@comment{x-kbibtex-personnameformatting=<%l><, %f>} %Bořek Leitl - diploma thesis @book{Scheffel2007, address = "Stockholm", author = "Scheffel, Jan and Brunsell, Per", booktitle = "{Fusion physics, introduction to the physics behind the fusion energy}", title = "{Fusion physics, introduction to the physics behind the fusion energy}", year = "2007" } @book{Hut, author = "Hutchinson, I. H.", booktitle = "{Principles of Plasma Diagnostics}", isbn = "10 0-521-67574-X", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", title = "{Principles of Plasma Diagnostics}", year = "2005" } @book{Ods10, author = "M.Ostr\v{c}il", booktitle = "{Tomografie plazmatu na tokamaku COMPASS : bakal{\'a}\v{r}sk{\'a} pr{\'a}ce}", institution = "\v{C}VUT", school = "Fakulta jadern{\'a} a fyzik{\'a}ln\v{e} in\v{z}en{\'y}rsk{\'a}", title = "{Tomografie plazmatu na tokamaku COMPASS : bakal{\'a}\v{r}sk{\'a} pr{\'a}ce}", year = "2010" } @article{Mlynar2010, author = "Mlynar, J. and Weinzettl, V. and Bonheure, G. and Murari, A. and CONTRIBUTORS, JET-EFDA", eprint = "https://doi.org/10.13182/FST58-733", journal = "Fusion Science and Technology", number = "3", pages = "733--741", publisher = "Taylor \& Francis", title = "{Inversion Techniques in the Soft-X-Ray Tomography of Fusion Plasmas: Toward Real-Time Applications}", url = "https://doi.org/10.13182/FST58-733", volume = "58", year = "2010" } @article{Buonocore1981, author = "Byonocore, Michael H.; Brody William R.; Macovski Albert", doi = "10.1109/tbme.1981.324781", issue = "2", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering", pages = "69--78", publisher = "IEEE", title = "{A Natural Pixel Decomposition for Two-Dimensional Image Reconstruction}", volume = "BME-28", year = "1981" } @article{McCaughey1977, author = "McCaughey, D.; Andrews H.", doi = "10.1109/tassp.1977.1162903", issnp = "0096-3518", issue = "1", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing", page = "0--73", publisher = "IEEE", title = "{Degrees of freedom for projection imaging}", volume = "25", year = "1977" } @article{Granetz1988, abstract = "Measurements of soft X-ray emission from the JET plasma have been analysed with tomographic reconstruction methods. Because there are two detector arrays, two-dimensional images of X-ray emissivity are obtained without having to resort to rotation models. Several algorithms are employed in order to get as much detail as possible in the images while keeping any guiding assumptions to a minimum. The data analysed so far have been used principally to study MHD instabilities, and illustrative examples of the sawtooth crash and of disruptions are described.", author = "Granetz, R.S. and Smeulders, P.", journal = "Nuclear Fusion", number = "3", pages = "457", title = "{X-ray tomography on JET}", url = "http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/28/i=3/a=011", volume = "28", year = "1988" } @article{Camacho1986, author = "{F. Camacho}, J and {S. Granetz}, R", doi = "10.1063/1.1138902", journal = "Review of Scientific Instruments", month = "04", pages = "417--425", title = "{Soft x-ray tomography diagnostic for the Alcator C tokamak}", volume = "57", year = "1986" } @article{Cormack64, author = "Cormack, A. M.", booktitle = "{Representation of a Function by Its Line Integrals, with Some Radiological Applications. II}", journal = "Journal of Applied Physics", number = "10", pages = "2908--2913", title = "{Representation of a Function by Its Line Integrals, with Some Radiological Applications. II}", volume = "35", year = "1964" } @article{Cormack63, author = "Cormack, A. M.", booktitle = "{Representation of a Function by Its Line Integrals, with Some Radiological Applications}", journal = "Journal of Applied Physics", number = "9", pages = "2722--2727", title = "{Representation of a Function by Its Line Integrals, with Some Radiological Applications}", volume = "34", year = "1963" } @book{Stacey2005, author = "Stacey, W.M.", isbn = "9783527405862", lccn = "2006278382", publisher = "Wiley", title = "{Fusion Plasma Physics}", url = "https://books.google.cz/books?id=7CdRAAAAMAAJ", year = "2005" } @article{02Ing99, address = "Abingdon", author = "Ingesson, L. C.", institution = "Joint Eur. Torus", title = "{A Tomographic Reconstruction Method with Generalized Natural Basis Functions and a priori Information}", year = "1999" } @mastersthesis{Lof, author = "L{\''o}ffelmann, V.", institution = "\v{C}VUT", school = "Fakulta jadern{\'a} a fyzik{\'a}ln\v{e} in\v{z}en{\'y}rsk{\'a}", title = "{Tomografie m\v{e}kk{\'e}ho rentgenov{\'e}ho z{\'a}\v{r}en{\'i} pro \v{r}{\'i}zen{\'i} tokamaku v re{\'a}ln{\'e}m \v{c}ase}", year = "2012" } @article{Ing98, author = "Ingesson, L.C; Alper B; Chen H; Edwards A.W; Fehmers G.C; Fuchs J.C; Giannella R; Gill R.D; Lauro-Taroni L; Romanelli M", journal = "Nuclear Fusion", month = "11", page = "1675--1694", publisher = "Institute of Physics", title = "{Soft X ray tomography during ELMs and impurity injection in JET}", volume = "38", year = "1998" } @article{Ing01, author = "et al., L. C. Ingesson", pages = "528--576", title = "{Tomography diagnostics: Bolometry and Soft X-ray Detection}", volume = "53", year = "2008" } @article{Ant, author = "et al., M. Anton", journal = "Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion", pages = "1849--1878", title = "{X-ray tomography on the TCV tokamak}", volume = "38", year = "1996" } @book{rivetti2015cmos, author = "Rivetti, A.", isbn = "9781466563117", lccn = "2015014845", publisher = "CRC Press", series = "{Devices, Circuits, and Systems}", title = "{CMOS: Front-End Electronics for Radiation Sensors}", url = "https://books.google.cz/books?id=Zuf5CQAAQBAJ", year = "2015" } @article{02Ing00, author = "Ingesson, L. C. and Chen, H and Helander, P and Mantsinen, M J", journal = "Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion", number = "2", pages = "161--180", title = "{Comparison of basis functions in soft x-ray tomography and observation of poloidal asymmetries in impurity density}", volume = "42", year = "2000" } @book{palmisano1999cmos, author = "Palmisano, G. and Palumbo, G. and Pennisi, S.", isbn = "9780792384694", lccn = "99012052", publisher = "Springer US", series = "{The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science}", title = "{CMOS Current Amplifiers}", url = "https://books.google.cz/books?id=Q5PDms6CC7AC", year = "1999" } @book{graeme1996photodiode, author = "Graeme, J.G.", isbn = "9780070242470", lccn = "95042800", publisher = "McGraw-Hill Education", series = "{Gain technology}", title = "{Photodiode Amplifiers: OP AMP Solutions}", url = "https://books.google.cz/books?id=sHV0c5hBW4QC", year = "1996" } @mastersthesis{Vacha2009, author = "V{\'a}cha, M.", booktitle = "{Detection systems for measurements of high-temperature plasma radiation on the COMPASS tokamak by fast bolometers and soft X-ray detectors}", institution = "Charles University in Prague", school = "Faculty of Mathematics and Physics", title = "{Detection systems for measurements of high-temperature plasma radiation on the COMPASS tokamak by fast bolometers and soft X-ray detectors}", year = "2009" } @mastersthesis{Imr, author = "Imr{\'i}\v{s}ek, M.", booktitle = "{Tomografie m\v{e}kk{\'e}ho rentgenov{\'e}ho z{\'a}\v{r}en{\'i} na tokamaku JET}", institution = "\v{C}esk{\'e} vysok{\'e} u\v{c}en{\'i} technick{\'e}", school = "Fakulta jadern{\'a} a fyzik{\'a}ln\v{e} in\v{z}en{\'y}rsk{\'a}", title = "{Tomografie m\v{e}kk{\'e}ho rentgenov{\'e}ho z{\'a}\v{r}en{\'i} na tokamaku JET}", year = "2011" } @mastersthesis{Duf, author = "Dufkov{\'a}, E.", booktitle = "{Bolometrick{\'a} m\v{e}\v{r}en{\'i} celkov{\'e}ho vyz{\'a}\v{r}en{\'e}ho v{\'y}konu vysokoteplotn{\'i}ho plazmatu tokamaku CASTOR: bakal{\'a}\v{r}sk{\'a} pr{\'a}ce}", institution = "\v{C}VUT", school = "Fakulta jadern{\'a} a fyzik{\'a}ln\v{e} in\v{z}en{\'y}rsk{\'a}", title = "{Bolometrick{\'a} m\v{e}\v{r}en{\'i} celkov{\'e}ho vyz{\'a}\v{r}en{\'e}ho v{\'y}konu vysokoteplotn{\'i}ho plazmatu tokamaku CASTOR: bakal{\'a}\v{r}sk{\'a} pr{\'a}ce}", year = "2008" } @article{Foord, author = "Foord, M. 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F.", booktitle = "{{\'U}vod do fyziky plazmatu}", institution = "Academia", location = "Praha", title = "{{\'U}vod do fyziky plazmatu}", year = "1984" } @misc{Ods_photo, author = "Odstr\v{c}il, M.", booktitle = "{Basic introduction to tomographic reconstruction}", howpublished = "\url{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/Education/ExperimentMenu/Tomography/index}", title = "{Basic introduction to tomographic reconstruction}", year = "2012" } @misc{Loff_photo, author = "Loffelmann, V.", booktitle = "{Praktika FTTF - Tomografie z rychl{\'y}ch kamer}", howpublished = "\url{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/TrainingCourses/FTTF/2014-2015/ViktLoff/index}", title = "{Praktika FTTF - Tomografie z rychl{\'y}ch kamer}", year = "2015" } @article{Deb, abstract = "This paper reports the results of an investigation on global energy balance on tokamak Golem[1]. Measurements of interferometer diagnostics, rogowski coil, loop voltage are analysed to calculate power losses and energy confinement time. Discharges with various plasma densities and electron temperatures are compared.", author = "Debongnie, Mathieu and katerina Matveeva", booktitle = "{Energy Balance for Ohmic Plasmas on Golem}", month = feb, title = "{Energy Balance for Ohmic Plasmas on Golem}", year = "2016" } @article{Sev, abstract = "Abstract. The development of nuclear fusion as an alternative to fossil fuels and nu- clear ssion has motivated a growing interest in seeking solutions to the control prob- lems existing in the nuclear fusion reactors such as Tokamaks. This paper considers the design of robust control schemes based on a sliding mode control to deal with the reference tracking problem for the loop voltage of a Tokamak by means of a control- oriented ASTRA-Matlab integration. The proposed controller stabilizes the system in spite of model uncertainties and the stability analysis of the closed-loop system dynam- ics is guaranteed by the Lyapunov stability theorem. The simulation results show the high-performance dynamic characteristics of the proposed method. The comparison of the simulation results provided by the sliding mode technique with those obtained from a traditionally used PID-based controller veri es that the proposed control scheme not only provides better tracking performance, but also faster and smoother response for the nonlinear system subject to model uncertainties and disturbances", author = "Sevillano, M. Goretti and Garrido, {Izaskun Garrido and Aitor J.}", booktitle = "{SLIDING-MODE LOOP VOLTAGE CONTROL USING ASTRA-MATLAB INTEGRATION IN TOKAMAK REACTORS}", month = jun, title = "{SLIDING-MODE LOOP VOLTAGE CONTROL USING ASTRA-MATLAB INTEGRATION IN TOKAMAK REACTORS}", year = "2011" } @article{Silva2014, abstract = "A millimeter/micro wave detection system, in operation in the TCABR Tokamak is described. The system is used for electron cyclotron measurements. The main part of the system is a heterodyne sweeping radiometer based on a BWO oscillator that operates in the frequency range of 52 to 85 GHz . The system operates in two modes : fixed frequency ( maximum resolution of 10 μs ) and sweeping mode ( 50 μs per frequency step ). The radiometer is calibrated in frequency and in radiation intensity. The frequency calibration is made by means of a precision harmonic oscillator. The absolute calibration was done using a blackbody ( micro wave absorber ) immersed in liquid nitrogen ( 77 K ) and also put in an oven with adjustable temperature up to 1470 K .Two others components are also used for periodic intensity calibration check and sensibility measurements : a Crio- genic Matched Load and a Noise Source. A Gaussian antenna is used for better space resolution measurements. Between the antenna and the radiometer, oversized wave guides are used to reduced the signal attenuation. The antenna axis is in the equatorial plane of the machine and perpendicular to the plasma column axis. The ac- cessibility and absorption conditions are discussed. Results showing time and radial profiles of the detected ECE radiation for the TCABR are presented. For a magnetic field of B TO =1 . 14 T it was verified that the maximum permissible density to access the second harmonic in the X mode is n e 0 ∼ = 2 . 3 × 10 19 m − 3 .", author = "{R. P. da Silva}, {A. M. M. Fonseca J. H. Vuolo E. R. Calderon R. M. O. Galv\~{ } ao Yu. K. Kuznetzov J. C. Raffaelli ∗ and the TCABR Team}", booktitle = "{ECE Radiometry in the TCABR Tokamak}", month = mar, title = "{ECE Radiometry in the TCABR Tokamak}", year = "2014" } @misc{Optodiode, howpublished = "\url{http://optodiode.com/pdf/1.\%20IRD\%20Photodiodes\%20-\%20AXUV\%20Operating\%20Principles\%20and\%20Apps.pdf}", title = "{Absolute UV Silicon Photodiodes - AXUV Series }" } @mastersthesis{New1, author = "DING, YUAN", booktitle = "{Modelling of the radiative power loss from the plasma of the Tore Supra tokamak }", month = dec, school = "Royal Institute of Technology", title = "{Modelling of the radiative power loss from the plasma of the Tore Supra tokamak }", year = "2008" } @article{Rad17, author = "Radon, J.", booktitle = "{{\"U}ber die Bestimmung von Funktionen durch ihre Integralwerte l{\"a}ngs gewisser Mannigfaltigkeiten}", journal = "Berichte S{\"a}chsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften", location = "Leipzig", pages = "262--277", publisher = "Math.