# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" CREATED: 7/2012
#import matplotlib
#matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = 'Agg'
##from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from numpy import *
import re, os #for contents_regexp()
import ConfigParser #for dynamically updating the data*_types dictionaries
import sys, cStringIO
import time, socket
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from utilities import *
from Data import *
from collections import OrderedDict
from sql import load_value
from tags import *
__all__ = ['Shot', 'Data', 'loadconst', 'load_adv',
'saveconst', 'save_adv', 'save_adv_par','get_current_shot', 'base_path' ]
data_config = 'data_configuration.cfg' #file to sue with ConfigParser
das_config = "das_configuration.cfg"
# load default_path => either vshots or shots
default_path = ""
if 'SHOT_PATH' in os.environ:
default_path = os.environ['SHOT_PATH']
if default_path == "" :
#print " os.environ SHOT_PATH could not be loaded "
default_path = "shots"
base_path = "/srv/www/svoboda/golem/"+default_path
def get_current_shot():
#return int(open("/srv/www/svoboda/golem/root/ActualShotNo").read())
return int(open(base_path+'/0/ShotNo').read())
return 11500 # in case of serios failure
def save_adv_par(*args, **kwargs):
#print "!!!! SAVING IN PARALEL!!!"
import multiprocessing
multiprocessing.Process(target=save_adv, args=args, kwargs=kwargs).start()
def save_adv(fname, tvec, data = None, scale = 1, tvec_err = None, data_err = None, axis = None, filetype='npz' ):
""" Save data in a very efficient way to compressed binary single / integers
param str fname: Name of saved file
param array tvec: time vector for 1-th dimension of data array
param str data: data array
param float scale: scale used to renormalize `data` (ie. if `data` are saved
as integers
param array data_err: Errorbars in data vector
param list axis: ticks of 2th to n-th axis
if data is None and type(tvec) is Data: # only one argument was used
data = tvec
tvec = data.tvec
if asarray(data).dtype == float and data.ndim > 0: # not for integers and scalars
data = single(data)
data_all = { 'data':array(data), 'scale':scale }
if type(data) is Data:
for attr in data_attributes :
if attr not in ['tvec', 'signal', 'axis']:
data_all.update( {attr: getattr(data, attr, None)} )
if type(tvec_err) is list: tvec_err = array(tvec_err).T
if type(data_err) is list: data_err = array(data_err).T
data_all.update( {'tvec_err':array(tvec_err), 'data_err': data_err, 'axis':axis } )
if not any(isnone(tvec)):
dt = mean(diff(tvec))
if all(abs(diff(tvec) - dt) < dt * 1e-3): # equidistant time vector
data_all['t_start'] = tvec[0]
data_all['t_end'] = tvec[-1]
data_all['tvec'] = single(tvec)
if filetype == 'npz':
savez_compressed(fname, **data_all ) # in cas eof nonequidistant time vector !!
elif filetype == 'mat':
from scipy.io import savemat
for i in data_all.keys():
if any(isnone(data_all[i])): # remove None
data_all[i] = []
savemat(fname , data_all, do_compression=True )
raise NotImplementedError('Use npz or mat filetype')
return data_all
def load_adv(fname_0, testRun = False):
Universal loader of data from saved files
Supported filetypes: npz, npy, csv, txt, '', lvm
param str fname: Name of saved file
param bool testRun: use only dry run to test existance of the data
if not os.path.exists(fname_0):
fname = find_data(fname_0)
fname = fname_0
if not fname:
raise IOError, "Missing file: "+fname_0
# npz prefered effecient format !!!
load_list = [
#"imread('"+fname+ ".png')", \ # needs to load pyplot => slow !!
"load('"+fname+"')", \
"loadtxt('"+fname+"')", \
"loadtxt('"+fname+ "', delimiter=';')", \
for f in load_list:
data_0 = eval(f)
except: # IOError or ValueError:
if not 'data_0' in locals():
raise IOError, "Corrupted file: "+fname_0
if size(data_0) == 0:
raise IOError('Empty file: ' + fname_0)
if type(data_0) is Data:
tvec = Data.tvec
sig = Data
elif type(data_0) is ndarray: # data saved ar ordinary array
if data_0.dtype == "object":
return None, data_0.item() # for example datetime object
#print 'Warning: saving to binary: ',fname
assert size(data_0) != 1, 'Use loadconst function'
if ndim(data_0) == 1:
tvec = None
sig = Data(data_0[:,1:])
tvec = data_0[:,0]
sig = Data(data_0[:,1:], tvec = tvec)
save_adv(re.sub('(.+)\.(.+)', r'\1', fname), sig) # save as compressed binary file
## time vector
if 't_start' in data_0 and 't_end' in data_0: # data saved without time vector
tvec = linspace(data_0['t_start'], data_0['t_end'], len(data_0['data']))
elif 'tvec' in data_0:
tvec = double(data_0['tvec'])
raise NotImplementedError
# data
if 'data' in data_0 and 'scale' in data_0:
data = data_0['data'] * data_0['scale']
elif 'data' in data_0: # the most ordinary case
data = data_0['data']
raise NotImplementedError
args = {'tvec':tvec}
#########š#!!! errorbars !!!
args.update( {'tvec_err':data_0['tvec_err'], 'data_err':data_0['data_err'] } )
pass # missing errorbars
if 'axis' in data_0 and any( ~ isnone(data_0['axis']) ):
args['axis'] = data_0['axis'] # make a list from all the axis (including tvec
sig = Data(data, **args)
return tvec, sig
class Shot(object):
def __init__(self,shot_num = None):
if shot_num is None:
shot_num = self._get_shot_number()
if shot_num <= 0:
shot_num = get_current_shot() + shot_num
self.shot_num = shot_num
self.data_config = read_config(base_path+'/'+str(shot_num)+'/', data_config)
#self.data_config = check_data_config(self.data_config)
self.das_config = read_config(base_path+'/'+str(shot_num)+'/', das_config)
self.diags = sorted(self.data_config.keys())
self.session = str(self['session_name'])
self.date = self['date']
self.time = self['time']
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""Use dictionary like parameter passing
param str name: Name of diagnostics / analysis / DAS to be returned
param tuple name: Name of DAS to be returned and number of channel
if type(name) is tuple:
name, channel = name
channel = None
return self.get_data(name, channel)
def get_details(self, name):
Return basic details about das or diagnostics
if name in self.data_config.keys() and name not in self.das_config.keys():
info = self.data_config[name] # is not case sensitive and remove problem with backslash
path = base_path + '/' + str(self.shot_num) + '/'+ info['datadir'] + '/'+ info['identifier']
except Exception, e:
raise NameError('Problem during loading of info '+name + " error:" + str(e))
info['diagn_type'] = 'data'
elif name in self.das_config.keys():
info = self.das_config[name]
info.update( {'name':name, 'xlabel':'Time [s]', 'ylabel': 'U [V]'} )
path = base_path + '/' + str(self.shot_num) + '/'+ info['datapath']
info['diagn_type'] = 'das'
elif name in self._get_all_das_channels().keys():
info = self.das_config[ self._get_all_das_channels()[name] ]
info.update( {'name':name, 'xlabel':'Time [s]', 'ylabel': 'U [V]'} )
path = base_path + '/' + str(self.shot_num) + '/'+ info['datapath']
info['diagn_type'] = 'das'
#print "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
#print self._get_all_das_channels().keys(), name, name in self._get_all_das_channels().keys()
raise NameError('Missing name in database: ' + name )
info['path'] = self.get_path(path)
info['units'] =get_units(info['ylabel'])
return info
def _get_all_das_channels(self):
max_channels = 100
channels = OrderedDict()
for das_name in self.das_config.keys():
das = self.das_config[das_name]
for i in range(max_channels):
key = self.channel_name(das_name, i)
if key is not None:
channels[key] = das_name
return channels
def get_data(self, name, channel = None, testRun = False,
return_channel = False, testScalar = False, return_path = False, return_raw_data = False):
!!! TODO: predelat aby to bralo return_value = "data"/"path"/"existence",.... !!!!!!!!!!
