--- format: markdown ... # Experiment report on .. ###Initial configuration: * Date: * LP position of 1st pin from the vessel center $LP_{pos}=$ mm, * $R=50$ kOhm: * LP orientation: * Discharge setup: * Preionization: * $V_{bias}$ measured with .. ## Raw data presentation ### $V_{bias}$ scan ( [jpg](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphfull.jpg), [svg](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphfull.svg), [canvas](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphfull.html), [script](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/script.page)) ( [jpg](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphnegativ.jpg), [svg](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphnegativ.svg), [canvas](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphnegativ.html), [script](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/script.page)) ( [jpg](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphpositiv.jpg), [svg](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphpositiv.svg), [canvas](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/graphpositiv.html), [script](Figures/StandardPlasmaV_bias_scan/script.page)) ## Videos ### Basic [Avi video to download](Analysis/LPsignal.avi) ### Zoom [Avi video to download](Analysis.Zoom/LPsignal.avi) ## Data access * [Raw data directory](Analysis/Data/) * <#ShotNo>v_r: $V_R$ reflecting current via Langmuir Probe * <#ShotNo>param_1: abs(Biasing voltage) * [Files in directory, where #Time $\in <4000,15000> \mu s$ with $10 \mu s$ step](Analysis/IndData/) * <#Time>raw.dat in 2 column format: $V_{bias} [V]$, $I_{Lprobe} [A]$. * <#Time>Bt.dat in 1 single data format: $B_t [T]$. * <#Time>d2f.dat: second derivative of the VA characteristics fit . * <#Time>eedf.dat: Experimental EEDF . * <#Time>fm.dat: Maxwell-Boltzman fit to experimental EEDF . * <#Time>fd.dat: Druyvesteyn fit to experimental EEDF . * [Individual figures directory, where #Time $\in <4000,15000> \mu s$ with $10 \mu s$ step](Analysis/Figs/) * [Individual zoom figures directory, where #Time $\in <4000,15000> \mu s$ with $10 \mu s$ step](Analysis.Zoom/Figs/) * [Toroidal magnetic field evolution $B_t$ of the \#18480](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/18480/toroidal_field) * [Temporal evolution of plasma parameters according Azooz](Analysis/Dpndcs/)