\def\default{As one observes increasing demands of humankind for energy, importance of seeking new energy resources becomes more and more evident. Current major strategy of power plants to heat the water, thus producing the steam to power turbine to generate electricity stands the principal question what to burn. The inspiration from the nature, that comes from within the cores of the stars, gives rise to idea to create and maintain something like a small star inside the reactor, where light nuclei fuse into heavier ones releasing huge thermal energy. It is a unique challenge for human being to harness the star's energy in the terrestrial conditions managing extremely sophisticated physics and technology issues, see e.g. \cite{wwwiter}. The decision to build up the international experimental reactor ITER triggered the demand for new generation of scientists and technologist, that can cope with such an objection. The education in the field of the thermonuclear fusion suffers from having a good experimental background since the relevant experiments are extremely sophisticated and expensive. } \def\Habilitace{\default} \def\Xyears{ The basic mission of tokamak technology, see e.g. \cite{wwwiter}, is to provide clean, safe, and almost inexhaustible energy for future generations by utilizing thermonuclear reaction, inspired by processes in the star's cores. Essentially, this approach requires heating the fusion fuel, the deuterium-tritium mixture up to $\approx$ 100 million degrees Celsius, and keeping these conditions in a steady-state regime in the magnetic bottle concept reactor for the whole life of such a future nuclear power plant. Such technology is extremely complex in a variety of scientific and engineering fields and requires high-level professionals to deal with the challenges of heating, control, superconductivity, cryogenics, diagnostics, safety issues and remote maintenance and many more.}