Inner Stabilisation stuff

Basic info

co-authors: DanielaK, HonzaS, VojtechS

Description ...

Main result: Other results ...
In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy import integrate, signal, interpolate
import pandas as pd

import holoviews as hv
import hvplot.pandas
import requests

from IPython.display import Markdown
In [2]:
data_URL = "{shot_no}/DASs/LimiterMirnovCoils/{identifier}.csv"  #Mirnov coils and quadrupole
BDdata_URL = "{shot_no}/DASs/StandardDAS/{identifier}.csv" #BD = basic diagnostic

shot_no = 33444 # to be replaced by the actual discharge number
#shot_no = 32607 # Test High performance shot
# shot_no = 32660 # Test Low performance shot
# shot_no = 32947
vacuum_shot = 33440  # to be replaced by the discharge command line paramater "vacuum_shot"
# vacuum_shot = 32929 #number of the vacuum shot or 'False'

ds = np.DataSource(destpath='') #/tmp 
In [3]:
def open_remote(shot_no, identifier, url_template=data_URL):
    return, identifier=identifier))

def read_signal(shot_no, identifier, url = data_URL): 
    file = open_remote(shot_no, identifier, url)
    return pd.read_csv(file, names=['Time', identifier],
                     index_col = 'Time', squeeze=True)

Data integration and $B_t$ elimination

In [4]:
def elimination (shot_no, identifier, vacuum_shot = False):
    #load data 
    mc = (read_signal(shot_no, identifier))
    mc = mc.replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], value = 0)
    konst = 1/(3.8e-03)
    if vacuum_shot == False: 
        signal_start = mc.index[0]
        length = len(mc)
        Bt = read_signal(shot_no, 'BtCoil_integrated', BDdata_URL).loc[signal_start:signal_start+length*1e-06]
        if len(Bt)>len(mc):
            Bt = Bt.iloc[:length]            
        if len(Bt)<len(mc):
            mc = mc.iloc[:len(Bt)]
        if identifier == 'mc1':
        elif identifier == 'mc5':
            k= 14
        elif identifier == 'mc9':
            k = 31
        elif identifier == 'mc13':
            k = -100 
        mc_vacuum = Bt/k
        mc_vacuum = (read_signal(vacuum_shot, identifier))
        mc_vacuum -= mc_vacuum.loc[:0.9e-3].mean()    #remove offset
        mc_vacuum = mc_vacuum.replace([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan], value = 0)
        mc_vacuum = pd.Series(integrate.cumtrapz(mc_vacuum, x=mc_vacuum.index, initial=0) * konst,
                    index=mc_vacuum.index*1000, name= identifier)    #integration

    mc -= mc.loc[:0.9e-3].mean()  #remove offset
    mc = pd.Series(integrate.cumtrapz(mc, x=mc.index, initial=0) * konst,
                    index=mc.index*1000, name= identifier)    #integration
    #Bt elimination
    mc_vacuum = np.array(mc_vacuum) 
    mc_elim = mc - mc_vacuum
    return mc_elim

Plasma life time

In [5]:
loop_voltage = read_signal(shot_no, 'LoopVoltageCoil_raw', BDdata_URL)

dIpch = read_signal(shot_no, 'RogowskiCoil_raw', BDdata_URL)

dIpch -= dIpch.loc[:0.9e-3].mean()

Ipch = pd.Series(integrate.cumtrapz(dIpch, x=dIpch.index, initial=0) * (-5.3*1e06),
                index=dIpch.index, name='Ipch')

U_l_func = interpolate.interp1d(loop_voltage.index, loop_voltage)  
def dIch_dt(t, Ich):
    return (U_l_func(t) - 0.0097 * Ich) / (1.2e-6/2)
t_span = loop_voltage.index[[0, -1]]
solution = integrate.solve_ivp(dIch_dt, t_span, [0], t_eval=loop_voltage.index, )
Ich = pd.Series(solution.y[0], index=loop_voltage.index, name='Ich')
Ip = Ipch - Ich = 'Ip'

Ip_detect = Ip.loc[0.0025:]

dt = (Ip_detect.index[-1] - Ip_detect.index[0]) / (Ip_detect.index.size) 

window_length = int(0.5e-3/dt)  
if window_length % 2 == 0:  
    window_length += 1
dIp = pd.Series(signal.savgol_filter(Ip_detect, window_length, polyorder=3, deriv=1, delta=dt),
                name='dIp', index=Ip_detect.index) / 1e6 

threshold = 0.05

CD = requests.get("" % shot_no)
CD_orientation = CD.text

if "ACW" in CD_orientation:
    plasma_start = dIp[dIp < dIp.min()*threshold].index[0]*1e3 
    plasma_end = dIp.idxmax()*1e3 
    plasma_start = dIp[dIp > dIp.max()*threshold].index[0]*1e3 
    plasma_end = dIp.idxmin()*1e3     

print ('Plasma start =', round(plasma_start, 3), 'ms')
print ('Plasma end =', round(plasma_end, 3), 'ms')
# print (CD_orientation)
Plasma start = 2.5 ms
Plasma end = 13.427 ms

