--- format:markdown ... * Určitě Badges ! * Myslim, ze prvni vecer by mela byt AJ kytarka a druhy international songbook. Dear Dr. Vojtěch, As you have requested, I will tell you what are the things I think can be improved, by order of importance. 1. Lectures on Monday - I think that the task-focused lectures that we had on Monday were not very useful. I would much rather have spent that time solely with my team and my supervisors. We can learn about the work of the other groups either directly from them during the week and the social gatherings or at the end of GOMTRAIC during the presentations. I would replace the lectures with "group kickoff meetings". These meetings could be in separate rooms (one for each group), and during the meeting, the supervisor should introduce the topic, the task, and the tools, so that on Tuesday morning every team is ready to start working. 2. Sightseeing - In my opinion, this would have been a great addition to GOMTRAIC. It would be great if you could fit in a small Prague tour (maybe you can find a student that can give this tour and talk about the story of Prague, etc...) 3. Workplace - I think the Atrium where we spent most of our time was a very good location, the only downside was that time that we had to leave because the atrium had been booked on Wednesday evening, but even then we still had the small room next to GOLEM so it was not a huge problem. Now, the things I liked about GOMTRAIC! Joint departure from the hotel on Monday morning - Good idea. Tasks - Good choice of tasks. Workplace - As I said, the Atrium was a very good location. The number of attendants - Good, between 2 and 4 students per group is a good amount. Also, 16 participants ended up being a very good number of total participants in my opinion. Meals - Very good! Keep it this way if possible. I think 5 breakfasts 5 lunches and 2 dinners is the perfect amount! The days we did not have dinner actually forced us to communicate and we ended up socializing more! T-shirts - Great! Could not think of a better souvenir! And the absolute best... The songbook idea! That was brilliant! Hands down the best way to finish GOMTRAIC. I want to finish by saying thank you so so much. This was really an experience I will never forget! You were the best host we could have wished for and the workshop exceeded all my expectations. Also, on a personal note, thank you for introducing me to Prof. Mlynar, that lunch was of incalculable value to me. I write to you from the airport in Vienna and I will soon be home. Thank you again for an amazing week, Ahoj Vojto a ostatni, Poznamky Davida byly pripadne: 1) Vzhledem ke kratkemu trvani GOMTRAIC jsou pondelni prednasky o jednotlivych ulohach nadbytecne. Ucastnici by se meli hned v pondeli soustredit vylucne na svoji vybranou ulohu. 2) Priste by se mel najit cas na kratkou exkurzi po centru Prahy . 3) Myslim, ze farewell party by mela probehnout primo na GOLEMu - neco malo studeneho obcerstveni a pisne. Jinak skvele!! Zdravim Honza