% This file was created with JabRef 2.6. % Encoding: Cp1252 @MISC{GOLEM2007, author = {{FJFI CVUT}}, title = {{Tokamak GOLEM at the Czech Technical University in Prague}}, howpublished = {http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz}, year = {2007}, online = {2010} } @MISC{GTE2010, author = {B. Huang and V. Nikolaeva}, title = {{Global Tokamak Experiment}}, howpublished = {http://tokamakglobal.com/}, year = {2010}, online = {2010} } @MISC{IterNews, author = {{ITER news}}, title = {{Launch of the world's first global tokamak experiment}}, howpublished = {http://www.iter.org/newsline/156/512}, year = {2010}, online = {2010} } @misc{Conboy2007, Author={J. Conboy}, Howpublished={http://users.jet.efda.org/expert/transp/Documentation/Reports/JDN/T107-2.pdf}, Title={Interface to {TRANSP} {NetCDF} files for {MDSplus} servers}, year = {2007} } @article{Davis2002, title = {The use of {MDSplus} on {NSTX} at {PPPL}}, journal = "Fusion Engineering and Design", volume = "60", number = "3", pages = "247 - 251", year = "2002", note = "", issn = "0920-3796", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/S0920-3796(02)00016-9", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V3C-45C1V5C-5/2/5134b4f66b331dbce1f9eb8043d53e1d", author = "W. Davis and P. Roney and T. Carroll and T. Gibney and D. Mastrovito", keywords = "Data acquisition", keywords = "Data visualization", keywords = "Data management", keywords = "MDSplus", keywords = "NSTX" } @article{McArdle2010, title = {The {MAST} data acquisition upgrade}, journal = "Fusion Engineering and Design", volume = "85", number = "3-4", pages = "345 - 349", year = "2010", note = "Proceedings of the 7th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research", issn = "0920-3796", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2009.12.011", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V3C-4Y6K06K-1/2/6e597b3d66a57c3cedba19bb3b0ae7cc", author = "G.J. McArdle and Sergei Shibaev and John Storrs and Nigel Thomas-Davies and Robert Stephen", keywords = "MAST", keywords = "Data acquisition", keywords = "CompactPCI", keywords = "PXI", keywords = "Ethernet" } % % QUOTES % % A scientist at DIII-D leading the JET experiment using % AG, VRVS and MDSplus technology % % Significant work is ongoing to develop and deploy % Grid computing and advanced collaborative environments % to support FE research % % % % COMMENTS % % EU: fusion research is performed by some 25 laboratories and major facilities. % Across the world there are thousands of fusion researchers. % % ITER which will be the largest fusion project, and a wholly international endeavour % will require entensive collaboration capability worldwide. % % @article{Schissel2005, title = "Advances in remote participation for fusion experiments", journal = "Fusion Engineering and Design", volume = "74", number = "1-4", pages = "803 - 808", year = "2005", note = "Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of Fusion Technology - SOFT 23", issn = "0920-3796", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2005.06.066", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V3C-4GYNY81-1/2/c8d1ebb90a100f2a53917ef9f47442db", author = "D.P. Schissel and J.W. Farthing and V. Schmidt", keywords = "Remote participation", keywords = "Fusion experiment", keywords = "Fusion energy research" } %author = {V. Svoboda and {J. Mlyn\'a\v r} and G. Pokol and {D. R\'efy} and {J. St\" ockel} and {G. Vondr\'a\v sek}}, @INPROCEEDINGS{Svoboda2010, author = {{V. Svoboda at al.}}, title = {{Former Tokamak CASTOR becomes remotely controllable GOLEM at the Czech Technical University in Prague }}, booktitle = {Procs of the 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics }, %(online: http://ocs.ciemat.es/EPS2010PAP/pdf/P2.111.pdf)}, year = {2010}, howpublished = {http://ocs.ciemat.es/EPS2010PAP/pdf/P2.111.pdf} } % author = {Van Oost, G. and Berta, M. and Brotankova, J. and Dejarnac, R. %and Del Bosco, E. and Dufkova, E. and Duran, I. and Gryaznevich, M. P. % and Horacek, J. and Hron, M. and Malaquias, A. and Mank, G. and %Peleman, P. and Sentkerestiova, J. and Stoeckel, J. and Weinzett, V. and %Zoletnik, S. and Tal, B. and Ferrera, J. and Fonseca, A. and Hegazy, H. and % Kuznetsov, Y. and Ossyannikov, A. and Singh, A. and Sokholov, M. % and Talebitaher, A.}, @ARTICLE{VanOost2007, author = {{Van Oost, G et al.