Horizontal plasma position $\Delta r$ calculation

In [6]:
def horpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot=False):
    mc1 = elimination(shot_no, 'mc1', vacuum_shot)
    mc9 = elimination (shot_no, 'mc9', vacuum_shot)
    b = 93
    r = ((mc1-mc9)/(mc1+mc9))*b
    r = r.replace([np.nan], value = 0)
#     return r.loc[plasma_start:]
    return r.loc[plasma_start:plasma_end]
#     return r
In [7]:
r = horpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot)
ax = r.plot()
ax.set(ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(plasma_start,plasma_end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$r [mm]', title = 'Horizontal plasma position #{}'.format(shot_no))
ax.axhline(y=0, color='k', ls='--', lw=1, alpha=0.4)
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6cad4775d0>

Vertical plasma position $\Delta z$ calculation

In [8]:
def vertpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot = False):
    mc5 = elimination(shot_no, 'mc5', vacuum_shot)
    mc13 = elimination (shot_no, 'mc13', vacuum_shot)
    b = 93
    z = ((mc5-mc13)/(mc5+mc13))*b
    z = z.replace([np.nan], value = 0)
#     return z.loc[plasma_start:]
    return z.loc[plasma_start:plasma_end]
#     return z
In [9]:
z = vertpol (shot_no, vacuum_shot)
ax = z.plot()
ax.set(ylim=(-85, 85), xlim=(plasma_start,plasma_end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$z [mm]', title = 'Vertical plasma position #{}'.format(shot_no))
ax.axhline(y=0, color='k', ls='--', lw=1, alpha=0.4)
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f6c8b38c510>

Plasma column radius $a$ calculation

In [10]:
def plasma_radius(shot_no, vacuum_shot=False):
    r = horpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot) 
    z = vertpol(shot_no, vacuum_shot) 
    a0 = 85
    a = a0 - np.sqrt((r**2)+(z**2)) 
    a = a.replace([np.nan], value = 0)
#     return a.loc[plasma_start:]
    return a.loc[plasma_start:plasma_end]
#     return a
In [11]:
a = plasma_radius(shot_no,vacuum_shot)
ax = a.plot()
ax.set(ylim=(0,85), xlim=(plasma_start,plasma_end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$a$ [mm]', title = 'Plasma column radius #{}'.format(shot_no))
[(0, 85),
 Text(0, 0.5, '$a$ [mm]'),
 (2.50031424, 13.427314199999998),
 Text(0.5, 0, 'Time [ms]'),
 Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Plasma column radius #33444')]
In [12]:
plasma_time = []
t = 0
for i in a:
    if i>85 or i <0:
        a = a.replace(i, value = 0)


start = plasma_time[0]-1e-03 
end = plasma_time[-1]-1e-03 
print('start =', round(start, 3), 'ms')
print('end =', round(end, 3), 'ms')
start = 2.5 ms
end = 13.426 ms


In [13]:
r_cut = r.loc[start:end]
a_cut = a.loc[start:end]
z_cut = z.loc[start:end]
df_processed = pd.concat(
    [r_cut.rename('r'), z_cut.rename('z'), a_cut.rename('a')], axis= 'columns')
r z a
2.500525 29.340477 1.858159 55.600743
2.501525 29.260559 1.889955 55.678468
2.502525 29.210833 1.878036 55.728857
2.503525 29.210703 1.759723 55.736340
2.504525 29.250628 1.519095 55.709953
... ... ... ...
13.421530 -40.242851 37.415162 30.051101
13.422530 -40.438292 37.335269 29.962033
13.423530 -40.656712 37.289942 29.832002
13.424530 -40.784001 37.251071 29.764350
13.425530 -40.945198 37.207418 29.674588

10926 rows × 3 columns

In [14]:
savedata = 'plasma_position_%i.csv' %shot_no 

Data to download

In [15]:
Markdown("[Plasma position data - r, z, a ](./{})".format(savedata))
In [16]:
hline = hv.HLine(0)
    alpha = 0.4,

layout = hv.Layout([df_processed[v].hvplot.line(
    xlabel='', ylabel=l,ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(start,end),legend=False, title='', grid=True, group_label=v)
                    for (v, l) in [('r', ' r [mm]'), ('z', 'z [mm]'), ('a', 'a [mm]')] ])*hline

plot=layout.cols(1).opts(hv.opts.Curve(width=600, height=200),  
                    hv.opts.Curve('a', xlabel='time [ms]'))
In [17]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, dpi=200)
r.plot(grid=True, ax=axs[0])
z.plot(grid=True, ax=axs[1])
a.plot(grid=True, ax=axs[2])
axs[2].set(ylim=(0,85), xlim=(start,end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$a$ [mm]')
axs[1].set(ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(start,end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$z [mm]')
axs[0].set(ylim=(-85,85), xlim=(start,end), xlabel= 'Time [ms]', ylabel = '$\Delta$r [mm]', title = 'Horizontal, vertical plasma position and radius #{}'.format(shot_no))
