
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" CREATED: 7/2012

from numpy import *
from config import *
import sys
    #from matplotlib.pyplot import *

def import_matplotlib():
    import matplotlib
    matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = 'Agg'
    matplotlib.rc('font',  size='10')
    matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)  # FIXME !! nicer but slower !!!
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    return plt

   plt = import_matplotlib()

import os, re, datetime, time
from pygolem_lite import *
from copy import deepcopy
from pygolem_lite import isnone 

###################### SIMPLE DATA LOADING ##############################

def cat(path, lines = [0], return_array = False):
    """ read file from `path` and return string. If there is several lines, it can return array if `return_array == True`
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        content_tmp = f.readlines()
        if return_array: return content_tmp
        if len(lines) == 0:
            lines = range(len(content_tmp))
        content = ""
        for i in lines:
            content += content_tmp[i]
        #content = 'N/A'

    return content #return the raw string

####################### OTHER USEFUL ROUTINES #################################x
def nanmedian(data):
    return median(data[~isnan(data)])

def list2array(L):
    convert list output from pygolem to array / scalar
    if type(L)  is not list and  type(L)  is not tuple :
        return L
    if ndim(L[1]) == 1:
        dim = 1
        dim = size(L[1],1)

    out = empty([len(L[0]), dim+1])
    out[:,0] = L[0]
    out[:,1:] = reshape(L[1], (-1, dim))
    return out

def random_number_downsample(tvec, data, N):
    downsample data without moire effects 
    Ndata = len(tvec)
    if Ndata <= N:
	return tvec, data
    ind = int_( linspace(0,Ndata-1, N))
    ind_rand = ind + (random.randint(0,Ndata/N, size = (N)) if Ndata/N > 0 else 0)
    ind_rand[-1] = Ndata-1
    ind_rand = unique(ind_rand)
    return tvec[ind_rand], data[ind_rand,:]

###################### PLOTTING  ##############################

def multiplot(data_all, title_name, file_name, figsize = (9,None), dpi = 100, orientation = 'vertical', file_type = 'png', reduction = False, debug_info = True):
    """ Plot several graphs to on multiplot. Use data `data_all` provided by function get_data !!
	:var dict  data_all:	Input  data or list of input data
	:var str title_name: 	Title of the image
	:var str file_name: 	Name of saved image (without filetype)
	:var list figsize: 	Size of the output image 
	:var int  dpi:		DPI of output image
	:var str orientation:	Choose multiplot orientation: vertical/horizontal
	:var str file_type:	Image file type, recomended: png, svgz !! svgz is slow !!
	:var bool reduction:	Decrease number of plotted points => speed up plotting, use for all nice smooth lines !!
	:var bool debug_info:	Allow printing of some debug info


    from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter,LogLocator, MaxNLocator
    plt = import_matplotlib()
    class MyFormatter(plt.ScalarFormatter):   # improved format of axis
        def __call__(self, x, pos=None):
            self.set_powerlimits((-2, 3))
            #print x, pos, ScalarFormatter, ScalarFormatter()
            if pos==0:
                return ''
                return plt.ScalarFormatter.__call__(self, x, pos)

    is_icon =  dpi <= 50

    if all(isnone(data_all)):
	#print  "data_all", data_all
	raise IOError('Empty input data set for plotting')
	data_all = deepcopy(data_all)   # avoid mysterious changes in plots  

    if type(data_all) is dict:
        data_all = [data_all]
    i = 0  # !! remove empty fields !!
    while i < len(data_all):
        if  len(data_all[i]) == 0  or all(isnone( data_all[i] )) :
          i += 1

    n_plots = len(data_all)

    t0 = time.time()
    if figsize[1] is None:  # if the size is not determined, make it flexible 
	figsize = array(figsize) 
	figsize[1] = 3*n_plots
    fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=figsize,  edgecolor='k')

    for i,data in enumerate(data_all):   
        if orientation is 'vertical':
            ax = fig.add_subplot(n_plots,1,i+1)
            ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( plt.NullFormatter() )
            ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( MyFormatter() )  # improved format of axis

            ax = fig.add_subplot(1,n_plots,i+1)