}}, title = {{Joint experiments on small tokamaks: edge plasma studies on CASTOR}}, journal = {{NUCLEAR FUSION}}, year = {{2007}}, volume = {{47}}, pages = {{378-386}}, number = {{5}}, month = {{MAY}}, abstract = {{The 1st Joint (Host Laboratory) Experiment on `joint research using small tokamaks' was carried out using the IPP Prague experimental facility `CASTOR tokamak'. The main experimental programme was aimed at characterizing the edge plasma in a tokamak by using different advanced diagnostic techniques. It is widely recognized that characterization of phenomena occurring at the plasma edge is essential for understanding the plasma confinement in a tokamak. The edge plasma in small and large scale experiments has many similar features, and the results obtained through detailed measurements in a small flexible device such as CASTOR are in many aspects still relevant to those in large tokamaks. Therefore, it is expected that the results of this joint experiment will have general validity. The radial and poloidal structure of electrostatic turbulence was characterized. The effects of edge biasing were analysed. Radiation fluctuations and profile measurements were performed using fast bolometry. Plasma position measurements were performed using novel Hall sensors.}}, address = {{WAGRAMERSTRASSE 5, PO BOX 100, A-1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIA}}, affiliation = {{Van Oost, G (Reprint Author), Univ Ghent, Dept Appl Phys, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. Univ Ghent, Dept Appl Phys, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. EURATOM, KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary. EURATOM, IPP CR, Inst Plasma Phys, Prague, Czech Republic. INPE, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil. UKAEA Euratom Fus Assoc, Culham Sci Ctr, Abingdon, Oxon, England. IAEA, NAPC Phys Sect, A-1400 Vienna, Austria. Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Phys, BR-05508 Sao Paulo, Brazil. EAEA, Cairo, Egypt. St Petersburg State Univ, St Petersburg, Russia. Univ Saskatchewan, Plasma Phys Lab, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W0, Canada. RRC Kurchatov Inst, Moscow, Russia. Plasma Phys Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran. Szechenyi Istvan Univ, EURATOM Assoc, Gyor, Hungary.}}, doc-delivery-number = {{174YK}}, doi = {{10.1088/0029-5515/47/5/002}}, issn = {{0029-5515}}, journal-iso = {{Nucl. Fusion}}, keywords-plus = {{SCRAPE-OFF LAYER; FLUCTUATIONS}}, language = {{English}}, number-of-cited-references = {{10}}, publisher = {{INT ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY}}, subject-category = {{Physics, Fluids \& Plasmas; Physics, Nuclear}}, times-cited = {{6}}, type = {{Article}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000246978600002}} } @ARTICLE{Vega2006, author = {Vega, J. and Sanchez, E. and Portas, A. and Pereira, A. and Mollinedo, A. and Munoz, J. A. and Ruiz, M. and Barrera, E. and Lopez, S. and Machon, D. and Castro, R. and Lopez, D.}, title = {{Overview of the TJ-II remote participation system}}, journal = {{FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN}}, year = {{2006}}, volume = {{81}}, pages = {{2045-2050}}, number = {{15-17, Sp. Iss. SI}}, month = {{JUL}}, note = {{5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Budapest, HUNGARY, JUL 12-15, 2005}}, abstract = {{The TJ-II remote participation system (RPS) is focused on providing remote access to elements that depend exclusively on characteristics of the TJ-II environment: data acquisition, diagnostics control systems and TJ-II operation tracking. Four key points were taken into account prior to starting the software design: access security, software execution platforms, software maintenance and distribution and delivery of operation events. The first, access security, was addressed by means of a distributed authentication and authorization system, PAPI. Regarding the other points, the development was based on the use of web servers (due to their standard character, flexibility and scalability) and Java technologies (due to their open nature, security properties and technological maturity). Software deployment was prepared to make use of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP). On-line message distribution was planned according to a message oriented middleware. At present, the TJ-II RPS manages over 1000 digitization channels and 20 diagnostic control systems. The TJ-II RPS architecture is flexible, scalable and powerful enough to be applied to distributed environments and, in particular, it could be used in the ITER environment. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}}, address = {{PO BOX 564, 1001 LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND}}, affiliation = {{Vega, J (Reprint Author), CIEMAT, EURATOM Assoc, Avda Complutense 22, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. CIEMAT, EURATOM Assoc, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. CIEMAT, Ctr Comp, E-28040 Madrid, Spain. Univ Politecn Madrid, Dpto Sist Elect \& Control, Madrid 28031, Spain. Red es RedIRIS, Madrid 28020, Spain.