\def\GOMTRAICconcept{ The GOlem reMote TRAIning Course (GOMTRAIC) is an education and training course focuses on basic understanding of experimental tokamak physics and control. It is meant for undergraduate and postgraduate students who want to get experience with operating of a fusion device. GOMTRAIC 2013 was the second year of the event, the first one was held in 2012. The project started on April 4th 2013 by a warm-up day (remotely). The participants had the opportunity to get in touch with the organizers and try first few shots. The second significant part was the kick-off week. Kick-off week was organized in Prague, in-situ. Students were given presentations on the tokamak, data acquisition systems, basics of programming data access and basics of tokamak operation and began to execute real measurements on the tokamak related to the 7 tasks: \begin{itemize} \item Basic tokamak measurements. \item Plasma MHD Activity Observations via Magnetic Diagnostics. \item Electrostatic probes. \item Generation of runaway electrons in different discharge regimes and their registration by means of HXR radiation. \item Breakdown studies. \item Tokamak plasma tomography. \item Electron density measurement via a microwave interferometer. \end{itemize} The students who were not able to come to Prague were folowing the presentations on-line. The kick-off week ended by presentations of the first results, obtained during the week, and conclusions about the next steps in the investigation. During the following months students were collecting data in on-line sessions. } \def\GOMTRAICparticipants{ \begin{itemize} \item In-situ (students) \begin{itemize} \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413MauRod/}{Mauricio Rodríguez} - University of Seville, Seville, Spain \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413FabMar/}{Fabien Marguet} - Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413DanHer/}{Daniel Hernandez Arriaga} - Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro, México \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413MigGom/}{Miguel Gomez} - Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413FreOst/}{Fredrik Ostyn} - Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413LukMat/Level\_I/index.php}{Lukas Matena} - Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \end{itemize} \item Remote participants (students) \begin{itemize} \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413CostaRica/Level\_I/index.php}{Costa Rica group} - Technological Institute of Costa Rica, Cartago, Costa Rica \begin{itemize} \item William Jimenez Vasques \item Luiz Miguel Esquivel Sancho \item Rolando Esquivel \item Denis Josué Luna Acuña \end{itemize} \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413PraDh/Level\_I/index.php}{Pravesh Dhyani} Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India \item \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/roperation/tasks/GOMTRAIC/13/Participants/0413MarMar/Level\_I/index.php}{Marco Martinez} - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico \end{itemize} \item Participants - supervisors \begin{itemize} \item Tomas Markovic (PhD. student) - - Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic \item Michal Odstrcil (PhD. student)- Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \item Tomas Odstrcil (PhD. student)- Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \item Ondrej Grover (Bc. student)- Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \item Jindrich Kocman (MSc. student)- Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \item Tereza Ruzickova (Bc. student)- Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \item Daniel Refy (MSc. student) - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary \end{itemize} \end{itemize} } \def\GOMTRAICsuperv{ \begin{itemize} \item Dr.~Jana Brotánková - Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \item Dr.~Jan Stöckel - Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic \item Dr.~Vojtěch Svoboda - Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic \item Dr.~Selso Ribeiro - Technological Institute of Costa Rica, Cartago, Costa Rica \end{itemize} } \def\GOMTRAICphases{ \begin{itemize} \item Starter: Before the kick-off week, participants were practicing on our \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/voperation/tasks/EVENTS/0313GOMTRAICXIII/Level\_I/index.php}{virtual simulator} which is a special interface simulating the control room. The students could choose the parameters as during a real operation, and the system will find shots performed in the past with parameters close to the selected ones. The students could trigger an unlimited number of shots and get an idea of how the device works. \item Warm-up day: After the starter, there was a Warm-up day on 4th April 2013, organized in order to get in touch via Skype. Those who were interested could perform first shots via remote access. \item The Kick-off week: The kick-off week was held in the week April 8th - April 12th 2013. Three groups performed their tasks and concluded their results in presentations at the end of the meeting. During this time particpants performed nearly 100 discharges. Kick-off week programme: \begin{itemize} \item Monday: \begin{itemize} \item 10 a.m. Welcoming address and introductory lecture about tokamak GOLEM for remote participants (via Skype) \item 1 p.m. Welcoming address