@preamble{"\def\acc{[Online; accessed \today]}"}
author = "{}",
title = "",
year = "",
howpublished = "\url{}",
note = "[Online; accessed 27-April-2024]"
author = "{NumPy Developers}",
title = "NumPy - fundamental package for scientific computing in Python",
year = "2008",
howpublished = "\url{https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.statistics.html}",
note = "[Online; accessed 27-June-2024]"
author = {Harris, Charles R. and Millman, K. Jarrod and
van der Walt, Stéfan J and Gommers, Ralf and
Virtanen, Pauli and Cournapeau, David and
Wieser, Eric and Taylor, Julian and Berg, Sebastian and
Smith, Nathaniel J. and Kern, Robert and Picus, Matti and
Hoyer, Stephan and van Kerkwijk, Marten H. and
Brett, Matthew and Haldane, Allan and
Fernández del Río, Jaime and Wiebe, Mark and
Peterson, Pearu and Gérard-Marchant, Pierre and
Sheppard, Kevin and Reddy, Tyler and Weckesser, Warren and
Abbasi, Hameer and Gohlke, Christoph and
Oliphant, Travis E.},
title = {Array programming with {NumPy}},
journal = {Nature},
year = {2020},
volume = {585},
pages = {357–362},
doi = {10.1038/s41586-020-2649-2}
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "List of physical quantities --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2024",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_physical_quantities&oldid=1215749861}",
note = "[Online; accessed 27-April-2024]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Nomenclature --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2024",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nomenclature&oldid=1203115970}",
note = "[Online; accessed 27-April-2024]"
Author = {{}},
Type = {Master Thesis},
Year = { 20YR},
keywords = "_mathesis",
author = {Matthews, G and Bazylev, B and Baron-Wiechec, A. and Coenen, Jan and Heinola, Kalle and Kiptily, Vasily and Maier, H and Reux, C and Riccardo, Valeria and Rimini, F and Sergienko, Gennady and Thompson, Vaughan and Widdowson, A},
year = {2016},
month = {02},
pages = {014070},
title = {Melt damage to the JET ITER-like Wall and divertor},
volume = {T167},
journal = {Physica Scripta},
doi = {10.1088/0031-8949/T167/1/014070}
Author = {{Miloš Vlainić}},
Type = {PhD Thesis},
Year = {2017},
Title={Studies of Runaway Electrons in COMPASS Tokamak},
keywords = "_phdthesis",
abstract={Relativistic (up to tens of MeV) runaway electrons carrying about 10 MA are
predicted to be generated after disruptions in ITER. Therefore, researching
methods for mitigation of runaway electrons is one of the highest priorities
for ITER’s safety. As part of the EUROfusion consortium, a project on
runaway electron studies was granted to the COMPASS tokamak due to,
among others, its relatively low safety issues regarding potential runaway
electron damage and flexibility of various plasma parameters (e.g. shaping,
electron density, plasma current, etc.). Such features with a significant, but
still safe, runaway electron population make COMPASS suitable for run-
away electron model validation and scaling towards ITER. In this thesis,
pioneering experimental work on runaway electrons performed in the COM-
PASS tokamak is presented, accompanied with the implementation of the
corresponding theoretical models.}
author = {Farník,M. and Urban,J. and Zajac,J. and Bogár,O. and Varavin,M. and Casolari,A. and Čeřovský,J. and Ficker,O. and Mlynář,J. and Macúšová,E. and Weinzettl,V. and Hron,M. },
title = {Radiometry for the vertical electron cyclotron emission from the runaway electrons at the COMPASS tokamak},
journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments},
volume = {90},
number = {11},
pages = {113501},
year = {2019},
doi = {10.1063/1.5099463},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5099463},
abstract={Due to an increased interest in runaway electron (RE) phenomena in tokamak research, the need for diagnostics of runaway electron population in plasma has emerged. A novel diagnostic of the nonthermal electron cyclotron emission from runaway electrons can be utilized for this purpose. It was designed and installed at the COMPASS tokamak based on the available heterodyne radiometer. The vertical ECE (V-ECE) system uses a 16-channel heterodyne radiometer with a vertically placed E2-band horn antenna with a 76.5–90 GHz frequency range front-end. Simulations with the ray-tracing SPECE code have shown a measurement feasibility of the runaway electrons with energies up to 1 MeV. Due to a low optical depth of the plasma in COMPASS during RE discharges, reflected waves from the tokamak wall can be detected as well. First results show strong connection with other RE diagnostics at COMPASS. The V-ECE can obtain important information about RE population evolution and primary generation mechanism.}
author = {Farník, Michal and Urban, Jakub and Zajac, Jaromir and Bogar, O. and Ficker, Ondrej and Macusova, E. and Mlynář, J. and Cerovsky, Jaroslav and Varavin, m and Weinzettl, Vladimir and Hron, Martin},
year = {2019},
month = {01},
pages = {03006},
title = {Runaway electron diagnostics for the COMPASS tokamak using EC emission},
volume = {203},
journal = {EPJ Web of Conferences},
doi = {10.1051/epjconf/201920303006},
