Tokamak GOLEM Basic diagnostics

Procedure (This notebook to download)

bash wrapper, Error log

Prerequisities: function definitions

Load libraries

For interactive web figures

For conditional rich-text boxes

Define global constants.

The DataSource downloads and caches data (by full URL) in a temporary directory and makes them accessible as files.

Plasma detection result loading

This part of the algorithm is done with higher priority before the this notebook

Ul management

Check the data availability

Bt calculation

Check the data availability

It is as magnetic measurement, so the raw data only give dBtdt

Integration (it is a magnetic diagnostic) & calibration

Chamber (+ Plasma) current Ip+ch calculation

The Rogowski coil around the chamber measures the total current contained within its boundaries. Therefore, if there is plasma, it measures the sum of the plasma and chamber currents. In a vacuum discharge it measures only the chamber current.

Check the data availability

Because it is a magnetic measurement, the raw data only gives dIp+chdt

Integration (it is a magnetic diagnostic) & calibration

Chamber current Ich calculation

The chamber current Ich satisfies the equation (neglecting the mutual inductance with the plasma) Ul=RchIch+LchdIchdt Therefore, the following initial value problem must be solved to take into account the chamber inductance properly dIchdt=1Lch(UlRchIch),Ich(t=0)=0

Plasma current Ip calculation

If there is plasma, the plasma current can be estimated as the difference between the total measured current and the estimated chamber current Ip=Ip+chIch

Overview graphs and parameters

For convenience time is saved and displayed in ms, currents in kA.

Save each processed signal Series in a separate CSV file with Time and value columns