all: echo "Golem session

Golem session: `cat Komora/StartTime`


" > index.html;\ chmod -f o+w index.html; chmod -f o+w index.html; echo "" >> index.html;\ for i in `dir -1 -r |grep -v Komora|grep -v Aktual|grep -v index.html|grep -v www|grep -v Archiv|grep -v Others|grep -v makefile|grep -v velin`; do \ if [ `stat --format="%s" $$i/loopcomment 2>/dev/null ` -ge "2" 2>/dev/null ];then echo "">>index.html;fi; \ if [ `stat --format="%s" $$i/wwwcomment` -ge "2" ];then echo "">>index.html;fi; \ \ echo "">>index.html;\ \ echo "" >>index.html;\ \ if [ `stat --format="%s" $$i/shotpostcomment 2>/dev/null ` -ge "2" 2>/dev/null ];then echo "">>index.html;fi; \ if [ `stat --format="%s" $$i/loopcomment 2>/dev/null ` -ge "2" 2>/dev/null ];then echo "">>index.html;fi; \ PlasmaStatus=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/Plasma`;\ if [ "$$PlasmaStatus" = "1" ]; then \ echo "">>index.html;\ fi;\ done;\ echo "
End of the loop: "`cat $$i/loopcomment`"
Shot (pre) comment: "`cat $$i/wwwcomment`"
`cat $$i/ShotNo` (`cat $$i/starttime_`)(UCBt,UCBD,UCOH,UCDS)=(`cat $$i/nabijeni/Ub_limit`,`cat $$i/nabijeni/Ubd_limit`(`cat $$i/Te_aktual|awk '{printf "%3.1f ms",$$1/1000}'`),`cat $$i/nabijeni/Ue_limit`(`cat $$i/Te_aktual|awk '{printf "%3.1f ms",$$1/1000}'`),`cat $$i/nabijeni/Uds_limit`(`cat $$i/Tds_aktual|awk '{printf "%3.1f ms",$$1/1000}'`)) [V]pH2=`cat $$i/Initial_PfeifferMerkaVakua`->`cat $$i/Aktual_PfeifferMerkaVakua` mPa
H2Fill:" >>index.html;if [ `cat $$i/H2filling` -eq 1 ]; then echo "" >>index.html;fi;echo "
PrimReactor:" >>index.html;if [ `cat $$i/PrimaryReactor` -eq 1 ]; then echo "" >>index.html;fi;echo "
PreIonization:" >>index.html;if [ `cat $$i/PreIonization` -eq 1 ]; then echo "" >>index.html;fi;echo "
Post comment:"`cat $$i/shotpostcomment`"
Start of the loop: "`cat $$i/loopcomment`"
ΔT=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/PlasmaTimeLength` ms, <Ip>=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/MeanPlasmaCurrent` kA, UlBD=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/BreakDownVoltage` V, <Ul>=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/MeanUloop` V, QPl=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/PlasmaTotalCharge` C, Te=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/ElectronTemperature` eV, POH=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/OhmicHeatingPower` kW, Qed=`cat $$i/basicdiagn/Qedge`
" >> index.html;\