Main function that load/prepare/return the requested data
param str name: Name of diagnostics / analysis / DAS to be returned
param list channel: NUmber of channel in DAS
param bool testRun: use only dry run to test existance of the data
param bool return_channel: do not return data but only location (name + channel) of the requested data
param bool return_raw_data: return unprocessed data non converted to Data class (speed up )
name = self._fix_key(name) # problems with backslash
# firstly try to load data from SQL if it fails, try to dig deeper and slower !!
#try: # !! je to desne pomale .. .
#assert socket.gethostname() != "buon.fjfi.cvut.cz" # skip if host name == buon !!
#data = load_value(name, self.shot_num)
#if data is not None:
#return data
if name not in self.data_config:
if name == "any" and type(channel) is str:
for key in self.das_config.keys():
if channel.lower() in self.das_config[key]:
name = key
all_channels = self._get_all_das_channels()
if name in all_channels:
channel = name
name = all_channels[channel]
if name not in self.data_config and name not in self.das_config:
raise NameError( "Missing name " + name + " in database ")
if type(channel) is str: # expect that channel is always number => named channels are used only in DAS
channel_num = int_(self.das_config[name][self._fix_key(channel)])
elif type(channel) is int or type(channel) is ndarray or type(channel) is list: # number
channel_num = int_(channel)
channel = name + " " + str(channel)
info = self.get_details(name)
path = info['path']
if return_channel:
return name, channel_num
if channel:
path = path.format(channel_num) # for papouch data
if testScalar: # check if the number is scalar
return type(loadconst(path)) is float # it can be also string !!
return False
if return_path :
return path
if testRun:
return find_data(path) # proc to nefunguje jako return path ??
#return path
#if not :
def load_array():
tvec, data = load_adv(path)
if type(data) is Data:
data.set_details( ** self.get_metadata(name, info) )
if channel and ndim(data) == 2:
data = data[:,channel_num]
data.info = channel
return double(tvec), double(squeeze(data))
return data if tvec is None else [tvec, data]
if info['diagn_type'] == "das":
return load_array()
elif 'type' not in info:
raise NameError("Missing attribute 'type' in data_configuration.cfg for key: "+ name)
elif info['type'] == 'list':
tags = ""
dirs = os.listdir(info['path'])
for d in dirs:
if d != "index.php":
tags += "'"+d+"',"
if len(tags) > 0:
return tags[:-1]
return None
elif info['type'] in ['array', 'other']:
return load_array()
#if return_raw_data:
#return loadconst(path)
return Data(loadconst(path, info['type'] == "scalar"), name = name, info = info['name'], ax_labels = info['ylabel'] )
#return data
def exist(self, name):
Check existence of diagn called "name"
valid = self._is_valid_name(name)
if not valid: return False
return self.get_data(name, testRun = True)
except Exception, e:
return False
def get_metadata(self, name, info):
metadata = dict( name = name, info = info['name'])
xlabel = info['xlabel'] if 'xlabel' in info else "???"
ylabel = info['ylabel'] if 'ylabel' in info else "???"
metadata.update( {'ax_labels': [ xlabel, ylabel ] } )
try: # it is possible that stat / end does not exist
metadata.update( { 'plasma_start': self.get_data('plasma_start'), 'plasma_end': self.get_data('plasma_end') })
return metadata
def get_nice(self, diagn, format = None, norm = 1):
Try to load and return a float parameter in a nice way. Default is returning float but common formating can be applied to get string or renormalization of the number. In case of failure returns N/A
:format: None - return raw data, "auto" - use clever formating, other python formats ...
