%info@http:://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/root/GW4reports \def\GoshaArticle{ Nowadays physics reaches a level of mega-science devices like Large Hadron Collider, European Centre for Synchrotron Radiation, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), etc. Large-scale experimental sessions are planned during months, and wait for their realization some years, which is comparable with the university education period. So it is difficult for young generation of experimentalists to get practical training and makes it impossible to perform their own experiment planned by themselves. The life-cycle of large thermonuclear device from the idea to operation typically exceeds a decade like in case of world-largest stellarator Wendelstain-7X, it may even take several decades like in case of ITER. During this time, the team that starts its creation partially or even completely manages to change at the operation stage. In this case, it may happen that many new-comers have never participated in a plasma experiment in their lives. Because of this, they may not get a chance to work directly with any plasma device for years. The university-scale tokamak GOLEM is used as a test-bench for young plasma physicists to make their first experiments by themselves, to feel a spirit of the modern experimental work and a satisfaction by first their own results obtained. During the university course, students have an opportunity not only to understand the basic principles of tokamak operation, but also to immerse themselves in the intricacies of high-temperature plasma diagnostics, data processing, and to study modern plasma physics directly. In contrast to the standard university laboratory work in physics with known physical processes and known solution, the GOLEM experiments are dedicated to the open questions of modern plasma physics research with the teacher not like a lecturer and mentor, but as an elder colleague. Thanks to such an organization of education, the thermonuclear community will have a continuous stream of qualified personnel who are ready to start working with a large thermonuclear device without a long acquainting period. } \def\GWpar{ The reinstalled tokamak \cite{EPSDublin2010}. \GWPhysQuantValueWithName{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/TechnologicalQuantities/MajorRadius} and \GWPhysQuantValueWithName{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/TechnologicalQuantities/MinorRadius} with circular limiter geometry operates in a modest range of parameters:. The toroidal magnetic field \GWPhysQuantValue{Discharge/Analysis/Basic/ToroidalMagneticField/Maximum} and plasma current \GWPhysQuantValue{Discharge/Analysis/Basic/PlasmaCurrent/Maximum}. The discharge duration \GWPhysQuantValue{Discharge/Analysis/Basic/DischargeDuration/Maximum}.\GWPhysQuantRangeOrder{Discharge/Analysis/Basic/ElectronDensity/Average}, while electron temperatures \GWPhysQuantValue{Discharge/Analysis/Basic/ElectronTemperature/Maximum} ($1$\,eV $\approx 11600$\,K or $11300$\,$^o$C), Hydrogen or Helium as a working gas. It is equipped with a basic set of diagnostics i) a coil around the transformer core for the loop voltage ($U_l$) measurement; ii) a Rogowski coil around the vessel for the plasma current measurement $I_p$; iii) a small coil for the toroidal magnetic field $B_t$ measurement; and iv) a photodiode measuring the visible radiation intensity. \par Advanced diagnostics include a fast camera for imaging of a poloidal slice of the plasma, interferometer for electron density $n_e$ measurement, a set of 20 aligned AXUV detectors (bolometers) for measurements of the radiated power profile, scintillators for hard X-ray radiation measurement, various set of coils for monitoring magnetohydrodynamic activity in the plasma, and arrays of various electric probes. \par All measurements are stored in a database. A pulse summary with the main plasma parameters is displayed on the experiment web page. The data can be also retrieved as files for further analysis. For an overview of this experimental setup see \cite{Grover2016}. \par The educational mission of this tokamak is fulfilled in four modes: i) Bachelor projects and Diploma thesis, ii) Hands-on experiments, iii) Excursions, and iv) Remote operation. The last one is typically relevant for various fusion relevant demonstrations of tokamak operation and training courses, such as winter or summer plasma physics and technology events, during which it is extremely refreshing to include such real online experimentation in the programme of the event. } \def\EXPATMadeira{ \GWif{width=0.6\tw}{Tokamak/BasicDescription/Introduction/PG} \GWpar The contribution describes the remote operation procedure in details the procedure from the discharge request specification, through the live stream of the current status of the device to the discharge results.} \def\EPSDublin{ The CASTOR tokamak, which has been operated for 30 years at the IPP Prague was moved to the Czech Technical University in Prague and became an educational device for domestic as well as for foreign students, via remote participation/handling. The reinstalled tokamak (R =0.4 m, a = 0.085 m), now baptized as GOLEM, operates currently at modest range of parameters, Bt < 0.5 T, Ip < 8 kA, pulse length $\approx$ 13 ms, and with a limited set of diagnostics. This facility will be offered to the FUSENET (the 7th FWP European Fusion Education Network) as a (remote) practica experiment.} \def\BasePhotoCz{\slide{Tokamak GOLEM}{ \bc\GWig{width=0.9\tw}{Tokamak/BasicDescription/Introduction/PG/Screenshot.png}\ec }} \def\KoreaIJ{ Tokamak GOLEM is a small tokamak (major radius R=0.4 m, minor radius a=0.085 m, toroidal magnetic field Bt<0.8 T, plasma current Ip<8 kA, discharge duration ≈ 20 ms) operating at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. It has been serving for 10 years as an educational device for training students from more then 20 countries in fusion research. One of its essential features is the possibility of fully remote operation so it suits to international experiments with broad participation. Students can operate the tokamak via web interface and instantly can access the results via shot homepage. It is possible to make more then 100 discharges per day. Laboratory practice can cover whole range of possible tasks, e.g.: Basic tokamak operation and measurements, Electron energy confinement time determination, Breakdown Studies, Magnetic Measurements, Electrostatic Probe Measurements, Isotopic studies, Plasma MHD Activity Observations via Magnetic Diagnostics, Plasma Position Monitoring and Controlling, Spectroscopy Studies, Runaway diagnostics and physics studies etc. Universities are welcome to exploit the possibilities of the both remote and in-situ operation of the tokamak GOLEM for educational purposes. Half or whole day sessions for group of students are excellent introduction to the tokamak physics, technology, diagnostics and operation. } \def\FilipinySarSal{ Tokamak GOLEM is a small tokamak (major radius R=0.4 m, minor radius a=0.085 m, toroidal magnetic field Bt<0.8 T, plasma current Ip<8 kA, discharge duration ≈ 20 ms) operating at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. It has been serving for more then 15 years as an educational device for training students from more then 20 countries in fusion research. One of its essential features is the possibility of fully remote operation so it suits to international experiments with broad participation. Students can operate the tokamak via web interface and instantly can access the results via shot homepage. It is possible to make more then 100 discharges per day. Laboratory practice can cover whole range of possible tasks, e.g.: Basic tokamak operation and measurements, Electron energy confinement time determination, Breakdown Studies, Magnetic Measurements, Electrostatic Probe Measurements, Isotopic studies, Plasma Magnetohydrodynamic Activity Observations, Plasma Position Monitoring and Controlling, Spectroscopy Studies, Runaway diagnostics and physics studies etc. \\ Its scientific program is divided into two branches, contributing to the main stream of high temperature plasma research: i) physics and diagnostics of the high-temperature plasma edge using various advanced electrostatic and magnetic probes: Langmuir, Ballpen, Tunnel, Rail, Mach and Double rake. ii) physics and diagnostics of so-called runaway electrons using the entire spectrum of various diagnostics such as Timepix, Strip detector, NaI(Tl)/YAP/CeBr,Lyso scintillators, Radiometer, Tomography, Bolometry, \\ Universities are welcome to exploit the possibilities of the both remote and in-situ operation of the tokamak GOLEM for educational purposes. Half or whole day sessions for group of students are excellent introduction to the tokamak physics, technology, diagnostics and operation. }