# /GW/Presentations/GlobalOverviews/Training DOCUM=present #SAKRYS, je toho nejak moc: \GWinclMovie{XX} # * 0) Bez movies se starterem a endereme pro mou prezentaci (~ 30 MB) # Tohle bylo nestahnutelne v Turine 18 # * 1) s videama pouze na mem stroji .. WmoviespresentVS.pdf # * 2) s videama zazipovane na jakykoli stroj (je to ale proklate velke, cca 200 Mb - asi neakceptovatelne) # * 3) ted je jeste asi potreba vytvorit prezentaci bez starteru a bez enderu (~ 20 MB) # snad to bude stahnutelne ... # Je potreba to nejak rozmyslet # A default MUSI byt bez videi ... ted to tak neni!!! session: make -iBs pdf bibtex present #make -iBs WmoviesTransfer make -iBs pdf make -iBs pdf #bibtex present #make -iBs mmovies make clean all: make -iBs bibtex make clean ls -all mmovies: make -iB Wmovies; mv present.pdf presentWmovies.pdf make -iB WOmovies Wmovies: # plati jen na mem pocitaci .... pdflatex "\def\GWinclMovie{1}\input{present.tex}" WOmovies: pdflatex -shell-escape "\def\GWinclMovie{0}\input{present.tex}" WmoviesTransfer: # videa nutno nosit s sebou ... pdflatex "\def\GWinclMovie{2}\input{present.tex}" make clean zip -j -0 present present.pdf /GW/Presentations/Commons/GOLEMmovies/*.mp4 pdf: make -iBs WOmovies pdfse: pdflatex --shell-escape golem.tex edit: make -iB archiv kile -title Golem makefile $(DOCUM).tex & konsole & krusader --left $$PWD & #chromium-browser http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/TrainingCourses/GOMTRAIC/13/ & make -iB view & make F12 archiv: mkdir -p archiv zip archiv/`date '+%d%m%y'` base/*.tex *.tex makefile view: okular $(DOCUM).pdf & F12: echo "xterm -hold -e make -C $$PWD" >~/bin/F12 #echo "ssh -X svoboda@bn xterm -hold -e make -C $$PWD" >~/bin/F12 bibtex: #rsync -ve ssh bn:/home/svoboda/GOLEM/wikidata/root/golem.bib . pdflatex $(DOCUM);bibtex $(DOCUM);pdflatex "\def\GWinclMovie{0}\input{present.tex}";pdflatex "\def\GWinclMovie{0}\input{present.tex}" rsyncLB: rsync -r -u -v -K -e ssh $$PWD bn:$${PWD%/*} rsyncBL: rsync -r -u -v -e ssh bn:$$PWD $${PWD%/*} thumbnail: convert -thumbnail x300 -background white -alpha remove present.pdf[2] present_thb.png clean: ls ${DOCUM}.*|grep -v pdf|grep -v tex|grep -v zip|xargs rm