        if is_icon:   # very small image 
            reduction = True

            _plot_adv(data, reduction, ax, dpi)
        except Exception, e:
            raise  NotImplementedError("plotting failed", str(e), "\n" )# ,  data

        try:  # problem with log scale
            ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')
            ax.yaxis.set_major_locator( MaxNLocator(max(3,int(figsize[1]/double(n_plots)*5) )))
        ax.tick_params(axis='both' if not  is_icon else 'none',reset=False,which='both',length=2,width=0.5)

        if i == 0 and title_name != "" and not is_icon:
        if orientation is 'horizontal':
             plt.xlabel(data['xlabel'] if type(data) == dict else data[0]['xlabel'])

    if orientation is 'vertical':
        ax = fig.add_subplot(n_plots ,1,n_plots)
        ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( plt.ScalarFormatter())
        #ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( plt.ScalarFormatter())

    #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator(1) )
    if not is_icon:
	    plt.xlabel( fix_str(data['xlabel'] if type(data) == dict else data[0]['xlabel']) )
	except Exception, e:
	    print "plotting xlabel  failed", str(e), "\n",  data

    t0 = time.time()
    file_name = re.sub('(.+)\.(.+)$', r'\1', re.sub('(.+)\.(.+)$', r'\1', file_name))
    image_name = file_name+'.'+file_type
    plt.savefig( image_name , dpi= dpi,  bbox_inches='tight')  # better but slower
    if file_type in ['png', 'jpg']:
      os.system('convert '+ image_name +" -trim " + image_name )
    if debug_info:
	print "saving", time.time() - t0
	print "plotting time %.2fs" % (time.time() - t0)
def paralel_multiplot(*kargs, **kwargs):
    import multiprocessing
        multiprocessing.Process(target=multiplot, args=kargs, kwargs=kwargs).start()
        print "PLOTTING FAILED:" + kargs[0]

def _plot_adv(data, reduction, ax, dpi):
    """ advanced plotter with dictionary input, 
	internal function, do not use directly 
    if type(data) is dict:
        data = [data]

    is_icon =  dpi <= 50
    i = 0  # !! remove empty fields !!
    while i < len(data):
        if all(isnone(data[i]))  or len(data[i]) == 0:
          i += 1

    if len(data) == 0: # empty list

    use_legend = False

    N_data = len(data)
    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(N_data):
        if len(data[i]) == 0 or all(isnan(data[i]['data'])):
	d = data[i]
	kwargs = d['kwargs']
        ind_plot = ones(len(d['tvec']), dtype = bool)
        if kwargs['label'] != "":
            use_legend = True
        if 'xlim' in d.keys():    # speed up plotting 
            ind_plot = where( (d['xlim'][0] <= d['tvec'])   & ( d['xlim'][1] >=  d['tvec']))
            ind_plot = concatenate([ind_plot[0]-1, squeeze(ind_plot), ind_plot[-1]+1])  # extend the data by one point from the range 
            ind_plot = ind_plot[(ind_plot >= 0) & (ind_plot < len(d['tvec'])) ]
            ind_plot = unique(ind_plot)
	if reduction:
	    ind_plot = ind_plot[:: max(1, len(d['tvec'])/2000) ]

	# downsampling of errobar data !!! 
	for name in ['xerr','yerr']:
	    if not kwargs[name]  is None and not isscalar(kwargs[name]):
		kwargs[name] = [kwargs[name][ind_plot,0], kwargs[name][ind_plot,1] ]
	plt.errorbar(d['tvec'][ind_plot], d['data'][ind_plot], linewidth=0.5, capsize=0, **kwargs )

    if data[0]['yscale'] != '':
    if amax(data[0]['tvec']) - amin(data[0]['tvec']) < 100:

    if 'vlines' in data[0].keys():
	for line in data[0]['vlines']:
	    plt.axvline(x=line, color = 'b', linestyle='--')
    for key in ['xstart', 'xend']:
	if key in data[0].keys():
	    plt.axvline(x=data[0][key], color = 'k', linestyle='--')

