In [25]:
from scipy.constants import pi,mu_0
from IPython.display import display, Math, Markdown
from math import sqrt

Rho_Co=0.0718;display(Markdown(r'Copper resistivity $\rho_{{Co}}$={} Ohm*mm²/m'.format(Rho_Co)))

Copper resistivity $\rho_{Co}$=0.0718 Ohm*mm²/m


In [26]:
R_HFS=0.25;display(Markdown(r'Radius of the HFS stabilization coil $R_{{HFS}}$={} m'.format(R_HFS)))
R_LFS=0.65;display(Markdown(r'Radius of the LFS stabilization coil $R_{{LFS}}$={} m'.format(R_LFS)))
S_HFS=pi*R_HFS**2;display(Markdown(r'Surface of the HFS stabilization coil $S_{{HFS}}$={} m$^2$'.format(round(float(S_HFS),3)))) 
S_LFS=pi*R_LFS**2;display(Markdown(r'Surface of the LFS stabilization coil $S_{{LFS}}$={} m$^2$'.format(round(float(S_LFS),3))))
l=0.04;display(Markdown(r'Lenght of the coil could be $l$={} m'.format(round(float(l),3))))

Radius of the HFS stabilization coil $R_{HFS}$=0.25 m

Radius of the LFS stabilization coil $R_{LFS}$=0.65 m

Surface of the HFS stabilization coil $S_{HFS}$=0.196 m$^2$

Surface of the LFS stabilization coil $S_{LFS}$=1.327 m$^2$

Lenght of the coil could be $l$=0.04 m

In [27]:
def CoilInductance(CoilTurns,Surface, length):
    return L

Horizontal stabilization

In [28]:
display(Markdown(r'Inductance of the individual HFS upper coil is $L_{{HFS}}$={} mH'.format(round(float(L_HFS_UP*1000),3))))
display(Markdown(r'Inductance of the individual HFS bottom coil is $L_{{HFS}}$={} mH'.format(round(float(L_HFS_BOT*1000),3))))
display(Markdown(r'Inductance of the individual LFS upper coil is $L_{{LFS}}$={} mH'.format(round(float(L_LFS_UP*1000),3))))
display(Markdown(r'Inductance of the individual LFS bottom coil is $L_{{LFS}}$={} mH'.format(round(float(L_LFS_BOT*1000),3))))

Inductance of the individual HFS upper coil is $L_{HFS}$=0.099 mH

Inductance of the individual HFS bottom coil is $L_{HFS}$=0.099 mH

Inductance of the individual LFS upper coil is $L_{LFS}$=0.667 mH

Inductance of the individual LFS bottom coil is $L_{LFS}$=0.667 mH

In [31]:
L_HFS=L_HFS_UP+L_HFS_BOT+2*0.75*sqrt(L_HFS_UP*L_HFS_BOT) # 75% koeficient
display(Markdown(r'Inductance of the HFS coil is $L_{{HFS}}$={} mH'.format(round(float(L_HFS*1000),3))))
L_LFS=L_LFS_UP+L_LFS_BOT+2*0.75*sqrt(L_LFS_UP*L_LFS_BOT) # 75% koeficient
display(Markdown(r'Inductance of the LFS coil is $L_{{LFS}}$={} mH'.format(round(float(L_LFS*1000),3))))

Inductance of the HFS coil is $L_{HFS}$=0.345 mH

Inductance of the LFS coil is $L_{LFS}$=2.335 mH

In [ ]:


  • Mutual inductance/Map%3A_University_PhysicsII-_Thermodynamics%2C_Electricity%2C_andMagnetism(OpenStax)/14%3A_Inductance/14.02%3A_Mutual_Inductance)
In [ ]: