Processing math: 100%


script for convert .t3pa files to .t3pa_cls

.t3pa file example:

Index Matrix Index ToA ToT FToA Overflow
0 4574 832 29 6 0
1 4831 832 35 7 0
2 4575 832 100 8 0
3 31031 1745 22 11 0

.t3pa_cls file example:

% Index Matrix Index [ RowNo, ClmNo ] ToA FToA ( ToA_in_ns ) ToT ( ToT_in_keV ) Overflow
# 1, Nunmasked = 3, Nmasked = 0, Ntot = 3 # Tfirst = 2.0787500000000000e+04 ns, Tlast = 2.0790625000000000e+04 ns, dT = 3.125000 ns, Etot = 64.428148 keV
2 4575 [ 17, 223 ] 832 8 ( 2.0787500000000000e+04 ns ) 100 ( 37.867914 keV ) 0
1 4831 [ 18, 223 ] 832 7 ( 2.0789062500000000e+04 ns ) 35 ( 14.733453 keV ) 0
0 4574 [ 17, 222 ] 832 6 ( 2.0790625000000000e+04 ns ) 29 ( 11.826781 keV ) 0
# 2, Nunmasked = 3, Nmasked = 0, Ntot = 3 # Tfirst = 4.3601562500000000e+04 ns, Tlast = 4.3607812500000000e+04 ns, dT = 6.250000 ns, Etot = 63.577435 keV
5 30775 [ 120, 55 ] 1745 15 ( 4.3601562500000000e+04 ns ) 99 ( 37.617059 keV ) 0
4 30776 [ 120, 56 ] 1745 13 ( 4.3604687500000000e+04 ns ) 44 ( 14.715446 keV ) 0
3 31031 [ 121, 55 ] 1745 11 ( 4.3607812500000000e+04 ns ) 2 2 ( 11.244929 keV ) 0

t3pa2cls_XII - upravena fce energy(a, b, c, t, ToT, pocet_udalosti, RowNo, ClmNo) - nyni je se pocita i s pripadem "nan" t3pa2cls_XV_pc - zkousim vyzobat vysoke energie (jednotlive interakce) - funkce single_interaction. Dale delam prumernou velikost stopy stopy interakce pro danou energii - funkce size_of_interactions_average. Dale delam spektra 2 casti vyboje podle zadaneho casu - primarne pro double breakdown, tj. funkce energy_spectra_doublebreakdown


File names

Calling functions

Hit map

raw data

Energy and time calculation

Energy and time calculation from raw data.

Detected energies during the discharge

Energy spectrum

Count of hits during the discharge

Graph for home page

Detected energies during the discharge + Energy spectrum

Average size of interactions

Energy spectra for parts of doublebreadown discharges