    if 'xlim' in data[0].keys():
        Xrange =[min([data[i]['xlim'][0] for i in range(N_data)]),\
               max([data[i]['xlim'][1] for i in range(N_data)])]

    if 'ylim' in data[0].keys():
        ymin = inf ; ymax  = -inf
        for i in range(N_data):
            ymin_tmp, ymax_tmp = _detect_range(data[i]['tvec'] , data[i]['data'], Xrange, data[i]['ylim'])
            ymin =  min(ymin_tmp,ymin)
            ymax =  max(ymax_tmp,ymax)
        Yrange = [ymin, ymax]

    if not is_icon:   # in case of small icon do no apply
	if data[0]['ylabel'] != "" and data[0]['ylabel']:
	if 'annotate' in data[0].keys():
	    for annot in data[0]['annotate']:
		if annot['pos'][0] is None: annot['pos'][0] = Xrange[0] + (Xrange[1] - Xrange[0])*0.05
		if annot['pos'][1] is None: annot['pos'][1] = Yrange[1] - (Yrange[1] - Yrange[0])*0.05
		plt.annotate(annot['text'], annot['pos'], rotation=annot['angle'], fontsize=annot['fontsize'] )

	if 'ygrid' in data[0].keys() and data[0]['ygrid']:
	    ax.yaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')
	if 'xgrid' in data[0].keys() and data[0]['xgrid']:
	    ax.xaxis.grid(color='gray', linestyle='dashed')

	if use_legend:
	    #leg = legend()
	    # FIXME !! nicer but slower !!!
	    leg = plt.legend(loc='best' ,  fancybox=True)
    return ax

def _detect_range(tvec, data, xlim, ylim):
    """ smart way how to determine best ylim in the plots
	internal fucntion do not use directly
    from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles

    ind_ok = ~isnan(data) & ~isinf(data) & (tvec > xlim[0]) & (tvec < xlim[1])
    yrange = [mquantiles(data[ind_ok], 0.005), mquantiles(data[ind_ok], 0.995)]    
    dy = abs(yrange[1] - yrange[0])
    if dy/amax(abs(array(yrange))) < 1e-6:   # constant line ...
        yrange[0] = min(0, yrange[0]*1.1 )
        yrange[1] = max(0, yrange[1]*1.1 )
        yrange[0] -= 0.2*dy
        yrange[1] += 0.2*dy
    for i in [0,1]:
        if ylim[i]  is None:
            ylim[i] = yrange[i]
    return ylim

def get_data(diagn, diagn_name = None, ylabel = None, xlabel = 'Time [ms]', shot_num = None, xlim = [], ylim = [], \
    tvec_rescale = 1e3, data_rescale = 1,  integrated = False, columns = [], yscale = '', \
    reduction = False, plot_limits = True, smoothing = 0, line_format = "",  \
    vlines = [], annotate = [], xgrid= False, ygrid = False, **kwargs ):
      Load data/diagn and return object that is used for plotting. 
      :var str/list/Data class diagn: Input can be string with name of diagn from main database, name of file with locally saved data on disk, list with [tvec,data]
      :var str diagn_name: Name of diagnostics that will be used in legend, if diagn has more signal than name will be `name 0`, `name 1`, ...., or diagn_name can be list with name for each column
      :var str ylabel: Title of ylabel
      :var str xlabel: Title of xlabel
      :var list xlim: Range for X axis, use [1.132 ,None] to define only one limit
      :var list ylim: Range for Y axis, use [1.132 ,None] to define only one limit
      :var int shot_num: Number of shot, default is autodetect from current folder 
      :var double tvec_rescale: Rescale X axis to ms !!  Be careful if the axis is not time in seconds !!
      :var double data_rescale: Rescale Y axis
      :var bool reduction:  Try to reduce number of plotted points, automatically used for integrated signal
      :var bool integrated: Integrate the input signal
      :var list columns: Plot only the selected columns
      :var str yscale: scale of y-axis, use `log`
      :var bool plot_limits: If there is plasma, plot lines at start and end of the plasma
      :var double smoothing: Smooth the signal 
      :var str line_format: Standard formating string
      :var bool xgrid: Plot automatic xgrid in the plot
      :var bool ygrid: Plot automatic ygrid in the plot
      :var array xerr: error in X direction 
      :var array yerr: error in Y direction 
      :var **kwargs : keyword arguments to be passed to the standard plot() command, optional
	    this method accepts **kwargs as a standard :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` function 