and introductory lecture about tokamak GOLEM for in-situ participants (live) \item 4 p.m. Golem data processing course (for all participants) \item 6 p.m. Welcome party (for in-situ participants) (from now all activities common for remote and in-situ participants as well) \end{itemize} \item Tuesday \begin{itemize} \item 9 a.m. Virtual operation of the tokamak GOLEM \href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/voperation/tasks/EVENTS/0313GOMTRAICXIII/Level\_I/index.php}{here} \item 11 a.m. Introduction to real operation of tokamak GOLEM \item 1 p.m. Lunch \item 2 p.m. Performing given tasks \end{itemize} \item Wednesday \begin{itemize} \item whole day: Data analysis, performing tasks \item evening: Social programme (in-situ participants) \end{itemize} \item Thursday \begin{itemize} \item whole day: Data analysis, performing tasks, preparing reports and presentations \end{itemize} \item Friday \begin{itemize} \item 9 a.m. Presentations \item 1 p.m. End of the kick-off week \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} } \def\GOMTRAICoutput{ * MHD: * [Kick-off presentation](MHD/PresentationKickOff.pptx) * Rake Probe: * [Kick-off presentation](Probes/PresentationKickOff/GOMTRAIC_Presentation_Final.pdf) * [Marco's report](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/TrainingCourses/GOMTRAIC/13/Probes/reports/Marco) * [Miguel's report](http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/TrainingCourses/GOMTRAIC/13/Probes/reports/Miguel) * Tokamak plasma tomography: * [Kick-off presentation](Tomography/presentation/presentation%20v3.pdf) * [Tomographic reconstuction](Tomography/figures/plasma2.gif) * Generation of runaway electrons in different discharge regimes and their registration by means of HXR radiation } \def\GOLEMphotos{ fotky } \def\GOMTRAICConcl{ \begin{itemize} \item The kick-off week was a very intense and fruitful event. \item It is extremely interesting to "employ" more experienced Czech student GOLEM staff (including Daniel Refy from Budapest) as supervisors for individual GOMTRAIC tasks. We have a very positive experience with such a role for some GOMTRAIC participants having supervisor role. \item In comparison with last year, the kick-off week pushed the participants significantly. \item During the kick-off week, the students kept high focus on the topics and produced most of the results. \item It is difficult for the students to come in April, mainly because of the approaching end of the semester. \item During the remote part, the MHD group and the electrostatic probe group were going on with more analysis and results. The Basic tokamak measurement group from Costa Rica failed to continue in the task. The Electron density measurement via a microwave interferometer group consisted of one student from IPR, India who did not communicate properly and never performed any discharge or produced any result. \item The improvement on the second year of the GOMTRAIC was significant. There were a few factors which contributed. The main difference was made by organizing the kick-off week, which appeared to be a very efficient way of starting the campaign. Especially the students who came to this event were more serious, more devoted, and thus more successful in achieving results and learning. \item There were a few items which can be improved. The main problem was that the GOMTRAIC interfered with the end of the semester and the exam period - thus, a number of students were short in time to work more extensively. The kick-off week was very efficient, but it is not that easy to keep the remote part going especially in a wrong part of the semester. \item Some of the students were not very serious, this should be filtered out by better communication with the supervisors and teachers. The date was coliding with the exam period of the students, which added to this factor. \item It is worth noticing that the financial support for covering the living costs for the kick-off week was very useful and enabled the students to come. On the other hand, they found it difficult to get funds for the travel from their universities which prevented another few students to arrive for the kick-off week. \end{itemize} Recommendations: \begin{itemize} \item Term: February would be more wise as it matches more with the schedules of the students. It is an interesting idea to arrange the GOMTRAIC in August, just before SUMTRAIC (the training course at the Compass tokamak). The students can stay longer and participate in both the summer schools. \item The advertisement should be more in advance, at least 3 months. \item Include a lecture on data evaluation on the GOLEM tokamak. \item Ask the students in advance about their preferred system (IDL, Octave, Gnuplot, Matlab, etc.). \item Better communication with university supervisors (teachers) of the students. \item Better encouraging of the students to go on with the work. \end{itemize} The progress of GOMTRAIC was reported at the EPS conference in Espoo \cite{EPSHelsinky2013} in a scope of a poster presentation and a proceedings paper. Overall, the unique concept of GOMTRAIC again proved the capacity of the GOLEM tokamak to offer training in tokamak fusion physics to students from all over the world. The quality of GOMTRAIC has a positive trend and still some space to improve.