abstract={An electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostic of suprathermal electrons was utilised for runaway electron (RE) experiments purposes in the COMPASS tokamak. Our vertical ECE (V-ECE) system consists of a 16-channel heterodyne radiometer and an E-band horn antenna with a 76.5-88 GHz frequency range front-end. Simulations used for the design of the diagnostic showed a possibility of detecting the emission of low-energy (50-140 keV) runaway electrons. We realized measurements with both extraordinary (X-) and ordinary (O-) mode linear polarizations. The amplitudes of the X-mode and O-mode signals are similar, which can be explained by depolarised reflected radiation. V-ECE measurements in low-density flattop discharges and in discharges with massive gas injections of high- Z elements show correlations with other RE diagnostics. Our results are in the agreement with the principles of the primary runaway generation mechanisms.}
doi = {10.1088/1741-4326/aa6aba},
url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/aa6aba},
year = {2017},
month = {may},
publisher = {IOP Publishing},
volume = {57},
number = {7},
pages = {076002},
author = {O. Ficker and J. Mlynar and M. Vlainic and J. Cerovsky and J. Urban and P. Vondracek and V. Weinzettl and E. Macusova and J. Decker and M. Gospodarczyk and P. Martin and E. Nardon and G. Papp and V.V. Plyusnin and C. Reux and F. Saint-Laurent and C. Sommariva and J. Cavalier and J. Havlicek and A. Havranek and O. Hronova and M. Imrisek and T. Markovic and J. Varju and R. Paprok and R. Panek and M. Hron and The COMPASS Team},
title = {Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak},
journal = {Nuclear Fusion},
abstract = {The significant role of magnetic perturbations in mitigation and losses of runaway electrons (REs) was documented in dedicated experimental studies of RE at the COMPASS tokamak. REs in COMPASS are produced both in low density quiescent discharges and in disruptions triggered by massive gas injection (MGI). The role of the RE seed produced in the beginning of the discharge on the subsequent RE population proved significant. Modulation of the RE losses by MHD instabilities was observed at several characteristic frequencies, as well as by magnetic field oscillations related to power supplies. Magnetic islands seem to suppress the losses as the HXR signal is low and coherent with the island rotation frequency. Moreover, periods of increased losses of REs observed in the current quench (CQ) and early RE beam plateau phase of the MGI disruptions seem to be linked to the bursts of magnetic perturbation, and to the observation of filaments in the fast visible camera images.}
Author = {{J. Čeřovský}},
Type = {Master Thesis},
Year = { 2018},
Title={Studies of trajectories of relativistic electrons in the magnetic field of tokamak},
keywords = "_mathesis",
abstract={This diploma thesis is dealing with so called runaway electrons, which are generated
in the the tokamaks under particular conditions. These high energy electrons are accelerated
in the electric field of tokamak and their impact onto the first wall of the experimental facility
can cause serious damage. A brief summary of the fundamentals of runaway electron physics
is given. The integration schemes dedicated for description of the dynamics of the relativistic
particles in the magnetic field of the tokamak are presented. The given schemes were used to
implement the program capable to calculate trajectories of the runaway electrons in the COM-
PASS tokamak. The results of the particle simulations were compared with measurements from
the Cherenkov detector, which detects energetic electrons escaping from plasma volume.}
Author = {{J. Čaloud}},
Type = {Master Thesis},
Year = { 2020},
Title={Study of energy of runaway electrons in tokamaks},
keywords = "_mathesis",
abstract={The subject of this thesis is the study of the energy of runaway electrons on the
COMPASS tokamak at Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences.
A calorimetric probe was designed and produced as part of this work to measure the
energy and power of the runaway electron beam hitting the plasma facing components of
the tokamak. Using the developed calorimeter, the energy was measured in more than
100 discharges in which the effectiveness of mitigation techniques of runaway electrons
was studied. The unique feature of the system is the ability to measure the temperature
evolution during the discharge. The analysis of the measured energies is complemented by
the comparison with relevant diagnostics and systems.}
Author = {{M. Farník}},
Type = {Research task},
Year = {2017},
Title={Runaway electrons diagnostics for the COMPASS tokamak using EC emission},
keywords = "_mathesis",
abstract={This thesis deals with utilizing new runaway electron diagnostic on the COMPASS tokamak. It is heterodyne radiometer which detects electron cyclotron signal in
a vertical direction along constant magnetic field. A brief intro into runaway physics is
provided together with their generation and detection. Then, theory of cyclotron emission
from the fast electrons and theory of wave propagation in plasma is described. Calculations which utilized final diagnostic design and helped in subsequent data analysis were
presented. Possibility to measure mainly electrons with energy 50−140 keV was found.