      :var list vlines :  list of positions of vertical lines in plot  (see historical analysis)
      :var list annotate: list of dicts  => plt.annotate(annot['text'], annot['pos'], rotation=annot['angle'] )


	# process input setting
	if line_format != "":
	    kwargs['fmt'] = line_format
	cData = Shot(shot_num)
	is_valid = False
	#return "srs"

	if type(diagn) is str:   #  if diagn
	    is_valid  = cData._is_valid_name(diagn)
	    if is_valid == 0:  #  not in database 
		[tvec,data] = load_adv(diagn)   # prefere locally saved data
	    elif is_valid in (1,2):  # data
		[tvec,data] = cData[diagn]
	    elif is_valid == 3:  # DAS, channel_name
		[tvec,data] = cData["any", diagn]
		raise NotImplementedError("ambiguous diagn name") 
	elif (type(diagn) is list or type(diagn) is tuple  ) and len(diagn) == 2:
	    [tvec,data] = deepcopy(diagn)
	elif type(diagn) is Data:
	    [tvec, data] = [diagn.tvec, diagn]
	    raise NotImplementedError, "Unsupported input"

	# Errobars ===================
	if type(data) is Data or not 'yerr' in kwargs or 'xerr' in kwargs:
	     # 'xerr' not user defined in the function call 
	    if 'xerr' not in kwargs : kwargs['xerr'] = data.tvec_err if type(data) is Data else None
	    if 'yerr' not in kwargs : kwargs['yerr'] = data.data_err if type(data) is Data else None
	    for name in ['xerr', 'yerr']:
		err = kwargs[name]
		if not any(isnone(err)) and ndim(err)==0: err = float(err)
		if not any(isnone(err)) and not isscalar(err):
		    err = array(squeeze(err), ndmin=2)
		    if size(err,0) == 1: err = err.T
		    if size(err,1) == 1:
			err = err.repeat(2, axis=1)
		    kwargs[name] = err
	    kwargs['xerr'] = None;  kwargs['yerr'] = None; 
	# =================================
	if smoothing > 0:
	    _, data, _ = DiffFilter(data, mean(diff(tvec)), 2000, 1e6)
	if len(columns) > 0:
	    data = data[:,columns]
	data *= data_rescale
	tvec *= tvec_rescale
	if not any(isnone(kwargs['yerr'])): kwargs['yerr'] *= data_rescale
	if not any(isnone(kwargs['xerr'])): kwargs['xerr'] *= tvec_rescale

	Ncol = size(data,1) if ndim(data) == 2  else 1
	data = reshape(data, (-1,Ncol))  # workaround for 1D arrays
	if integrated:
	    dt = mean(diff(tvec))
	    data = cumsum(data,0)*dt
	if reduction or integrated or smoothing > 10:
	    tvec, data = random_number_downsample(tvec, data, 4000)  # downsample data to 4000 points 

	# default values 
	plasma = False
	start = -inf
	start_pl = nan
	end_pl = nan
	end = inf
	    plasma  = cData['plasma']
	if plasma and plot_limits and tvec_rescale ==  1e3:   # tvec_rescale ==  1e3  => x axis is probably time !!!
	    start_pl = cData['plasma_start']*1e3
	    end_pl = cData['plasma_end']*1e3
	    if cData['ucd'] > 10:
		start = min(start_pl - 2, cData['tcd']*1e3)  # 2ms before plasma start 
		start = start_pl - 2
	    end = end_pl + 2
	elif tvec_rescale ==  1e3:
		start = cData['tb']*1e3-1
		end = 35

