Strip Detector

Procedure (This notebook to download)

bash wrapper

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re

shot_no = 33813

Download logfile and time of plasma start and plasma end

In [2]:
log_URL = "{}/Diagnostics/StripDetector/PH32.log"
plasma_URL = "{}/analysis_wave_0/BasicDiagnostics/{}"

ds = np.DataSource(None)

#logfile =
logfile ="PH32.log")
t_plasma_start =, "t_plasma_start"))
t_plasma_start = np.loadtxt(t_plasma_start)

t_plasma_end =, "t_plasma_end"))
t_plasma_end = np.loadtxt(t_plasma_end)

Reading log file

first part contains information about configuration
we need

 - acquisition time of one frame
 - delay between frames
 - acquisition mode 
     - hit count -- # of detected particles
     - ToT = Time over threshold $\sim$ deposited energy
     - first hit $\sim$ deposited energy of firts detected particle
     - ToA = Time of Arrival (for time of flight measeruement, not useful in our convtext)

second part consists of 200 frames in format: "$FRAME,[measured value 0-65535],[...],[...]*checksum
0-65534 are used for measeured values, 65535 is used in case of overflow, channel saturation or when channel is disabled

In [3]:
PH32_frames = []
for line in logfile:
    regex_seatm = re.match("\$ACKNL,SEATM -- acquisition time set to (\d+)us", line)
    if regex_seatm:
        acc_time =
        acc_time = int(acc_time)/1000.0
    regex_delay = re.match("\$ACKNL,DELAY -- delay set to (\d+)us", line)
    if regex_delay:
        delay =
        delay = int(delay)/1000.0
    regex_selo1= re.match(
        "\$ACKNL,SELO1 -- local configuration for channel (\d+) was set to value (\d+)", line)
    if regex_selo1 and ( int( & 0x40):
        acc_mode = "ToT"
    elif regex_selo1 and ( int( & 0x20):
        acc_mode = "first hit"
    elif regex_selo1 and ( int( & 0x60):
        acc_mode = "ToA"
        acc_mode = "hit count"
    regex_startb = re.match("\$STARB,(\d+),(\d+)", line)
    if regex_startb:
        start_delay =
        start_delay = int(start_delay)/1000.0

    regex_frame = re.match("\$FRAME,((?:\d+,)+)(\d+)\*[0-9a-f]{2}", line)
    if regex_frame:
        line = np.fromstring(''.join(regex_frame.groups()), sep=',')
        line[line == 65535] = -1 ### SATURATION or ERROR in measeurement (or chanel disabled)
PH32_frames = np.array(PH32_frames)

Rearrange channels

order of channels dont correnspod to order of strip on sensor, we need to rearange them
strip n. 0 is on channel 15, strip n. 1 on channel 16 ...

In [4]:
channelOrder = [15,16,14,17,13,18,12,19,11,20,10,21,9,22,8,23,24,7,25,6,26,5,27,4,28,3,29,2,30,1,31,0]

perm_mat = np.zeros((len(channelOrder), len(channelOrder)))

for idx, i in enumerate(channelOrder):
    perm_mat[i, idx] = 1

PH32_frames =, perm_mat)

Plot result

In [5]:
time_btw_frames = acc_time + delay
y_tics = np.arange(0,32,1)
t_tics = np.arange(0, PH32_frames.shape[0]*time_btw_frames, time_btw_frames)
t_tics += start_delay

cmap =
cmap.set_under("grey") #bad measeurement in grey

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.pcolormesh(t_tics, y_tics, PH32_frames.T, vmin = 0, cmap=cmap)
ax.set_ylabel("strip n.")
ax.set_xlabel("time [ms]")

if t_plasma_start != -1.0 and t_plasma_start != -1.0:
    ax.set_xlim(start_delay, t_plasma_end + 2)
    ax.axvline(t_plasma_start, color = "white", dashes=[1, 2], label='plasma start')
    ax.axvline(t_plasma_end, color = "white", dashes=[1, 2], label='plasma end')

cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax);