The diagnostic method shows positive first results and their confirmation will be subject
of the next thesis.}
Author = {{M. Vácha}},
Type = {Master Thesis},
Year = { 2007},
Title={Measurement of runaway electrons in the CASTOR tokamak},
keywords = "_mathesis",
abstract={ This thesis reports on results of the experimental measurements of
fast electrons of energy higher than 50 keV on the CASTOR tokamak, which
were performed using a new version of the Cherenkov detector. The measured radial distribution of the fast electron flux at different plasma densities
and the dependences of the integrated Cherenkov signal on plasma density,
discharge current, and toroidal magnetic field are presented and discussed.
Possible sources of the noise on the Cherenkov signals are analyzed.}
author = "{}",
title = "",
year = "",
url = "\url{}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{GyanPro.com}",
title = "10 Scientists Who Sacrificed Their Life For Science",
year = "2016",
url = "\url{https://gyanpro.com/blog/10-scientists-who-sacrificed-their-life-for-science/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Fusion.tv}",
title = "Sacrificed! In the Name of Science",
year = "",
url = "\url{https://fusion.tv/series/sacrificed/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Dennis L. Meadows}",
title = "Debriefing FishBanks",
year = "2015",
url = "\url{https://slideplayer.com/slide/8395950/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
@misc{ wiki:KnoflValka,
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "War of the Buttons (novel) --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=War_of_the_Buttons_(novel)&oldid=951147491}",
note = "[Online; accessed 1-March-2021]"
author = "{Twitter}",
title = "SacrificeScientists",
year = "2018",
url = "\url{https://twitter.com/hashtag/SacrificeScientists?src=hashtag_click}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{John Pickrell}",
title = "Scientists reveal their sacrifices for the sake of work",
year = "2018",
url = "\url{https://www.natureindex.com/news-blog/scientists-reveal-the-sacrifices-made-for-the-sake-of-work#.WwywvkJGeno.twitter}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
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author = "Wikislovník",
title = "oběť --- Wikislovník: Otevřený slovník",
year = "2020",
url = "\url{https://cs.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=ob%C4%9B%C5%A5&oldid=1138517}",
note = "[Online; navštíveno 28. 02. 2021]"
author = "Karel Čapek",
title = "Život a dílo skladatele Foltýna/Paní Karla Foltýnová - Můj manžel --- ",
year = "2019",
url = "\url{https://cs.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=%C5%BDivot_a_d%C3%ADlo_skladatele_Folt%C3%BDna/Pan%C3%AD_Karla_Folt%C3%BDnov%C3%A1_-_M%C5%AFj_man%C5%BEel&oldid=203349}",
note = "[Online; navštíveno 28. 02. 2021]"
author = "{Richard Van Noorden,Brendan Maher,Regina Nuzzo}",
title = "The top 100 papers",
year = "2014",
url = "\url{https://www.nature.com/news/the-top-100-papers-1.16224}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Albert Einstein}",
title = "Did Albert Einstein Say World War IV Will be Fought ‘With Sticks and Stones’?",
year = "2018",
url = "\url{https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/einstein-world-war-iv-sticks-stones/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Robert Křesťan}",
title = "Praha Bolestivosti",
year = "1991",
url = "\url{https://www.druhatrava.cz/text/praha-bolestivosti}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Quid pro quo --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2021",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Quid_pro_quo&oldid=1002048195}",
note = "[Online; accessed 28-February-2021]"
author = "{Fjodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij}",
title = "Zločin a trest",
year = "2020",
page = "104",
url = "\url{https://web2.mlp.cz/koweb/00/04/50/74/04/zlocin_a_trest.pdf}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "Wikizdroje",
title = "Těžká hodina/Balada o očích topičových --- ",
year = "2020",
url = "\url{https://cs.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=T%C4%9B%C5%BEk%C3%A1_hodina/Balada_o_o%C4%8D%C3%ADch_topi%C4%8Dov%C3%BDch&oldid=247774}",
note = "[Online; navštíveno 24. 02. 2021]"
author = "{Nick Oswald}",
title = "15 Reasons to Be a Scientist",
year = "2007",
url = "\url{https://bitesizebio.com/85/15-reasons-to-be-scientist/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Nick Oswald}",
title = "10 Reasons NOT to be a Scientist",
year = "2007",
url = "\url{https://bitesizebio.com/173/10-reasons-not-to-be-a-scientist/comment-page-1/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Max-Planck-Institute}",
title = "Fusion power:Layout and function",
year = "2020",
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note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Eurofusion}",
title = "Fusion Spin-Off: Ohmic Heating Networks",
year = "2015",
howpublished = "\url{https://www.euro-fusion.org/news/detail/detail/News/fusion-spin-off-ohmic-heating-networks/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Adam Grant }",
title = "Překvapující zvyky originálních myslitelů",
year = "2016",
url = "\url{https://www.ted.com/talks/adam_grant_the_surprising_habits_of_original_thinkers}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
