--- format: latex categories: Training ... % ATTENTION! if you want to edit this page, you !SHOULD! edit 1210_GTE/resource.page % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {\bf Global Tokamak Experiment} In a special event called the Global Tokamak Experiment \cite{iternews}, [3] using a web based system, over 4 hours 38 participants from 10 different countries carried out 83 plasma discharges.Due to the global nature of this experiment a security feature using access keys (also referred to as tokens) were distributed to limit the usage of the tokamak. A login based system identified between participant, and experiment manager. Thus the machine was based in the Czech Republic, the experiment manager in the UK, and the participants in many other countries.\par {\bf Session link: }\url{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/tasks/Events/GTE/011210_1256/} \par {\bf Quotation: } \begin{quotation}It was great! .. Many thanks to Billy for the excellent site design and to Vojtech Svoboda and his team for the interesting experiment. I hope that it will ever happen again. I and another student has already been discussed the results of shots yesterday the whole evening and today, a good idea to make the discussion more global=D. \newline \flushright GTE participant\end{quotation}{\bf Event Flyer:} \includegraphics[]{1210_GTE/s600q100TokamakGlobalFlyer.jpg} \par {\bf ITER news:} \url{http://www.iter.org/newsline/156/512}