\\~\\ } \def\GOMTRACquotes{ \begin{quotation} We really enjoy both sessions. Thanks again for all the efforts and also to be willing for conducting further sessions. \newline \flushright Celso Ribeiro (Costa Rica supervisor)\end{quotation} \begin{quotation} *Kick-off week: I think it was very useful for me, serving as a solid introduction on applying algorithms for data analysis. I really enjoyed my stay. *Remote part: Good to do additional experiments, however I think a strict deadline before 1st of June (when examinations take place) to finish all reports would be better. If the Gomtraic is closed earlier, there is less risk of losing contact after the examination period ended. \newline \flushright Frederik Ostyn (participant)\end{quotation} \begin{quotation} From the perspective of a co-supervisor of task 'Plasma MHD Activity Observations via Magnetic Diagnostics' (with Daniel Refy being the other supervisor), I must say that this year's GOMTRAIC was exceptionally fruitful. Implementation of kick-off week was critical to its success, as it gave the whole course a much-needed drive, that was from the most part lacking in previous GOMTRAIC. Althought a week-long intensive course is still too short to fully cover application of statistical methods to characterize tearing modes in plasma (judging from my experience with Sumtraic and Emtraic courses of similar character), it is still sufficient to cover the basics and get first results, so that the rest can be finished remotely.\\~\\ \indent Participants of MHD task learned basics of tokamak physics with relevance to tearing modes, such as identification of radial location of magnetic island resonant surface, using assumption of specific plasma current density peaking factor and m/n structure of the island (which they obtained experimentally). The task naturally required to understand and apply the theory of inductive magnetic diagnostics, which participants coepd very well with.\\~\\ \indent To be more specific, there were 3 participants in the task in total. Frederik Ostyn from Ghent University (Belgium), Mauricio Rodriguez from University of Seville (Spain) and Daniel Hernandez Arriaga from Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico). Each of the participants was creative in different way, and also each was far above the standard. Frederik was well versed in plasma physics and data analysis. It was he, who wrote the main algorithms for magnetic island analysis. He also managed to characterize not only location of resonant surfaces, but also rotation velocities of islands therein, which is why he was considered to be the brain and 'theorist' of the group. Mauricio wrote a full 30 (!) page report of activities of the group during kick-off week, and was in charge of final presentation (which was of exceptionally good quality) for kick-off week, which is why I saw him as 'main author'. Daniel constructed, calibrated and installed a brand new diagnostics for tokamak GOLEM (second Mirnov coil array), which enabled second experimental session to take place and to obtain large amounts of megabytes of nice data. I know from my own experience that construction of such a large diagnostics array is very hard task to do, which is why I saw him as an 'experimentalist' of the group.\\~\\ \indent Personally, I am glad that I had the opporunity to get to know the guys and to work together with them in the ever-rewarding field of magnetic diagnostics.\newline \flushright Tomas Markovic (participant-supervisor)\end{quotation} \begin{quotation} GOMTRAIC is an unique project that allows international students to get interesting experiences from tokamak science. From my experience, fusion master students are missing practical experiences in data processing and evaluation. Especially, lack of basic programming skills and experiences in processing of noisy and damaged data seems to be a critical issue. The advantage of tokamak GOLEM is fully opensource environment that allows students to continue in their projects even from home and therefore students have enough time to understand the problem and prepare their results. \newline \flushright Michal Odstrcil (remote participant - supervisor)\end{quotation} \begin{quotation} The GOMTRAIC summer course is an outstanding event, where the inquiring students can improve their acquaintances. This is the first occasion for most of the participants, where they learn how experimental work is carried out. They can see and touch the machine itself, see how the diagnostics built up, on the other hand, the experimental data is delivered for them, as long as the diagnostics and the data acquisition system is working automated, they don’t have to go too much into technical details. This way, their work can be more focused on the data evaluation, and the understanding of physical processes. The participants have to go through the whole process of scientific experimental work, from the basics of the hardware down to the physical interpretation of the processed data, and at the end of the kick off week, they have to give a presentation of their results, which is extremely useful for their future work.\\~\\ The work was carried on through the following months after the kick off week, the participants could make further shot sessions where they could apply their experiences, and go for more detailed results. \newline\flushright D\'aniel Imre R\'efy (in-situ supervisor of MHD studies) \end{quotation} %\begin{quotation} \newline \flushright \end{quotation} }