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title = "The power of vulnerability",
year = "2010",
url = "\url{https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Goldilocks principle --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Goldilocks_principle&oldid=979458451}",
note = "[Online; accessed 30-September-2020]"
author = "{AZquotes: }",
title = "Make quotes great again!",
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url = "\url{azquotes.com}",
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title = "Charlie Chaplin: City Lights",
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title = "The complete works",
year = "2002-2017",
url = "\url{https://www.leonardoda-vinci.org/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Last Judgment --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Last_Judgment&oldid=979554552}",
note = "[Online; accessed 29-September-2020]"
author = "{Ústřední knihovna ČVUT}",
title = "Web of Science",
year = "2020",
url = "\url{http://knihovna.cvut.cz/podpora-vedy/citacni-databaze/web-of-science}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
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title = "Fyzikální seminář - pár inspirací z minulých let",
year = "2020",
url = "\url{http://fyzsem.fjfi.cvut.cz/gallery/imgindex.html}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
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title = "Images",
year = "2020",
url = "\url{https://images.google.com/}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
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title = "All",
year = "2020",
url = "\url{https://google.com}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
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title = "Miscellaneous",
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title = "Semináře WORKSHOP ČVUT",
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year = "2002",
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note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
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doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.73.123527},
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title = "Web of Science",
year = "2020",
url = "\url{www.webofknowledge.com}",
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Web of Science --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Web_of_Science&oldid=972862721}",
note = "[Online; accessed 23-September-2020]"
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title = "The Nobel Prize",
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title = "IMRAD --- Wikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
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note = "[Online; accessed 19-June-2017]"
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author = "{Jiří Slabý}",
title = "Fyzikální praktikum",
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howpublished = "\url{http://kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~slabyji2/fyzikalni-praktikum/}",
note = "[Online; accessed 23-September-2020]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Icebreaker (facilitation) --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Icebreaker_(facilitation)&oldid=973652101}",
note = "[Online; accessed 23-September-2020]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Learning pyramid --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
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doi = {10.1088/1361-6552/aac05e},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-6552%2Faac05e},
year = 2018,
month = {may},
publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
volume = {53},
number = {4},
pages = {045009},
author = {S Staacks and S Hütz and H Heinke and C Stampfer},
title = {Advanced tools for smartphone-based experiments: phyphox},
journal = {Physics Education},
abstract = {The sensors in modern smartphones are a promising and cost-effective tool for experimentation in physics education, but many experiments face practical problems. Often the phone is inaccessible during the experiment and the data usually needs to be analyzed subsequently on a computer. We address both problems by introducing a new app, called 'phyphox', which is specifically designed for utilizing experiments in physics teaching. The app is free and designed to offer the same set of features on Android and iOS.}
@misc{ wiki:GolemPrague,
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Golem --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Golem}",
note = "[Online; accessed 29-March-2020]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Tokamak --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2020",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tokamak}",
note = "[Online; accessed 29-March-2020]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Lawson criterion --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2019",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lawson_criterion&oldid=888000448}",
note = "[Online; accessed 6-December-2019]"
@article{ ISI:000343801500021,
Author = {Van Noorden, Richard and Maher, Brendan and Nuzzo, Regina},
Title = {{THE TOP 100 PAPERS}},
Journal = {{NATURE}},
Year = {{2014}},
Volume = {{514}},
Number = {{7524}},
