ylim=(-85, 85), xlim=(plasma_start,plasma_end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$z [mm]', title = 'Vertical plasma position #{}'.format(shot_no))
ax.axhline(y=0, color='k', ls='--', lw=1, alpha=0.4)
def plasma_radius(shot_no, vacuum_shot=False):
r = horpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot)
z = vertpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot)
a0 = 85
a = a0 - np.sqrt((r**2)+(z**2))
a = a.replace([np.nan], value = 0)
# return a.loc[plasma_start:]
return a.loc[plasma_start:plasma_end]
# return a
a = plasma_radius(shot_no,vacuum_shot)
ax = a.plot()
ax.set(ylim=(0,85), xlim=(plasma_start,plasma_end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$a$ [mm]', title = 'Plasma column radius #{}'.format(shot_no))
plasma_time = []
t = 0
for i in a:
if i>85 or i <0:
a = a.replace(i, value = 0)
start = plasma_time[0]-1e-03
end = plasma_time[-1]-1e-03
print('start =', round(start, 3), 'ms')
print('end =', round(end, 3), 'ms')
r_cut = r.loc[start:end]
a_cut = a.loc[start:end]
z_cut = z.loc[start:end]
df_processed = pd.concat(
[r_cut.rename('r'), z_cut.rename('z'), a_cut.rename('a')], axis= 'columns')
savedata = 'plasma_position_%i.csv' %shot_no
Markdown("[Plasma position data - r, z, a ](./{})".format(savedata))
hline = hv.HLine(0)
alpha = 0.4,
layout = hv.Layout([df_processed[v].hvplot.line(
xlabel='', ylabel=l,ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(start,end),legend=False, title='', grid=True, group_label=v)
for (v, l) in [('r', ' r [mm]'), ('z', 'z [mm]'), ('a', 'a [mm]')] ])*hline
plot=layout.cols(1).opts(hv.opts.Curve(width=600, height=200),
hv.opts.Curve('a', xlabel='time [ms]'))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, dpi=200)
r.plot(grid=True, ax=axs[0])
z.plot(grid=True, ax=axs[1])
a.plot(grid=True, ax=axs[2])
axs[2].set(ylim=(0,85), xlim=(start,end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$a$ [mm]')
axs[1].set(ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(start,end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$z [mm]')
axs[0].set(ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(start,end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$r [mm]', title = 'Horizontal, vertical plasma position and radius #{}'.format(shot_no))