In [1]:
import os, math
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numba import vectorize, float64, boolean, njit
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import holoviews as hv
from IPython.display import Markdown
from holoviews.operation import decimate
#import hvplot.pandas
#from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade,rasterize, dynspread
#import dask.dataframe as dd
#import hvplot.dask
hv.extension('bokeh', logo = False)
In [2]:
# turn off numpy warning for overflow in np.exp()
In [3]:
shot_no = 0
(Internal Tektronix format) .wfm parser¶
In [4]:
# wfm reader proof-of-concept
# reads volts vs. time records (including fastframes) from little-endian version 3 WFM files
# See Also
# Performance Oscilloscope Reference Waveform File Format
# Tektronix part # 077-0220-10
import struct
import time
import numpy as np #
class WfmReadError(Exception):
"""error for unexpected things"""
def read_wfm(target):
"""return sample data from target WFM file"""
with open(target, 'rb') as f:
hbytes =
meta = decode_header(hbytes)
# file signature checks
if meta['byte_order'] != 0x0f0f:
raise WfmReadError('big-endian not supported in this example')
if meta['version'] != b':WFM#003':
raise WfmReadError('only version 3 wfms supported in this example')
if meta['imp_dim_count'] != 1:
raise WfmReadError('imp dim count not 1')
if meta['exp_dim_count'] != 1:
raise WfmReadError('exp dim count not 1')
if meta['record_type'] != 2:
raise WfmReadError('not WFMDATA_VECTOR')
if meta['exp_dim_1_type'] != 0:
raise WfmReadError('not EXPLICIT_SAMPLE')
if meta['time_base_1'] != 0:
raise WfmReadError('not BASE_TIME')
tfrac_array = np.zeros(meta['Frames'], dtype=np.double)
tdatefrac_array = np.zeros(meta['Frames'], dtype=np.double)
tdate_array = np.zeros(meta['Frames'], dtype=np.int32)
tfrac_array[0] = meta['tfrac']
tdatefrac_array[0] = meta['tdatefrac']
tdate_array[0] = meta['tdate']
# if fastframe, read fastframe table
if meta['fastframe'] == 1:
WUSp = np.fromfile(f, dtype='i4,f8,f8,i4', count=(meta['Frames'] - 1))
# merge first frame trigger infos with frames > 1
tfrac_array[1:] = WUSp['f1']
tdatefrac_array[1:] = WUSp['f2']
tdate_array[1:] = WUSp['f3']
# read curve block
bin_wave = np.memmap(filename = f,
dtype = meta['dformat'],
mode = 'r',
offset = meta['curve_offset'],
shape = (meta['avilable_values'], meta['Frames']),
order = 'F')
# close file
# slice out buffer values
bin_wave = bin_wave[meta['pre_values']:meta['avilable_values'] - meta['post_values'],:]
scaled_array = bin_wave * meta['vscale'] + meta['voffset']
return scaled_array, meta['tstart'], meta['tscale'], tfrac_array, tdatefrac_array, tdate_array
def decode_header(header_bytes):
"""returns a dict of wfm metadata"""
wfm_info = {}
if len(header_bytes) != 838:
raise WfmReadError('wfm header bytes not 838')
wfm_info['byte_order'] = struct.unpack_from('H', header_bytes, offset=0)[0]
wfm_info['version'] = struct.unpack_from('8s', header_bytes, offset=2)[0]
wfm_info['imp_dim_count'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=114)[0]
wfm_info['exp_dim_count'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=118)[0]
wfm_info['record_type'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=122)[0]
wfm_info['exp_dim_1_type'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=244)[0]
wfm_info['time_base_1'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=768)[0]
wfm_info['fastframe'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=78)[0]