Pages = {{550-553}},
Month = {{OCT 30}},
DOI = {{10.1038/514550a}},
ISSN = {{0028-0836}},
EISSN = {{1476-4687}},
Unique-ID = {{ISI:000343801500021}},
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Pieta --- Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2019",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pieta}",
note = "[Online; accessed 6-October-2019]"
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6587/aae04a},
year = 2018,
month = {nov},
publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
volume = {61},
number = {1},
pages = {014010},
author = {J Mlynar and O Ficker and E Macusova and T Markovic and D Naydenkova and G Papp and J Urban and M Vlainic and P Vondracek and V Weinzettl and O Bogar and D Bren and D Carnevale and A Casolari and J Cerovsky and M Farnik and M Gobbin and M Gospodarczyk and M Hron and P Kulhanek and J Havlicek and A Havranek and M Imrisek and M Jakubowski and N Lamas and V Linhart and K Malinowski and M Marcisovsky and E Matveeva and R Panek and V V Plyusnin and M Rabinski and V Svoboda and P Svihra and J Varju and J Zebrowski and},
title = {Runaway electron experiments at {COMPASS} in support of the {EUROfusion} {ITER} physics research},
journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion},
abstract = {The role of the COMPASS tokamak in research of generation, confinement and losses of runaway electron (RE) population is presented. Recently, two major groups of experiments aimed at improved understanding and control of the REs have been pursued. First, the effects of the massive gas injection ( Ar/Ne particles) and impurity seeding ( particles) were studied systematically. The observed phenomena include generation of the post-disruption RE beam and current conversion from plasma to RE. Zero loop voltage control was implemented in order to study the decay in simplified conditions. A distinctive drop of background plasma temperature and electron density was observed following an additional deuterium injection into the RE beam. With the loop voltage control the parametric dependence of the current decay rate dI/dt can be studied systematically and possibly extrapolated to larger facilities. Second, recent results of experiments focused on the role of the magnetic field in physics of RE were analysed. In this contribution, special attention is given to the observed effects of the resonant magnetic perturbation on the RE population. The benefits of the RE experiments on COMPASS was reinforced by diagnostic enhancements (fast cameras, Cherenkov detector, vertical ECE etc) and modelling efforts (in particular, coupling of the METIS and LUKE codes).}
title={Principles of Plasma Diagnostics},
author={Hutchinson, I.H.},
publisher={Cambridge University Press}
title={Introduction to Plasma Physics},
author={Chen, F.F.},
publisher={Springer US}
title={Fundamentals of Plasma Physics},
author={Bellan, P.M.},
publisher={Cambridge University Press}
author = "{}",
title = "",
year = "",
howpublished = "\url{}",
note = "[Online; accessed 2-January-2019]"
author = "{Plasmalab contributors}",
title = "Plasmalab@CTU",
year = "2019",
howpublished = "\url{https://physics.fjfi.cvut.cz/studium/plasmalab}",
note = "[Online; accessed 2-January-2019]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Golem --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2019",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Golem&oldid=884901136}",
note = "[Online; accessed 28-February-2019]"
title={Nuclear Fusion: Half a Century of Magnetic Confinement Fusion Research},
author={Braams, C.M. and Stott, P.E.},
publisher={CRC Press}
author = "{Eurofusion news}",
title = "Success of T-3 – breakthrough for tokamaks",
year = "2005",
howpublished = "\url{https://www.euro-fusion.org/news/detail/detail/News/success-of-t-3-breakthrough-for-tokamaks/}",
note = "[Online; accessed 2-February-2019]"
author = {Odstrčil Michal},
title = {Learning Machines in applications to massive tokamak data analyses},
school= {Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague},
@InProceedings{ mckinney-proc-scipy-2010,
author = { Wes McKinney },
title = { Data Structures for Statistical Computing in Python },
booktitle = { Proceedings of the 9th Python in Science Conference },
pages = { 51 - 56 },
year = { 2010 },
editor = { St\'efan van der Walt and Jarrod Millman }
author={Dekel,Edan and Gurley,David G.},
title={How the Golem Came to Prague},
journal={The Jewish Quarterly Review},
keywords={Jewish; Jews; Clergy; Folklore},
author={A. Cardoso and M. T. Restivo and M. R. Quintas and F. Chouzal and M. G. Rasteiro and J. C. Marques and P. Menezes},
booktitle={2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV)},
title={Online experimentation: Experiment@Portugal 2012},
keywords={augmented reality;computer aided instruction;continuing professional development;further education;serious games (computing);student experiments;online experimentation;remote experimentation;virtual experimentation;virtual reality components;augmented reality;sensorial devices;live video;interactive video;serious games;user immersion;virtual environment;Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation;FCG;STEM;higher education;lifelong learning;Portuguese Consortium;Experiment@Portugal 2012 project;Videos;Training;Haptic interfaces;Augmented reality;Instruments;online experimentation;virtual reality;augmented reality;haptic interfaces;multimedia contents},