diagn = self.get_data(diagn, return_raw_data = True)
if not isscalar(diagn) and type(diagn) is not Data:
return str(diagn)
elif (type(diagn) is Data and diagn.type is str) or type(diagn) is str:
return str(diagn)
diagn *= norm
if format is None:
return diagn
elif format == "auto":
if int(diagn) == diagn and abs(diagn) < 1e6:
return "%i" % diagn
return "%.3g" % diagn
return format % (diagn)
return 'N/A'
def get_path(self, path):
If possible return real path, else return nonexisting path string
find_data returns path with correct file ending
param str path : possible path to data,
path_tmp = find_data(path)
if path_tmp:
return path_tmp
return path # if path do not exists, return path from config
def get_pygolem_list(self, custom_keys = []):
Creaty formated HTML list of availible signals (analysis/diagnostics/DAS) and sign missing signal (gray).
param list custom_keys: List of signals that should be in output list. If empty return all
table = []
out = cStringIO.StringIO()
all_keys = sorted(self.data_config.keys())
if len(custom_keys) > 0:
if type(custom_keys) is str:
custom_keys = [custom_keys]
for i in range(len(custom_keys)):
custom_keys[i] = self._fix_key(custom_keys[i])
keys = array(all_keys)[in1d(all_keys, custom_keys)]
missing_keys = array(custom_keys)[~in1d(custom_keys, all_keys)]
if len(missing_keys) > 0:
print >> out, "<h3><font color='red'>Missing keys: " + str(missing_keys) + " </font></h3>"
keys = array(all_keys) # use all keys if there are no custom
base_path = "/utils/data/"+str(self.shot_num)+'/'
for key in keys:
details = self.get_details(key)
if details['path']:
path = re.sub('/srv/www/svoboda/golem','', details['path'])
path = ""
line = '<a class="diagn_name" id="'+key+'">'
line += ("<font color='#C0C0C0'>"+key+" </font> ") if not self.exist(key) else key
line += '</a>'
if details['type'] == "scalar" and self.exist(key):
line += " (<a href='"+base_path+key+"'>"+self.get_nice(key, "auto")+"</a> "+details['units']+")"
elif details['type'] == "scalar":
line += " (<a href='"+base_path+key+"'>txt</a>)"
elif details['type'] == "array":
line += "(<a href='"+base_path+key+"'>txt</a>,<a href='"+base_path+key+".xls'>xls</a>," + \
"<a href='/utils/golplot?action=Plot+All&shotno_0="+str(self.shot_num)+"&diagn_0="+key+"'>img</a>," + \
"<a href='"+"/"+default_path+"/"+str(self.shot_num)+'/'+"About.php#pygolem_lite'>...</a>)"
#"<a href='"+base_path+key+".png'>png</a>," + \
line += " (<a href='"+base_path+key+"'>txt</a>)"
line += ("<a href='"+path + "'>↓ </a> " if path else "")
line = [line]+[ fix_str(details[id], True) for id in ['identifier', 'ylabel', 'name'] if id in details]
except Exception, e:
print >> out, "<h4>Diagnostics list failed for key: " + key + " <br> Error:" + str(e) + "</h4>"
print >> out, "<h3> Accessible data: [<a href='/"+default_path+"/"+str(self.shot_num)+"/data_configuration.cfg'>data_configuration.cfg</a>] \
[<a href='/"+default_path+"/"+str(self.shot_num)+"/basicdiagn/config.py'>config.py</a>] - <font size='3'> (<a href='http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/SW/pygolem'>more details</a>, <a href='/"+default_path+"/"+str(self.shot_num)+"/Data.php#all_data'>all data</a>) </font> \
</h3>\n <table width='100%'>\n<tr><td><h4>Identifier</h4></td> <td><h4>File name</h4></td> <td><h4>Units</h4></td> <td><h4>Description</h4></td></tr>\n<tr>"
self._pprint_table(out, (table))
print >> out, "</tr>\n</table>"
return out.getvalue()
