\def\GWslide{\slide{Probes@GOLEM: Combined Ball-pen probe and Langmuir probe @ North-East-Down port} { \twocolumns{0.44\tw}{ \GWig{width=\tw}{Experiments/EdgePlasmaPhysics/ParticleFlux/BallPenProbe/Slides/18BasicSetup/fig/ExpSetup-BPP.png}} {0.54\tw} { \bi %\footnotesize \im Combined probe head composed of the Ball Pen Probe and the single Langmuire probe. \im Direct measurements of plasma potential $\Phi$ and the electron temperature $T_e$. \im The DC voltage (from -140 to + 140 V) is applied to a probe on the shot to shot basis and the temporal evolution of the probe current is recorded with temporal resolution 1 us. \ei } } }