author={D. Urbano and F. Chouzal and M. T. Restivo},
booktitle={2017 4th Experiment@International Conference (exp.at'17)},
title={Usefulness of remote experiments},
keywords={computer aided instruction;educational courses;engineering education;groupware;Internet;virtual instrumentation;remote experiments;online experimentation;Web collaborative platforms;science courses;engineering courses;Industry 4.0;mechanical engineering program;Training;Tools;Instruments;Mechanical engineering;Level measurement;Standards;Virtual reality;Online experimentation;remote experiments;assessment;multiple regression;causal effects},
author = {Robert Arnoux},
title = {Fusion machines - The second-hand market},
year = 2018,
howpublished = "\url{https://www.iter.org/newsline/-/3033}",
note = "[Online; accessed 31-January-2019]"
doi = {10.1088/0741-3335/26/1a/308},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F0741-3335%2F26%2F1a%2F308},
year = 1984,
month = {jan},
publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
volume = {26},
number = {1A},
pages = {87--103},
author = {Robert J Goldston},
title = {Energy confinement scaling in Tokamaks: some implications of recent experiments with Ohmic and strong auxiliary heating},
journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion},
annote = {Recent results from confinement scaling experiments on tokamaks with Ohmic and strong
auxiliary heating are reviewed. An attempt is made to draw these results together into a
"low-density" ohmic confinement scaling law, and a scaling law for confinement with
auxiliary heating. The auxiliary heating confinement law may also serve to explain the
saturation in TE vs. n̄e observed in some ohmic heating density scaling experiments.}
author = "{{PEM}}",
title = "What is a Rogowski Coil?",
year = "2018",
howpublished = "\url{http://www.pemuk.com/how-it-works.aspx}",
note = "[Online; accessed 4-January-2019]"
author = "{David Pace}",
title = "Example of Langmuir Probe Analysis",
year = "2015",
howpublished = "\url{https://www.davidpace.com/example-of-langmuir-probe-analysis/}",
note = "[Online; accessed 3-January-2019]"
author = "{Unknown}",
title = "Waves in Plasmas",
year = "2016",
howpublished = "\url{https://slideplayer.com/slide/4645607/}",
note = "[Online; accessed 2-January-2019]"
author = "{Conrad Schiff@underthehood.blogwyrm}",
title = "Plasma Oscillations",
year = "2016",
howpublished = "\url{http://underthehood.blogwyrm.com/?p=886}",
note = "[Online; accessed 1-January-2019]"
author = "{Conrad Schiff@underthehood.blogwyrm}",
title = "Plasma Waves: Part 1 - Basics",
year = "2016",
howpublished = "\url{http://underthehood.blogwyrm.com/?p=840}",
note = "[Online; accessed 1-January-2019]"
author = "{Tom Neiser@Physics.stackexchange}",
title = "What is the physics behind the plasma frequency?",
year = "2017",
howpublished = "\url{https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/366858/what-is-the-physics-behind-the-plasma-frequency/366916}",
note = "[Online; accessed 1-January-2019]"
author = "{About Science X}",
title = "Plasma for medical and biological uses: New electron density diagnostic method",
year = "2015",
howpublished = "\url{https://phys.org/news/2015-06-plasma-medical-biological-electron-density.html}",
note = "[Online; accessed 1-January-2019]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "{PID controller --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia}",
year = "2018",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=PID_controller&oldid=873472346}",
note = "[Online; accessed 21-December-2018]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Safety factor (plasma physics) --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2017",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Safety_factor_(plasma_physics)&oldid=812784875}",
note = "[Online; accessed 29-January-2019]"
author = "Mlynář, J",
date = "1992-",
howpublished = "personal communications"
author = "Stockel, J",
date = "1992-",
howpublished = "personal communications"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Nuclear fusion --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2018",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nuclear_fusion}",
note = "[Online; accessed 21-December-2018]"
Author = {J.S. Kaastra, F.B.S. Paerels, F. Durret, S. Schindler, P. Richter},
Journal = {{Space Science Reviews}},
Year = {{2008}},
Volume = {{134}},
Number = {{1-4}},
Pages = {{(155-190)}}
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title = "Automated line fitting algorithm",
year = "2018",
howpublished = "https://www.nebulousresearch.org/codes/alfa/",
note = "[Online; accessed 20-December-2018]"
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Maxwell's equations --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2018",
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Maxwell%27s_equations&oldid=865836826",
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year = "2015",
title = "\href{https://slideplayer.com/slide/4560504}{High-Vacuum Technology Course}",
note = "[Online; accessed December 16, 2018]",
url = "https://slideplayer.com/slide/4560504/"
author = "Lumen",
year = "2015",
title = "Boundless physics",
note = "[Online; accessed December 16, 2018]",