wfm_info['Frames'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=72)[0] + 1
wfm_info['summary_frame'] = struct.unpack_from('h', header_bytes, offset=154)[0]
wfm_info['curve_offset'] = struct.unpack_from('i', header_bytes, offset=16)[0] # 838 + ((frames - 1) * 54)
# scaling factors
wfm_info['vscale'] = struct.unpack_from('d', header_bytes, offset=168)[0]
wfm_info['voffset'] = struct.unpack_from('d', header_bytes, offset=176)[0]
wfm_info['tstart'] = struct.unpack_from('d', header_bytes, offset=496)[0]
wfm_info['tscale'] = struct.unpack_from('d', header_bytes, offset=488)[0]
# trigger detail
wfm_info['tfrac'] = struct.unpack_from('d', header_bytes, offset=788)[0] # frame index 0
wfm_info['tdatefrac'] = struct.unpack_from('d', header_bytes, offset=796)[0] # frame index 0
wfm_info['tdate'] = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=804)[0] # frame index 0
# data offsets
# frames are same size, only first frame offsets are used
dpre = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=822)[0]
wfm_info['dpre'] = dpre
dpost = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=826)[0]
wfm_info['dpost'] = dpost
readbytes = dpost - dpre
wfm_info['readbytes'] = readbytes
allbytes = struct.unpack_from('I', header_bytes, offset=830)[0]
wfm_info['allbytes'] = allbytes
# sample data type detection
code = struct.unpack_from('i', header_bytes, offset=240)[0]
wfm_info['code'] = code
bps = struct.unpack_from('b', header_bytes, offset=15)[0] # bytes-per-sample
wfm_info['bps'] = bps
if code == 7 and bps == 1:
dformat = 'int8'
samples = readbytes
elif code == 0 and bps == 2:
dformat = 'int16'
samples = readbytes // 2
elif code == 4 and bps == 4:
dformat = 'single'
samples = readbytes // 4
raise WfmReadError('data type code or bytes-per-sample not understood')
wfm_info['dformat'] = dformat
wfm_info['samples'] = samples
wfm_info['avilable_values'] = allbytes // bps
wfm_info['pre_values'] = dpre // bps
wfm_info['post_values'] = (allbytes - dpost) // bps
return wfm_info
def readwfm(path):
volts, tstart, tscale, tfrac, tdatefrac, tdate = read_wfm(path)
toff = tfrac * tscale
samples, frames = volts.shape
tstop = samples * tscale + tstart
volts = volts.reshape(len(volts))
time = np.linspace(tstart+toff, tstop+toff, num=samples, endpoint=False)
time = time.reshape(len(volts))
return time,volts
Get Hi-Res data from MSO58 oscilloscope¶
In [5]:
err = None
# load data locally
fnames = ['DAS_raw_data_dir/ch1.wfm',
ds = np.DataSource()
if not os.path.isfile('DAS_raw_data_dir/ch6.wfm'):
# or download from web (slow)
for i, ch_no in enumerate(range(1,8)):
file ='{shot_no}/Devices/Oscilloscopes/TektrMSO58-a/ch{ch_no}.wfm', mode = 'rb')
fnames[i] =
except (ConnectionError, FileNotFoundError) as e:
err = Markdown('### Can not download data')
if err is None:
t_vec, y_ch1 = readwfm(fnames[0])
_, y_ch2 = readwfm(fnames[1])
_, y_ch3 = readwfm(fnames[2])
_, y_ch4 = readwfm(fnames[3])
_, y_ch5 = readwfm(fnames[4])
_, y_ch6 = readwfm(fnames[5])
_, y_ch7 = readwfm(fnames[6])
Check if data has sufficient sample rate
In [6]:
dt = t_vec[1]-t_vec[0]
MSamples = 1e-6/(dt)
downsample = int(np.rint(float(1e-6) / dt))
if MSamples >= 120:
out = Markdown(f'### Data with {MSamples:.1f}MS/s resolution')
low_res_data = False
out = Markdown('### Low resolution for peak recononstruction \n adjust oscilloscope settings')
low_res_data = True
Data with 250.0MS/s resolution¶
In [7]:
# class for storing channels and their parameters and results
class channel:
