Automatic mode activated.
Input configuration: Setting.json
Output configuration: SettingOut.json
Shot number is: 0
List of active spectrometers from JSON (1):
 0 HR+C1886 alias VIS
Connected to spectrometer [0]
 Spectrometer[0] model: HR2000PLUS
 Spectrometer[0] serial number: HR+C1886
Setting spectrometer HR+C1886 (VIS)
 Firmware: 12344
 High Delay is 0 (set is 0), Low Delay is 1000 (set is 1000)
 Spectrometer strobe is enabled
 Setting integration time:
   Trigger mode is Software (0)
   Integration time is 1600 us
   Spectrum length is 2048
   Specta count is 15
   Spectrum was acquired to set spectrometer
   Trigger mode is Hardware
Collecting spectra
Acquisition statistic for spectrometer HR+C1886 (VIS)
 Temperature: 33.4979 °C
 Average time: 1.59199 ms
 Delay relative to the first finished spectrometer: 0 ms
Saving output configuration JSON to SettingOut.json