howpublished = {https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-physics}
author = "Biel, W.",
year = "2014",
title = "\href{http://www.dpg-physik.de/dpg/pbh/aktuelles/pdf/Biel1.pdf}{Diagnostics and control of fusion plasmas}",
note = "[Online; accessed December 16, 2018]",
howpublished = {http://www.dpg-physik.de/dpg/pbh/aktuelles/pdf/Biel1.pdf}
author = "F4E",
year = "2007",
title = "Fusion for Energy",
note = "[Online; accessed December 16, 2018]",
howpublished = {http://fusionforenergy.europa.eu}
author = "{H.-W.Bartels at al.}",
year = "1993",
title = "IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics",
note = "lecture notes"
author = "Kulhánek, P.",
year = "2008",
title = "\href{http://www.aldebaran.cz/studium/fpla.pdf}{Teorie plazmatu}",
note = "Studijní text pro FJFI ČVUT",
url = "http://www.aldebaran.cz/studium/fpla.pdf"
author = "Stockel, J.",
year = "2011",
title = "\href{http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/Education/ExperimentMenu/ProbeMeasurements/Library/JS_ProbeDiagnostics2011-final.ppt}{Měření parametrů plazmatu pomocí elektrických sond na tokamaku GOLEM}",
note = "Přednáška pro U3V na FJFI ČVUT"
title = "Měření elektronové teploty plazmatu",
note = "Úloha č. 13B. Praktikum KF FJFI II, \\ \url{}",
url = ""
title = "Termická emise elektronů",
note = "Úloha č. 11. Praktikum KF FJFI II, \\ \url{http://praktikum.fjfi.cvut.cz/mod/resource/view.php?id=200}",
url = ""
title = "Balmerova série ",
note = "Úloha č. 4. Praktikum KF FJFI II, \\ \url{http://praktikum.fjfi.cvut.cz/mod/resource/view.php?id=193}",
url = ""
title = "Měrný náboj elektronu",
note = "Úloha č. 12. Praktikum KF FJFI II, \\ \url{http://praktikum.fjfi.cvut.cz/mod/resource/view.php?id=201}",
url = ""
title = "Rezonanční obvody",
note = "Úloha č. 3. Praktikum KF FJFI II, \\ \url{http://praktikum.fjfi.cvut.cz/mod/resource/view.php?id=192}",
url = ""
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title = "Introduction to Kink Modes – the Kruskal-Shafranov Limit",
note = "UCLA Physics and Astronomy - Winter school 2008, \url{http://home.physics.ucla.edu/calendar/conferences/cmpd/talks/cowley.pdf}",
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title = "Rogowski coil",
note = "Wikipedia (v české verzi je špatný obrázek, používejte anglickou) \\ \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogowski_coil}",
url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogowski_coil"
title = "Návod pro Gnuplot",
note = "Doprovodné dokumenty pro Praktikum, \\ \url{http://praktikum.fjfi.cvut.cz/documents/navod_gnuplot.pdf}",
url = "http://praktikum.fjfi.cvut.cz/documents/navod_gnuplot.pdf"
author = "Golem Wiki contributors",
title = "Doprovodná www stránka pro úlohu Tokamak GOLEM ve Fyzikálním praktiku KF FJFI",
year = "2014",
url = "http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/KFprakt",
note = "[Online; accessed 30-January-2014]"
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author = "Golem Wiki contributors",
title = "Central Electron Temperature via Spitzer Formula",
year = "2013",
url = "http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/Theory/Basics/CentralElectronTemperatureSpitzerFormula/index",
note = "[Online; accessed 30-January-2014]"
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author = "Wikipedia",
title = "Paschen's law --- Wikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2013",
url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Paschen%27s_law&oldid=578552709",
note = "[Online; accessed 30-January-2014]"
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author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Lawson criterion --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2018",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lawson_criterion&oldid=827613891}",
note = "[Online; accessed 17-April-2018]"
author = "Gergo Pokol and Laszlo Horvath and Csaba Buday and Daniel Imre Refy",
title = "Instructions for student measurements on the GOLEM tokamak",
year = "2013",
url = "http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/wiki/TrainingCourses/HUNTRAIC/Instructions/GOLEM_instructions.pdf",
note = "[Online; accessed 30-January-2014]"
Author = {{Zara, J.}},
Title = {{Virtual Reality Course - A Natural Enrichment of Computer Graphics Classes}},
Journal = {{Computer Graphics Forum}},
Year = {{2006}},
Volume = {{25}},
Number = {{1}},
Pages = {{(105-112)}},
Month = {{}},
Abstract = {{}},
DOI = {{}},
ISSN = {{0167-7055}},
Unique-ID = {{}},
author = {Joseph. D. Huba},
ALTeditor = {},
title = {{NRL} plasma formulary},
publisher = {Naval Research Laboratory},
year = {2016},
howpublished = {\url{https://www.nrl.navy.mil/ppd/content/nrl-plasma-formulary}},
note = {\acc},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTedition = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Zachary S Hartwig},
ALTeditor = {},
title = {Magnetic Fusion Energy Formulary},
publisher = {MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center},
year = {2016},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/MFEFormulary}},
note = {\acc},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTseries = {},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTedition = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {G. McCracken and P. Stott},
title = {Fúze – energie vesmíru},