name : str
time : np.ndarray
y : np.ndarray
noPlot : bool = False
noFit : bool = False
## parameters for peak detection
mean_noise_threshold_mult : float = 3.5
peak_prominence_thr : float = 0.001
# peak rise / fall time
rise_time : float = None
fall_time : float = None
# calibration
calibration : float = None # keV/V
# Flip waveform of PMTs but no SiPMs
flip_waveform : bool = True
## parameters recieved from further analysis
mean_channel_noise : float = 0
# threshold
threshold : float = 0
# arrays for results
simple_peak_loc : np.ndarray = None
lonely_peak_loc : np.ndarray = None
# for debug
lonely_peak_mask : np.ndarray = None
no_corr_peak_height : np.ndarray = None
lonely_peak_height : np.ndarray = None
simple_corr_peak_height : np.ndarray = None
simple_corr_peak_err : np.ndarray = None
simple_corr_peak_filtered_loc : np.ndarray = None
simple_corr_peak_filtered_height : np.ndarray = None
In [8]:
# set channel and their parameters
ch1 = channel('LYSO 6', t_vec, y_ch2, rise_time=6.180e-09, fall_time=5.215e-08, calibration=3644., flip_waveform=False) # @ C:300mV
ch2 = channel('LYSO 7', t_vec, y_ch2, rise_time=6.106e-09, fall_time=5.382e-08, calibration=3711., flip_waveform=False) # @ @ C:300mV
ch3 = channel('CeBr-a', t_vec, y_ch3, rise_time=1.457e-09, fall_time=2.754e-08, calibration=12578.) # @ HV:600 V
ch4 = channel('CeBr-b', t_vec, y_ch4, rise_time=3.410e-09, fall_time=2.786e-08, calibration=6714.) # @ HV:600 V
ch5 = channel('LYSO 3', t_vec, y_ch5, rise_time=6.124e-09, fall_time=5.355e-08, calibration=4884.5, flip_waveform=False) # @ @ C:300mV
ch6 = channel('LYSO 1', t_vec, y_ch6, rise_time=6.004e-09, fall_time=5.149e-08, calibration=4959.8, flip_waveform=False) # @ @ C:300mV
ch7 = channel('LYSO 5', t_vec, y_ch7, rise_time=6.194e-09, fall_time=5.381e-08, calibration=3564., flip_waveform=False, ) # @ C:300mV mod
channels = [ch3,ch4,ch6,ch5,ch7,ch1,ch2]
In [9]:
color_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(channels), sharex =True)
label =, color = c) for ax, ch, c in zip(axes, channels, color_cycle)]
[ax.axhline(1., color = 'red', ls = '--')
for ax, ch in zip(axes, channels) if not ch.flip_waveform and np.any(ch.y > 1.)]
is_clipping = [np.any(ch.y > 1.) for ch in channels if not ch.flip_waveform]
if np.any(is_clipping):
warning = Markdown("""### SiPM's TIA amplifier saturated""")
Remove offset from OSC waveforms and flip¶
In [10]:
def get_noise_level(t,y_vals,noise_time):
y_noise = y_vals[t < noise_time]
y_noise = np.nan_to_num(y_noise, posinf = 0, neginf = 0)
mean_y = np.mean(y_noise)
# mean noise amplitude
abs_noise = np.abs(y_noise - mean_y)**2
mean_noise_ampl = np.sqrt(np.mean(abs_noise))
return mean_y, mean_noise_ampl
def moving_average(x, w):
return np.convolve(x, np.ones(w), 'save') / w
for ch in channels:
noise, ch.mean_channel_noise = get_noise_level(ch.time, ch.y, 0.000)
ch.y = ch.y - noise
ch.threshold = ch.mean_channel_noise*ch.mean_noise_threshold_mult
if ch.flip_waveform:
ch.y *=-1
## smooth-out noise
ch.y = moving_average(ch.y, 5)
Plot OSC waveforms and peak thresholds¶
In [11]:
#%matplotlib widget
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(channels), sharex =True)
for ax,ch,color in zip(axes,channels, color_cycle):
ax.plot(ch.time[::downsample]*1e3, ch.y[::downsample], label =, color=color)
ax.axhline(ch.mean_channel_noise,ls= '-.', c = 'k')
ax.axhline(ch.threshold,ls= '--', c = 'k')
ax.set_ylim(-2*ch.threshold, 2*ch.threshold)
Find peaks¶
In [12]:
max_HXR_energy = 10.