	t_range = amax(tvec) -  amin(tvec)
	if len(xlim) == 0:
	    xlim = array([max(start, amin(tvec)-t_range*0.05), min(end, amax(tvec)+t_range*0.05)])
	if xlim[0] > xlim[1]: # some errror  (no intersection)
	    xlim = array([amin(tvec)-t_range*0.05, amax(tvec)+t_range*0.05])
	if type(data) is Data and ylabel is None:
	    if not all(isnone(data.ax_labels)):
		ylabel = data.ax_labels[1]

	if type(data) is Data and diagn_name is None:
	    diagn_name = data.info
	output = list()
	columns = range(Ncol)

	if len(ylim) == 0:
	    ylim  = [None, None]
	### ============ auto-labeling =====================
	for i in columns:
	    column_name = None
	    if len(diagn_name) == len(columns) and type(diagn_name) is list :  # every column has its own label
		column_name = diagn_name[i]
		if is_valid == 2:  # use predefined name in config if it is DAS
		    column_name = cData.channel_name(diagn, i)
	    if column_name is None:  # nothing matched ... 
		if len(columns) == 1:  # only one variable 
		    column_name = diagn_name
		elif len(diagn_name) > 0: # any name
		    column_name = diagn_name+ ' '+str(i)
		    column_name = ""
	    if "label" in kwargs: kwargs.pop(  "label" )  ## BUG FIXME !!!! 
	    kwargs_tmp = dict(label=fix_str(column_name), **kwargs)
	    o = {'tvec': tvec ,   'data':data[:,i], 'ylabel':fix_str( ylabel ), 
	    'xlabel': fix_str(xlabel),  'ylim':ylim, 'xlim':xlim, 'xstart':start_pl, 'xend':end_pl, 'yscale':yscale,
	    'vlines': vlines, 'annotate': annotate ,  'xgrid':xgrid, 'ygrid':ygrid,
	    'kwargs': kwargs_tmp }
	if len(output) == 1:
	    return output[0]
	    return output

    except Exception, e:
	print "Some mistake during get_data: " + str(e)
def fix_str(string):
    """ FIx the string to avoid any problems during plotting """
    if isnone(string): return ""
    if not re.match(".*\$.*", string):  # hot fix of "latex font" if you can use $ solve it yourselfi
	string = re.sub('([^\\\])_', r'\1\_', string)  # basic latex friendly fix_string
    return string

###################### WEB PAGES  ##############################

def get_page_paths(shot, page, default_path = 'shots'):
    Return basic paths need for web pages generation
    base_path = default_path + '/'  + str(shot)+'/'
    [ page_path, page] = os.path.split(page)
    page_path = base_path + page_path

    return page_path,base_path, page 

def emph(text):
    return '<tt class="file docutils literal"><span class="pre">'+str(text)+'</span></tt>'

def modified(file):
        return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(file)[-1]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        return 'N/A'

def make_image(img_path, name = ""):
    """ Show image from `img_path` with title `name`. Use loading animation of not avalible. Use svgz if possible and if the browser is capable to load.
    img_path = re.sub("(.+)(\.[\w]{3,4})$",r"\1",  img_path)  # remove file ending (.png)
    out = ""
    if name is not "":
        out += "<h4>"+name+"</h4>\n"

    #full_path =  './'+img_path
    full_path =  img_path

    rand_end = "?%s"%random.randint(1e6)
    out += """<?php
    $u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

    if (file_exists("%s.png"))
	// in firefox use svgz images !! 
        if (file_exists("%s.svgz") && (preg_match('/Firefox/i',$u_agent) ||  preg_match('/Chrome/i',$u_agent) ))
            echo "<img src='%s.svgz%s' alt='%s' align='middle'/><br/>";
            echo "<img src='%s.png%s' alt='%s' align='middle'/><br/>";
        echo "<img src='/_static/loading.gif'/><br/>";
        echo "<!-- Missing file %s.png --> " ;  
    ?>""" % (full_path,full_path,full_path,rand_end,name,full_path,rand_end,name,full_path )
    return out

def make_zoom_image(img_path, name = "", group = ""):
    """ Load image from `img_path` with title 'name`. Make image zoomable, if possible use svgz version.
    rand_end = "?%s"%random.randint(1e6)
    img_path = re.sub("(.+)(\.[\w]{3,4})$",r"\1",  img_path)  # remove file ending (.png)
    out = ""
    if name is not "":
        out += "<h4>"+name+"</h4>\n"

