%info@http:://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/root/GW4reports \def\default{\EXPAT19} \def\EXPAT19{ The GOLEM tokamak, a.k.a. the grandfather of all tokamaks \cite{ITERgrandfatherGOLEM}, has a long and rich history: It was originally built in the early 60's at the Kurchatov institute Moscow as the TM-1 (Russian: Tokamak Malyj - a Small Tokamak ) tokamak, and later underwent several modifications as the CASTOR tokamak (Czech Academy of Sciences TORus) at the Institute of Plasma Physics in Prague. This oldest tokamak still in operation currently serves as an educational device under the name GOLEM at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE, CTU) with the aim of training domestic as well as foreign students and young physicists in the field of tokamak physics, technology, diagnostics and operation. }