for ch in channels:
peaks_loc, _ = find_peaks(ch.y, height=ch.threshold, prominence = ch.mean_channel_noise*2)
ch.simple_peak_loc = peaks_loc
ch.no_corr_peak_height = ch.y[peaks_loc]
if ch.calibration is not None and not ch.noPlot and not ch.noFit:
if == 'NaITl':
max_HXR_energy = np.max((max_HXR_energy, ch.no_corr_peak_height.max()*ch.calibration))
Define useful functions¶
In [13]:
def get_index(oneDArray, val):
diff = np.abs(oneDArray - val)
return np.argmin(diff)
def exp_decay(t,height,decay_time):
return height * np.exp(-t/decay_time)
def is_lonely_peak(time, HXR_y, peaks, peak_no , fall_time, mean_noise_level):
peak_fall_time = fall_time * np.log(HXR_y[peaks[peak_no]]/mean_noise_level)
# by defintion first peak is lonely
if peak_no == 0:
return True
if peak_no != 0:
t_before = time[peaks[peak_no]] - peak_fall_time
t_peak_before = time[peaks[peak_no-1]]
if t_before < t_peak_before:
return False
if peak_no <= peaks.size-2:
t_after = time[peaks[peak_no]] + peak_fall_time
t_peak_after = time[peaks[peak_no+1]]
if t_peak_after < t_after:
return False
return True
def identify_lonely_peaks(time,HXR_y, peaks, channel_props):
def is_lonely_peak_reduced(n):
return is_lonely_peak(time,
lonely_peaks_idx = [is_lonely_peak_reduced(n) for n in range(peaks.size)]
lonely_peaks_idx = np.array(lonely_peaks_idx, np.bool_)
return lonely_peaks_idx
def find_nearest_idx(array,value):
idx = np.searchsorted(array, value, side="left")
if idx > 0 and (idx == len(array) or math.fabs(value - array[idx-1]) < math.fabs(value - array[idx])):
return idx-1
return idx
def estimate_baseline(time, HXR_y, current_peak_idx,peak_loc_arr, channel_props):
fall_time = channel_props.fall_time
# if current peak is lonely, no need to find previous
if is_lonely_peak(time, HXR_y, peak_loc_arr, current_peak_idx, fall_time,channel_props.mean_channel_noise):
return 0
prev_peak_index = peak_loc_arr[current_peak_idx-1]
prev_peak_time = time[prev_peak_index]
curr_peak_time = time[peak_loc_arr[current_peak_idx]]
prev_peak_height = HXR_y[prev_peak_index]
baseline_estimate = exp_decay(curr_peak_time-prev_peak_time,prev_peak_height,fall_time)
return baseline_estimate
def simple_peak_correction(time, data_y,peak_loc_array, channel_props):
corrected_peak_heights = np.zeros_like(peak_loc_array, float)
for n, peak in enumerate(peak_loc_array):
# find prev peak and use decay time to calculate baseline for current peak
peak_height = data_y[peak]
baseline = estimate_baseline(time, data_y, n,peak_loc_array,channel_props)
# hotfix
#if baseline < 0 or baseline > 1:
# baseline= 0
corrected_peak_heights[n] = peak_height - baseline
return corrected_peak_heights
In [14]:
for ch in channels:
if ch.noFit or ch.rise_time is None or ch.rise_time is None:
ch.simple_corr_peak_height = simple_peak_correction(ch.time, ch.y,ch.simple_peak_loc, ch)
ch.lonely_peak_mask = identify_lonely_peaks(ch.time, ch.y,
ch.lonely_peak_loc = ch.simple_peak_loc[ch.lonely_peak_mask].copy()
ch.lonely_peak_height = ch.no_corr_peak_height[ch.lonely_peak_mask].copy()
In [15]:
plots = list()
for ch in channels:
if ch.noFit or ch.rise_time is None or ch.rise_time is None or ch.noPlot:
waveform = decimate(hv.Curve((ch.time*1e3, ch.y), 't','U_%s' %, label =
peaks_pl = hv.ErrorBars((ch.time[ch.simple_peak_loc]*1e3,ch.y[ch.simple_peak_loc],ch.simple_corr_peak_height,0),
vdims=['U_%s' %, 'yerrneg', 'yerrpos'],label = 'peaks').opts(upper_head=None, lower_head=None)
plot = waveform * peaks_pl
plot.opts(width=950, height = 200).relabel(
In [16]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, sharex = True, sharey=True)
(ax,ax2,ax3) = axes
for ch, color in zip(channels, color_cycle):
ax.hist(ch.no_corr_peak_height*ch.calibration, bins = 100, label = '%s' %, histtype = 'step', color = color)
if ch.noFit or ch.rise_time is None or ch.fall_time is None:
ax2.hist(ch.simple_corr_peak_height[ch.lonely_peak_mask]*ch.calibration, bins = 100, histtype = 'step', color = color)
