Revision a47113bad3bcce1333e5840d318878dc7d72a7f9 (click the page title to view the current version)


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Three types of current drive tested so far with HTS Poloidal field coils on GOLEM:
\item DC power supply
\item Inductive
\item Capacitor discharging
\begin{block}{?? How to make superconducting connection ??}

\frame{\frametitle{HTS tape under microscope}

{Experimental arrangement - test of HTS soldering}{1}{Experiments/HTS/HTSswitch/II/PhotoGallery/scheme_sc.jpg}{Current is inductively driven in the HTS coil to test quality of soldering}{ }

{Experimental arrangement - photo}{0.7}{Experiments/HTS/HTSswitch/II/PhotoGallery/CIMG0162.JPG}{}{}

{Results}{0.8}{Experiments/HTS/HTSswitch/III/good.pdf}{Current decay $\tau$}{
× & amount of tin & side & connection length [mm] & $\tau$ [s]\\ \hline
1 & large & good & 60 & 10.19\\ \hline
2 & large & wrong & 60 & 5.92\\  \hline
\bf 3 & \bf small & \bf good & \bf 60 & \bf 11.9\\  \hline
4 & small & wrong & 60 & 5.1\\  \hline
5 & small & good & 15 & 1.55 \\ \hline