--- format:markdown ... # Linux command line operated
One signal
~~~ shot_no_a=33993;ylabel='U_l [V]';\ Golem_path=https://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/;\ signal_id=DASs/StandardDAS/LoopVoltageCoil_raw.csv;\ gnuplot -p -e " set title 'Golem #`wget -q -O - $Golem_path/$shot_no_a/shot_no`'; set datafile separator ',';set xlabel 't [s]';set ylabel '$ylabel'; plot '< wget -q -O - $Golem_path/$shot_no_a/$signal_id' w l t '$ylabel\@$shot_no_a'" #Hint: copy and paste it to the linux terminal ~~~~
Two signals
~~~ shot_no_a=33993;shot_no_b=33995;ylabel='U_l [V]';\ Golem_path=https://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/;\ signal_id=DASs/StandardDAS/LoopVoltageCoil_raw.csv;gnuplot -p -e " set title 'Golem #`wget -q -O - $Golem_path/$shot_no_a/shot_no` vs. #`wget -q -O - $Golem_path/$shot_no_b/shot_no`'; set datafile separator ',';set xlabel 't [s]';set ylabel '$ylabel'; plot '< wget -q -O - $Golem_path/$shot_no_a/$signal_id' w l t '$ylabel\@$shot_no_a','< wget -q -O - $Golem_path/$shot_no_b/$signal_id' w l t '$ylabel\@$shot_no_b'" ~~~~