\def\GWslide{\begin{frame} \frametitle{REs@GOLEM: A basic observation} \begin{itemize} \item A new NaI(Tl) scintillation detector with a photomultiplier tube was installed \item Kruskal-Bernstein criterion used for estimating the RE generation rate \item RE generation observed during the breakdown phase as well as during position instabilities \item Plasma recreation observed after the loss of RE (probably due to secondary electrons) \end{itemize} \GWig{width=\textwidth}{Experiments/RunAwayElectronStudies/Physics/Slides/16Basics/runaway.png} %Left: \textit{A shot with RE creation during breakdown (\#18970)}. Right: \textit{A shot with RE occuring during a position instability (\#18850); Plasma recreation can be observed.} \end{frame} }