ax3.hist(ch.simple_corr_peak_height*ch.calibration, bins = 100, histtype = 'step', color = color)
ax.set_title('Raw Peaks')
ax2.set_title('Lonely Peaks')
ax3.set_title('Simple correction')
[a.grid() for a in axes];
[a.semilogy() for a in axes];
In [17]:
ip_url = f'{shot_no}/Diagnostics/BasicDiagnostics/Results/Ip.csv'
ip =
ip = np.loadtxt(ip,delimiter=',')
In [18]:
plot_channels = []
for ch,color in zip(channels,color_cycle):
if ch.noPlot or ch.calibration is None or ch.noFit:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = len(plot_channels), ncols =2, figsize = [1.5*6.4, 1.75*4.8])
prevAx = None
prevrAx = None
for ch,color,ax, rax in zip(plot_channels,color_cycle,axes[:,0],axes[:,1]):
if ch.noPlot or ch.calibration is None:
_, bins, _ = ax.hist(ch.no_corr_peak_height*ch.calibration, bins = 100, label =,
range = (0,max_HXR_energy), histtype = 'step', ls = '--', color = color)
if ch.noFit or ch.rise_time is None or ch.rise_time is None:
h1, b1 = np.histogram(ch.simple_corr_peak_height*ch.calibration,
bins = len(bins)-1, range = (bins[0], bins[-1]))
ax.step(bins[:-1], h1, color = color, alpha = .75)
h3, b3 = np.histogram(ch.simple_corr_peak_height[ch.lonely_peak_mask]*ch.calibration,
bins = len(bins)-1, range = (bins[0], bins[-1]))
ax.step(bins[:-1], h3, color = color, ls = '--', alpha = .75)
ip_l = rax.plot(ip[:,0],ip[:,1],'k--', label = '$I_p$')
rax = rax.twinx()
peak_time = ch.time[ch.simple_peak_loc] * 1e3
peak_height = ch.simple_corr_peak_height*ch.calibration
rax.scatter(peak_time,peak_height, color = color,s = .1 )
if not ch.flip_waveform:
max_reliableE = ch.calibration * .9
if np.any(ch.y[ch.simple_peak_loc]>max_reliableE):
rax.axhline(max_reliableE/2,color = 'r',ls = '-')
ax.set_ylabel('N [-]')
if prevAx is not None:
prevAx = ax
rax.set_ylabel('$E$ [keV]')
if prevrAx is not None:
prevrAx = rax
newHandles = [ip_l[0]]
for ax in axes[:,0]:
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
newHandles += handles
fig.legend(handles= newHandles,frameon =True, fancybox=True,framealpha=1.,loc = 'lower center')
ax.set_xlabel('$E$ [keV]')
rax.set_xlabel('t [ms]');
In [19]:
slice_size = 1 # per ms
time_slices = np.arange(0, t_vec[-1]*1e3,slice_size)
LYSO1_pc, LYSO3_pc, LYSO5_pc = np.zeros_like(time_slices), np.zeros_like(time_slices), np.zeros_like(time_slices)
LYSO6_pc, LYSO7_pc = np.zeros_like(time_slices), np.zeros_like(time_slices)
for time_slice_idx, time_slice in enumerate(time_slices):
for ch, pc in zip([ch6,ch5,ch7,ch1,ch2],[LYSO1_pc,LYSO3_pc,LYSO5_pc, LYSO6_pc,LYSO7_pc]):
peak_times = ch.time[ch.simple_peak_loc]
pc[time_slice_idx] = np.sum(np.logical_and(time_slice < peak_times*1e3, peak_times*1e3 < time_slice + slice_size))
fig, (ax,ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex = True)
ax.plot(time_slices,LYSO1_pc, label =
ax.plot(time_slices,LYSO3_pc, label =
ax.plot(time_slices,LYSO3_pc, label =
ax.plot(time_slices,LYSO5_pc, label =
ax.plot(time_slices,LYSO6_pc, label =
ax2.plot(time_slices,LYSO1_pc, label =
ax2.plot(time_slices,LYSO3_pc, label =
ax2.plot(time_slices,LYSO3_pc, label =
ax2.plot(time_slices,LYSO5_pc, label =
ax2.plot(time_slices,LYSO6_pc, label =
ax.set_ylabel('# [-]')
ax2.set_ylabel('# [-]')
In [20]:
peak_count_df = pd.DataFrame({"time" : time_slices, "LYSO1" : LYSO1_pc, "LYSO3" : LYSO3_pc, "LYSO5" : LYSO5_pc, "LYSO6" : LYSO6_pc, "LYSO7" : LYSO7_pc})
peak_count_df.set_index('time', inplace=True)
In [21]:
columns = peak_count_df.columns
ratio_df = pd.DataFrame(index=peak_count_df.index)
for i in range(len(columns)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(columns)): # Avoid duplicate ratios (A/B and B/A)
ratio_df[f"{columns[i]}/{columns[j]}"] = peak_count_df[columns[i]] / peak_count_df[columns[j]]
fig, (ax,ax2) = plt.subplots(2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 7))
for col in ratio_df.columns:
ax.plot(ratio_df.index, ratio_df[col], label=col)
ax2.plot(ratio_df.index, ratio_df[col], label=col)
ax2.set_xlabel("Time [ms]")