-Phys. Kl. P.", title = "{{\"U}ber die Bestimmung von Funktionen durch ihre Integralwerte l{\"a}ngs gewisser Mannigfaltigkeiten}", volume = "69", year = "1917" } @article{Leitl_bak2014, author = "Leitl, B.", booktitle = "{Bolometrick{\'a} m\v{e}\v{r}en{\'i} na tokamaku GOLEM}", institution = "\v{C}VUT", school = "Fakulta jadern{\'a} a fyzik{\'a}ln\v{e} in\v{z}en{\'y}rsk{\'a}", title = "{Bolometrick{\'a} m\v{e}\v{r}en{\'i} na tokamaku GOLEM}", year = "2014" } @misc{Zes_description, author = "V.Weinzettl", booktitle = "{Bolometric System for the CASTOR Tokamak, Technical description}", howpublished = "\url{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz:5001/Diagnostics/Radiation/Bolometry/bol\_descr.pdf}", title = "{Bolometric System for the CASTOR Tokamak, Technical description}", year = "2011" } @article{Hansen92, author = "Hansen, Per Christian", doi = "10.2307/2132628", issne = "1095-7200", issnp = "0036-1445", issue = "4", journal = "SIAM Review", month = "12", page = "561--580", publisher = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics", title = "{Analysis of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems by Means of the L-Curve}", url = "http://gen.lib.rus.ec/scimag/index.php?s=10.2307/2132628", volume = "34", year = "1992" } @article{Hanson85, author = "Wecksung, {Kenneth M. Hanson and George W.}", booktitle = "{Local basis-function approach to computed tomography}", title = "{Local basis-function approach to computed tomography}", year = "1985" } @article{01Ing99, author = "{L. C. Ingesson}, P. J. B{\"o}cker R. Reichle M. Romanelli P. Smeulders", booktitle = "{Projection-space methods to take into account finite beam-width effects in two-dimensional tomography algorithms}", title = "{Projection-space methods to take into account finite beam-width effects in two-dimensional tomography algorithms}", year = "1999" } @article{Lewit1983, author = "Lewit, R. M.", booktitle = "{Reconstruction Algorithms: Transform Methods}", title = "{Reconstruction Algorithms: Transform Methods}", year = "1983" } @article{Zalewski1983, author = "Zalewski, Edward F. and Duda, C. Richard", booktitle = "{Silicon photodiode device with 100 \% external quantum efficiency}", title = "{Silicon photodiode device with 100 \% external quantum efficiency}", year = "1983" } @article{Korde1989, author = "Canfield, L. R. and Korde, R. and Kerner, J.", booktitle = "{Stability and quantum efficiency performance of silicon photodiode detectors in the far ultraviolet}", title = "{Stability and quantum efficiency performance of silicon photodiode detectors in the far ultraviolet}" } @article{Mlynar1994, author = "Mlyn{\'a}\v{r}, J.", booktitle = "{PIXELS METHOD COMPUTER TOMOGRAPHY COORDINATES}", title = "{PIXELS METHOD COMPUTER TOMOGRAPHY COORDINATES}", year = "1994" } @book{HerGab, author = "{Herman, Gabor T.}", catalogue-url = "{ https://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn2865727 }", isbn = "{ 0123420504 }", language = "{ English }", life-dates = "{ 1980 - }", pages = "{ xiv, 316 p. : }", publisher = "{ Academic Press San Francisco }", subjects = "{ Tomography.; Imaging systems in medicine.; Tomography, X-ray computered. }", title = "{Image reconstruction from projections : the fundamentals of computerized tomography}", type = "{ Book }", year = "{ 1980 }" } @article{Ing00_1, author = "{L. C. Ingesson}", month = "{03}", title = "{The Mathematics of some Tomography Algorithms Used at JET}", year = "{2000}" } @book{groetsch84, author = "Groetsch, C.W.", isbn = "9780273086420", lccn = "83025002", publisher = "Pitman Advanced Pub. Program", series = "{Research Notes in Mathematics Series}", title = "{The Theory of Tikhonov Regularization for Fredholm Equations of the First Kind}", url = "https://books.google.cz/books?id=rAaoAAAAIAAJ", year = "1984" } @misc{Kicad, author = "Kicad", booktitle = "{Freeware CAD program pro kreslen{\'i} plo\v{s}n{\'y}ch spoj\r{u}}", howpublished = "\url{http://kicad-pcb.org/}", title = "{Freeware CAD program pro kreslen{\'i} plo\v{s}n{\'y}ch spoj\r{u}}", year = "2018" }