def get_pygolem_das(self, das_names):
Create formated HTML list of availible signals in one DAS
param str das_name: Name of DAS to be processed
base_path = "/utils/data/"+str(self.shot_num)+'/'
max_channels = 100
table = []
out = cStringIO.StringIO()
if type(das_names) is str:
das_names = [das_names]
for i in range(len(das_names)):
das_names[i] = self._fix_key(das_names[i])
def tab_append(shown_name,path, name, key):
table.append( [ shown_name + " (<a href="+path+">txt</a>,"\
"<a href="+path+".xls>xls</a>," \
"<a href='/utils/golplot?action=Plot+All&shotno_0="+str(self.shot_num)+"&diagn_0="+key+"'>img</a>," \
"<a href='"+"/"+default_path+"/"+str(self.shot_num)+'/'+"About.php#pygolem_lite'>...</a>)\n" , name ])
for das_name in das_names:
das = self.das_config[das_name]
tab_append('<b>'+das_name+'</b>',base_path+das_name, das['name']+ " all channels", das_name)
for i in range(max_channels):
key = self.channel_name(das_name, i)
if key is not None:
tab_append( (' '*8)+key,base_path+key, das[key], key)
if len(das_names) > 1:
except Exception, e:
return "DAS Failed !!! " + str(e) + "<br/> channel " + str(key) if "key" in locals() else "" + " <br/>"
print >> out, "<h3> DAS - channel setting [<a href='/"+default_path+"/"+str(self.shot_num)+"/das_configuration.cfg'>das_configuration.cfg</a>] \
<font size='3'> (<a href='http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/SW/pygolem'>more details</a>) </font> </h3> \
<table width='80%'>\n<tr><td><h4 >Identifier</h4></td> <td><h4 >\tChannel</h4></td> </tr>\n<tr>"
self._pprint_table(out, (table))
print >> out, "</tr>\n</table>"
return out.getvalue()
def channel_name(self, das_name, channel):
""" Returns name of ith channel from das_config """
das = self.das_config[self._fix_key(das_name)]
for key in das.keys():
if key not in [ "datapath", 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'name', 'status']: # list of ignored names
if das[key] != str(channel):
continue # skip of number of
return key
return None
def _fix_key(self,key):
""" Ugly but unavoidable ?? way how to fix 'spectrometr:temperature' key to 'spectrometr:temperature' key
key = key.lower()
#key = key.__repr__()
#key = re.sub('\'', '', key)
#key = re.sub('\"', '', key)
#key = re.sub(r'\\\\', r'\\', key)
return key
def _get_shot_number(self):
""" Get number of shot where is pygolem_lite started
#print re.sub('(.+/shots/)([0-9]+)/(.+)', r'\2', os.getcwd())
#print os.getcwd()
#return int(re.sub('(.+/shots/)([0-9]+)/(.+)', r'\2', os.getcwd()+'/'))
path = os.getcwd()
while not os.path.exists('ShotNo') and os.getcwd() != "/" :
shot = int(loadconst('ShotNo'))
return shot
def _is_valid_name(self, name):
""" Return 1 of name is diagn and 2 if it is DAS, otherwise zero
if type(name) is not list:
name = [name]
for i in range(len(name)):
name[i] = self._fix_key(name[i])
out = zeros(len(name), dtype=int )
out += in1d(name, self.data_config.keys())*1 # in data config
out += in1d(name, self.das_config.keys())*2 # in das config
for i in range(len(name)):
for das in self.das_config.itervalues():
out[i] += (name[i] in das)*3 # is das channel name
return out
def _pprint_table(self, out, table):
"""Prints out a table of data, padded for alignment
param out: Output stream (file-like object)
param list table: The table to print. A list of lists.
Each row must have the same number of columns. """
for row in table:
for i in range( len(row)):
print >> out,"<td>", str(row[i]),"</td>"
print >> out,'</tr><tr>'