    out +=  """<?php
    $u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    if (file_exists('""" + img_path + ".svgz" + """')   && (preg_match('/Firefox/i',$u_agent) ||  preg_match('/Chrome/i',$u_agent) )){
    $path='"""+ img_path +".svgz"+rand_end+"""'; }
    else {
    $path='"""+ img_path + ".png"+rand_end+"""'; }
     ?> """ + \
     "<a href='<?php echo $path ?>' rel='lightbox"""+group+"'><img  src='"+  img_path + ".png"+rand_end + "'  alt='"+name + ("' title='"+name if name != "" else "")  + "'/></a> "

    return out

def make_config(path):
    """ Try to nicely load and show config from text file in shape
    value = 1
    value2 = 3
        cfg = cat(path, [], True)
        out ="""
            <table class="docutils field-list" frame="void" rules="none">
            <col class="field-name" />
            <col class="field-body" />
            <tbody valign="top">

        for line in cfg:
            # replace  : or =  by new cell
            out += ' <tr class="field"><th class="field-name"> ' + re.sub('(.+)(\:|=)(.+)', r'\1 </th><td class="field-body"> \3',   line) + ' </td> </tr>'
        out += "</tbody></table>"
        out = "<h4> Missing config file " + path + "</h4>"
    return out
def wiki(link):
    Short cat to geenrate link to wiki
    if re.match("^\/", link):  # link to internal wiki, starts with /
	return "<a href='http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz:5001"+link+"'><font size=1><b><sup>WIKI</sup></b></font></a>"
	return "<a href='"+link+"'><font size=1><b><sup>WIKI</sup></b></font></a>"

def source_link(path , revision,default_path, link, name):
    Link to formatted link in bitbucket.org
    path  = re.sub("^"+default_path+"\/[\d]+\/", "", path)
    path  = re.sub("\/\/", "\/", path + '/')   # remove shots/ + shot_number from path

    return  '<a href="https://bitbucket.org/michalodstrcil/golem_velin/src/'+ revision +'/includes/'+link+ '">[' +name+ ']</a>'

################################# Historical analysis  #############################################################

def get_history(diagn, shots, verbose=True, dtype = "float" ):
    Rapidly loads and returns values of scalar variables from  selected shots
    # load default_path => either vshots or shots
    N = len(shots)
    Data = Shot(shots[-1])
    shot = Data.shot_num
    if os.path.exists(shotdir + '/' + str(shot) + '/' + diagn):
	path = shotdir + '/' + str(shot) + '/' + diagn
	path = Data.get_data(diagn, return_path=True)

    data = zeros(N, dtype=dtype)
	data *= NaN
    for i in range(N):
	path_tmp = re.sub(str(shot), str(shots[i]),  path)
	if os.path.exists(path_tmp) and os.path.getsize(path_tmp) > 0:
		f = open( path_tmp , 'r').read()
		#if not re.match( ".*[A-Za-z\+].*", f):   # no letters in the string 
		    #data[i] = float( f )
		#elif re.match('OK', f):   # fix for plasma status
		    #data[i] = 1
		    data[i] = float( f )
		    data[i] =  f
	    except Exception, e:
		print diagn,  "ERROR :", str(e), 'shot', shots[i]
	if verbose:
	    sys.stdout.write("\r %2.1f %%" %(i/double(N)*100))

    return data

#############################  Advanced algorithms, do not touch :) #################################################
# Author: Tomas Odstrcil
# Date: 2012
def DiffFilter(signal,dt, win,lam): 

    from scipy.signal import medfilt, fftconvolve #loadování zabere většinu času

    # signal - data; dt - sampling time of the signal, lam - regularization parameter, win - incresed length due to edge effets  
    signal = array(signal.T, copy = False,ndmin = 2).T
    signal = medfilt(signal,(11,1))

    #extend the signal due to edge effects
    extended_signal = zeros((size(signal,0)+win,size(signal,1)))

    extended_signal[win/2:-(win)/2,:] = signal

    extended_signal[:win/2,:]  = median(signal[ :win/4,:],axis=0)
    extended_signal[-win/2-1:,:] = median(signal[-win/4:,:],axis=0)

