Data mining

Golem database supports web access, however it is very ineffective to download separately huge number of scalar parameters, therefore it is recommender to use function get_history from pygolem toolkit. Function get_history is in pygolem_lite.modules. This method is used in HistoricalAnalysis webpage. Although only python version is implemented, data can be easily saved to .mat files. See the second example

Example of use:

Downloading data for breakdown studies link :


  • if plasma_status is nan => some serious failure of diagnostics ,
  • plasma_life > 15 ms is probably error
  • loop_voltage_max < 5V is probably DAS error
  • pressure > 100mPa is unphysical (probably opened chamber)
  • transformator_saturation if more than 0.8 and plasma == 1 => probably false plasma detect
  • session_name - some sessions should be avoided ie Technological/, Vacuum/

Search closest shot script

This script finds shots close in database to user selected variables. Example of use:

Five closest shots will be downloaded to closest_shots file. Shots are searched in a preloaded data file - (shots 5000 to 10700)

List of inputs for closest shot search script:


  • Plotting should be removed later
  • If some variables are not user defined, they are treated as irrelevant dimensions

Parallel data downloader: - diagnostic and shot range can be setup in the script