%info@http:://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/root/GW4reports \def\GWpar{ The overall view of the tokamak GOLEM experiment in its simple possible presentation is presented in the Figure \ref{fig:Tokamak/ExperimentalSetup/GlobalSetup/Wdiagn} and consists of two parts: i) tokamak itself with its infrastructure securing vacuum conditions, working gas management, pre-ionization, toroidal magnetic field $B_t$ generation for confining plasma and toroidal electric field $E_t$ generation for breakdown neutral gas into plasma and consequent heating it and ii) basic diagnostics system consisting of loop voltage $U_l$, toroidal magnetic field $B_t$, plasma current $I_p$ and a radiation measurements. Both systems are controlled by the PC, which is connected to the apache oriented web server and thus it provide the link between the tokamak and IT technology. On the client side there is a device capable reach the web with browser, where user can chose from menu oriented form requested parameters of the plasma discharge and submit its selection into queue. Discharge setup is processed and remote participant can get results in the form of the shot homepage. \GWif{width=\textwidth}{Tokamak/ExperimentalSetup/GlobalSetup/Wdiagn} } \def\GWslide{\begin{frame} \frametitle{The global schematic overview of the GOLEM experiment} \begin{center} \GWig{width=\textwidth}{Tokamak/ExperimentalSetup/GlobalSetup/Wdiagn/fig/figure} \end{center} \end{frame}} \def\Xyears{ The overall view of the tokamak GOLEM experiment in its simple possible presentation is presented in the Figure \ref{fig:Tokamak/ExperimentalSetup/GlobalSetup/Wdiagn} and consists of two parts: i) tokamak itself with its infrastructure securing vacuum conditions, working gas management, pre-ionization, toroidal magnetic field $B_t$ generation for confining plasma and toroidal electric field $E_t$ generation for breakdown neutral gas into plasma and consequent heating it and ii) basic diagnostics system consisting of loop voltage $U_l$, toroidal magnetic field $B_t$, plasma current $I_p$ and a radiation measurements. Both systems are controlled by the PC, which is connected to the apache oriented web server and thus it provide the link between the tokamak and IT technology. On the client side there is a device capable reach the web with browser, where user can chose from menu oriented form requested parameters of the plasma discharge and submit its selection into queue. Discharge setup is processed and remote participant can get results in the form of the shot homepage. \GWif{width=0.75\textwidth}{Tokamak/ExperimentalSetup/GlobalSetup/Wdiagn} } \def\GWslideCz{\begin{frame} \frametitle{Tokamak GOLEM - experimentální schéma} \begin{center} \GWig{width=\textwidth}{Tokamak/ExperimentalSetup/GlobalSetup/Wdiagn/fig/figure} \end{center} \end{frame}}