}}, author-email = {{jesus.vega@ciemat.es}}, doc-delivery-number = {{073TG}}, doi = {{10.1016/j.fusengdes.2006.04.015}}, issn = {{0920-3796}}, journal-iso = {{Fusion Eng. Des.}}, keywords = {{remote participation; data acquisition; web technologies; Java technologies; nuclear fusion; TJ-II stellarator}}, language = {{English}}, number-of-cited-references = {{11}}, organization = {{IAEA}}, publisher = {{ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA}}, subject-category = {{Nuclear Science \& Technology}}, times-cited = {{10}}, type = {{Proceedings Paper}}, unique-id = {{ISI:000239764900059}} } @article{McHarg1999, title = {Tools for remote collaboration on the {DIII-D} National Fusion Facility}, journal = "Fusion Engineering and Design", volume = "43", number = "3-4", pages = "343 - 355", year = "1999", note = "", issn = "0920-3796", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/S0920-3796(98)00403-7", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V3C-3VKS2W8-G/2/096bb9000afbb54bfc93795344c2506b", author = "B. B. McHarg and T. A. Casper and S. Davis and D. Greenwood", keywords = "Tokamak", keywords = "General atomics", keywords = "World wide web", keywords = "Distributed computing environment" } @article{Oshima2004, title = {Development of environment for remote participation in fusion research on {JT-60}}, journal = "Fusion Engineering and Design", volume = "71", number = "1-4", pages = "239 - 244", year = "2004", note = "4th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquistion, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research", issn = "0920-3796", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2004.04.040", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V3C-4CMJF5C-1/2/d9347314c740cb7c30a0279c63059856", author = "{T. Oshima et al.}", %author = "T. Oshima and O. Naito and K. Hamamatsu and K. Iba and M. Sato and S. Sakata and T. Tsugita and T. Matsuda and K. Iwasaki and Y. Karube and T. Koyama and T. Ozeki", keywords = "JT-60", keywords = "Remote collaboration", keywords = "Hierarchical research", keywords = "Remote", keywords = "Video conferencing" } @article{Nagayama2008, title = {Control, data acquisition, data analysis and remote participation in {LHD}}, journal = "Fusion Engineering and Design", volume = "83", number = "2-3", pages = "170 - 175", year = "2008", note = "Proceedings of the 6th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research", issn = "0920-3796", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2007.10.009", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V3C-4RD3WGC-1/2/b3341e928b3f52f3b1eaf6405fffc89d", author = "{Y. Nagayama et al.}", %author = "Y. Nagayama and M. Emoto and H. Nakanishi and S. Sudo and S. Imazu and S. Inagaki and C. Iwata and M. Kojima and M. Nonomura and M. Ohsuna and K. Tsuda and M. Yoshida and H. Chikaraishi and H. Funaba and R. Horiuchi and S. Ishiguro and Y. Ito and S. Kubo and A. Mase and T. Mito and J. Miyazawa and T. Mutoh and Y. Nakamura and K. Saito and R. Sakamoto and T. Seki and M. Shoji and S. Takami and T. Watanabe and T. Yamamoto and A. Komori and O. Motojima", keywords = "Control", keywords = "Data acquisition", keywords = "Plasma", keywords = "Fusion", keywords = "Remote participation", keywords = "Steady state", keywords = "LHD", keywords = "MSS", keywords = "Fibre Channel", keywords = "SAN" } % % QUOTES % % Based on the ideas developed at TEXTOR, a tool for remote data browsing has % also been developed for MDSplus. % -- this means that it is not necessary to know the signals of the data being % -- accessed. Web browser is useful for browsing the data. % % % % % COMMENTS % % % Drawbacks of remote data access using remote connection: % - Need to know organisation, local computing facilities cannot be used, % - simultaneous data usage not possible. @article{Manduchi2002, title = "Multiple-site remote data access for fusion experiments", journal = "Fusion Engineering and Design", volume = "60", number = "3", pages = "467 - 473", year = "2002", note = "", issn = "0920-3796", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/S0920-3796(02)00048-0", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V3C-45C1V5C-2/2/6f4c0e7a649d66c4f4cc8e99b9e320c8", author = "G. Manduchi and C. Taliercio and J. Krom", keywords = "Remote access", keywords = "Web interface", keywords = "Data handling", keywords = "User interface" } % % COMMENTS % % A remote participation system called VizAnalysis is being developed. % Security is needed % % Collaborative research system to concetrate the expertise, % ideas and numerical experiments from research facilities % all around. % % % QUOTES % % % % % % % %