    N = size(extended_signal,0)
    #calculate  (II + lam*DD)^{-1}*I^T  ale ve fourierovské doméně!
    csignal = -cumsum(extended_signal, axis = 0,out = extended_signal)
    fsig = fft.rfft(csignal,axis = 0).T

    DDfft = (4*sin(linspace(0, pi/2, N/2+1))**2)
    IIfft = 1/(DDfft+DDfft[1]*1e-4)
    A =  IIfft + lam*DDfft
    fsig /= A
    f = fft.irfft(fsig.T,axis = 0)   
    #remove edge effects
    f = f[win/2-1:-(win+1)/2,:]

    retrofit = cumsum(f, axis = 0)

    chi2 = sum((retrofit-signal)**2, axis = 0)/size(signal,0)

    return  f/dt, retrofit, chi2

def DiffFilter_old(signal,dt, max_win= 2000, regularization = 1e6):

    from scipy.signal import medfilt, fftconvolve

    Nsig = size(signal,1) if ndim(signal) == 2 else 1
    signal = reshape(signal, (-1, Nsig))

    signal = medfilt(signal,(11, 1))
    lam = regularization*(dt/5e-6)**-4

    win = 15*(24*lam)**0.25
    if win > max_win:
        print 'Warning: too small window'

    win = min(win, max_win)  #to je otypovaná závislost,
    win = int(win)+4

    Integ = tril( ones((win, win)), 0)
    II = dot(Integ.T,Integ)
    D = diag(ones(win))-diag(ones(win-1),1)
    DD = dot(D.T,D)

    b = zeros(win)
    b[win/2] = 1
    B = dot(Integ.T,b)

    A =  II + lam*DD

    c = array(linalg.solve( A,B.T))

    extended_signal = zeros((size(signal,0)+win-1, Nsig))#ones(len(signal)+win-1)
    extended_signal[win/2:-(win)/2+1,:] = signal

    extended_signal[:win/2,:] += median(signal[:win/4],axis=0)
    extended_signal[-win/2:,:] += median(signal[-win/4:],axis=0)
    diffsig = empty(shape(signal))

    for i in range(Nsig):
        diffsig[:,i] = fftconvolve(extended_signal[:,i] , c, mode = 'valid')/dt

    retrofit = cumsum(diffsig, axis = 0)*dt
    retrofit += mean(signal[:int(4e-3/dt),:], axis = 0)  #FIXME




    chi2 = sum((retrofit-signal)**2, axis = 0)/len(signal)

    return diffsig, squeeze(retrofit), chi2

def GapsFilling(signal,win = 100, lam = 1e-1):
    ===============================  Gaps Filling Filter 0.1 =====================
     reconstruct the corrupted data (data with nans)  by tikhonov-philips regularization with regulariting by laplace operator. And return smoothed retrofit
    Reconstruction is based on the invertation of the identical operator with zeros at the lines corresponding to the mising signal.
     due to memory and speed limitation the reconstruction is done on the overalaping intervals with width "win"
     signal - long data vector
     win - width of the recosntruction interval - it mas be much bigger than the gaps width
     lam - regularization parameter, dependes on the noise in data

    Autor: Tomas Odstrcil 2012

    from scikits.sparse.cholmod import cholesky, analyze,cholesky_AAt
    from scipy.sparse import spdiags, eye

    n = len(signal)
    # signal extension -- avoid boundary effects
    n_ext = (n/win+1)*win
    ext_signal = zeros(n_ext)
    ext_signal[(n_ext-n)/2:-(n_ext-n)/2] = signal
    ext_signal[:(n_ext-n)/2+1] = median(signal[~isnan(signal)][:win/2])
    ext_signal[-(n_ext-n)/2-1:] = median(signal[~isnan(signal)][win/2:])

    intervals = arange(0,n+win/2, win/2)

    ind_nan = isnan(ext_signal)
    ext_signal[ind_nan] = 0

    recon = copy(ext_signal)

