Revision 97eb33aa901a4f11c2e8a690f016d0f7fca7dbaa (click the page title to view the current version)


\documentclass[11pt,pdftex]{article}\usepackage[legalpaper, landscape, margin=2in]{geometry}
\usepackage{graphicx}\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\usepackage{longtable}\usepackage{pbox}\topmargin -3cm\oddsidemargin -2cm\textwidth 20cm\textheight 20cm\begin{document}
GOLEM Logbook for month:1 \& year:2022

{\def\boxwidth{9cm}\small \begin{longtable}{ |p{19mm}|p{8mm}|p{8mm}|p{13mm}|p{45mm}|p{25mm}|p{8cm}|p{\boxwidth}|p{18mm}| }  \hline
{\bf Date }&{\bf  Time } & {\bf Session ID } & {\bf Vacuum } & {\bf Mission } & {\bf Setup } & {\bf Staff } & {\bf On stage wave} & {\bf Dose}\\ \hline
\input{tables/122tabletobeincl2latex} \end{longtable}}\
GOLEM Logbook for month:2 \& year:2022

{\def\boxwidth{9cm}\small \begin{longtable}{ |p{19mm}|p{8mm}|p{8mm}|p{13mm}|p{45mm}|p{25mm}|p{8cm}|p{\boxwidth}|p{18mm}| }  \hline
{\bf Date }&{\bf  Time } & {\bf Session ID } & {\bf Vacuum } & {\bf Mission } & {\bf Setup } & {\bf Staff } & {\bf On stage wave} & {\bf Dose}\\ \hline
\input{tables/222tabletobeincl2latex} \end{longtable}}\
GOLEM Logbook for month:3 \& year:2022

{\def\boxwidth{9cm}\small \begin{longtable}{ |p{19mm}|p{8mm}|p{8mm}|p{13mm}|p{45mm}|p{25mm}|p{8cm}|p{\boxwidth}|p{18mm}| }  \hline
{\bf Date }&{\bf  Time } & {\bf Session ID } & {\bf Vacuum } & {\bf Mission } & {\bf Setup } & {\bf Staff } & {\bf On stage wave} & {\bf Dose}\\ \hline
\input{tables/322tabletobeincl2latex} \end{longtable}}\
GOLEM Logbook for month:4 \& year:2022

{\def\boxwidth{9cm}\small \begin{longtable}{ |p{19mm}|p{8mm}|p{8mm}|p{13mm}|p{45mm}|p{25mm}|p{8cm}|p{\boxwidth}|p{18mm}| }  \hline
{\bf Date }&{\bf  Time } & {\bf Session ID } & {\bf Vacuum } & {\bf Mission } & {\bf Setup } & {\bf Staff } & {\bf On stage wave} & {\bf Dose}\\ \hline
\input{tables/422tabletobeincl2latex} \end{longtable}}\
GOLEM Logbook for month:5 \& year:2022

{\def\boxwidth{9cm}\small \begin{longtable}{ |p{19mm}|p{8mm}|p{8mm}|p{13mm}|p{45mm}|p{25mm}|p{8cm}|p{\boxwidth}|p{18mm}| }  \hline
{\bf Date }&{\bf  Time } & {\bf Session ID } & {\bf Vacuum } & {\bf Mission } & {\bf Setup } & {\bf Staff } & {\bf On stage wave} & {\bf Dose}\\ \hline
\input{tables/522tabletobeincl2latex} \end{longtable}}\