    diag_data = ones((2,win))
    D = spdiags(diag_data, (0,1), win, win,format='csr')
    DD = D.T*D
    I = eye(win,win,format='csc')
    Factor = cholesky_AAt(DD, 1./lam)

    for i in range(len(intervals)-2):
        gaps = spdiags( int_(ind_nan[intervals[i]:intervals[i+2]]),0, win, win,format='csc')   # use overlapping intervals !!!
        Factor.update_inplace(gaps/sqrt(lam), subtract=True) # speed up trick
        g = Factor(ext_signal[intervals[i]:intervals[i+2]]/lam)
        Factor.update_inplace(gaps/sqrt(lam), subtract=False)  # speed up trick
        recon[(intervals[i]+intervals[i+1])/2:(intervals[i+1]+intervals[i+2])/2] = g[len(g)/4:-len(g)/4,0]

    chi2 = sum((ext_signal-recon)[~ind_nan]**2)/n

    recon = recon[(n_ext-n)/2:-(n_ext-n)/2]
    #x = arange(n)
    #plot(x,signal, '.')
    return recon, chi2

def deconvolution( signal,responseFun,  win, regularization):
    from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
    from scipy.sparse import spdiags
    from numpy.matlib import repmat

    Hlavní algoritmu provádějící dekonvoluci

    vrací to dekonvoluovaný signál a zpětnou rekonstrukci

    je to zasložené na jednoduché metodě maximalizující hladkost

    okno win musí být větší než "support" funkce g

    win = 2*(win/2)+1


    # vytvoří se konvoluční matice - matice odezvy systému na delta funkci
    i_middle = argmax(responseFun)
    diags = arange(i_middle-len(responseFun),+ i_middle)   #zjistit kam to posouvá
    diag_data = repmat(responseFun[::-1], win,1).T
    ConvMatrix = spdiags(diag_data, diags, win, win).todense()

    D = diag(ones(win))-diag(ones(win-1),1)
    DD = dot(D.T,D)

    #příprava dat do hlavného algoritmu na dekonvoluci, řeší se soustava Tg = f
    T = matrix(ConvMatrix)
    TT = dot(T.T,T)

    f = zeros(win)
    f[win/2] = 1

    responseFun2 = zeros(2*len(responseFun))
    responseFun2[len(responseFun):] = responseFun
    responseFun = responseFun2

    g = linalg.solve(TT +regularization*DD,dot(T.T,f).T )
    g = squeeze(array(g))

    extended_signal = zeros(len(signal)+win-1)
    extended_signal[win/2:-win/2+1] = signal
    extended_signal[:win/2] += median(signal[:win/4],axis = 0)
    extended_signal[-win/2+1:] += median(signal[-win/4:],axis = 0)

    deconv_sig =  fftconvolve(extended_signal ,g, mode = 'valid')

    retrofit =  fftconvolve(deconv_sig ,responseFun, mode = 'same')

    #plot(retrofit, '--')
    return deconv_sig, retrofit

#Ich = load('Ich.npy')
#tvec = Ich[:,0]
#signal = Ich[:,1]

#dt = tvec[1]-tvec[0]
#t_exp = 1e-4
#responseFun = exp(-tvec[:int(6*t_exp/dt)]/t_exp)
#win = 100
#deconvolution( signal,responseFun,  win, 1e-2)

#deconvolve / convolve with exponential kernel
def deconvolveExp( signal,t_exp,dt,win,regularization):
    from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

    tvec = arange(len(signal))*dt
    responseFun = exp(-tvec[:int(6*abs(t_exp)/dt)]/abs(t_exp))
    if abs(t_exp) <= 2*dt:
        return signal, signal
    elif t_exp < 0:
        responseFun2 = zeros(2*len(responseFun))
        responseFun2[len(responseFun):] = responseFun
        responseFun = responseFun2
        conv_sig =  fftconvolve(signal,responseFun, mode = 'full')
        nc = len(conv_sig)
        n = len(signal)

        conv_sig = conv_sig[(nc-n)/2 :-(nc-n)/2]

        return conv_sig, signal
        return deconvolution( signal,responseFun,  win, regularization)