publisher = {MF},
year = {2006},
author = {F. F. Chen},
title = {Introduction to plasma physics},
publisher = {Plenum Press, New York},
year = {1974},
author = {I. Štoll},
title = {Elektřina a magnetismus},
publisher = {Vydavatelství skript ČVUT, Praha},
year = {1998},
author = {I. Štoll},
title = {Mechanika},
publisher = {Vydavatelství skript ČVUT, Praha},
year = {1998},
author={Wesson, J. and Campbell, D.J.},
series={International Series of Monographs on Physics},
publisher={OUP Oxford}
author = {Wesson, J.},
title = {Tokamaks},
publisher = {{O}xford {U}niversity {P}ress {I}nc.},
address = {{N}ew {Y}ork},
series = {International Series of Monographs on Physics},
volume = {118},
year = {Third Edition, 2004}
author = "John Wesson",
title = "The science of {JET}",
booktitle = "JET Reports",
year = "1999",
pages = "JET-R(99)13",
url = {http://www.iop.org/Jet/fulltext/JETR99013.pdf},
author = "G. Papp and G. Pokol and G. Por and S. Zoletnik and {W7-AS Team}",
title = "Investigation of transient {MHD} modes of {Wendelstein 7-Advanced Stellarator}",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Youth Conference on Energetics, (31 May - 2 June 2007, Budapest, Hungary)",
year = "2007",
pages = "109"
author={Robert J Goldston},
title={Energy confinement scaling in Tokamaks: some implications of recent experiments with Ohmic and strong auxiliary heating},
journal={Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion},
abstract={Recent results from confinement scaling experiments on tokamaks with Ohmic and strong auxiliary heating are reviewed. An attempt is made to draw these results together into a "low-density" ohmic confinement scaling law, and a scaling law for confinement with auxiliary heating. The auxiliary heating confinement law may also serve to explain the saturation in T E vs. {bar n} e observed in some ohmic heating density scaling experiments.},
note = {\acc},
author = {{The GOLEM team}},
title = {{The GOLEM overal config file}},
howpublished = {http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/0/basicdiagn/config.py},
year = {\acc},
online = {\acc}
title = "Log-book of GOLEM visit 8 to 12 May 2012",
author = "L. Horvath",
year = "2012",
month = "May"
Author = {{Brotankova, J.}},
Title = {{Study of high temperature plasma in tokamak-like experimental devices}},
Year = {{2009}},
Author = {{Duran, I.}},
Title = {{Fluctuations of magnetic field in the CASTOR tokamak}},
Year = {{2003}},
author={Tokamak GOLEM team},
title ={{Tokamak GOLEM pro KF practicum}},
author={{Tokamak GOLEM contributors}},
title ={{Tokamak GOLEM at the Czech Technical University in Prague}},
note = "[Online; accessed \today]"}
author={{ITER contributors }},
title ={{ITER}},
note = "[Online; accessed 21-December-2018]"}
author={Tokamak GOLEM team},
title ={{Tokamak GOLEM at the Czech Technical University in Prague}},
author = "M. Valovic",
title = "Control of Plasma Position in the CASTOR tokamak",
journal = "Czech J. Phys",
year = 1989,
volume = "B 39",
pages ="1111 - 1119",
author = {{Tokamak GOLEM}},
title = {{Tokamak GOLEM @ FED 2015, accompanying page}},
howpublished = {http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/15FED},
year = {2015},
online = {2015}
author = {{Tokamak GOLEM}},
title = {{Tokamak GOLEM for EXPAT 2019, accompanying page}},
howpublished = {http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/19EXPAT},
year = {2019},
online = {2019}
author = {{Tokamak GOLEM}},
title = {{Tokamak GOLEM, doprovodná stránka k habilitace V. Svobody}},
howpublished = {http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/Habilitace},
year = {2019},
online = {2019}
author = "{Wikipedia contributors}",
title = "Remote laboratory --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
year = "2019",
howpublished = "\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Remote\_laboratory}",
note = "[Online; accessed 27-March-2020]"
author = {{FUSENET contributors}},
title = {{Plasma Physics and Fusion Experiments for Education}},
howpublished = {https://www.fusenet.eu/experiments},
year = {2019},
online = {2010}
author = {{FUSENET contributors}},
title = {{Fusenet}},
howpublished = {https://www.fusenet.eu},
year = {2019},
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author = {{Lustig, F. et.al.}},
howpublished = {https://www.ises.info/index.php/en},
year = {2020},
online = {2010}
author = {{Van Oost, G et al.}},
title = {{Joint experiments on small tokamaks: edge plasma studies on CASTOR}},
journal = {{Nuclear Fusion}},
year = {{2007}},
volume = {{47}},
pages = {{378-386}},
number = {{5}},
month = {{MAY}},
abstract = {{The 1st Joint (Host Laboratory) Experiment on `joint research using
small tokamaks' was carried out using the IPP Prague experimental
facility `CASTOR tokamak'. The main experimental programme was aimed
at characterizing the edge plasma in a tokamak by using different
advanced diagnostic techniques. It is widely recognized that characterization
of phenomena occurring at the plasma edge is essential for understanding
the plasma confinement in a tokamak. The edge plasma in small and
large scale experiments has many similar features, and the results
obtained through detailed measurements in a small flexible device
such as CASTOR are in many aspects still relevant to those in large
tokamaks. Therefore, it is expected that the results of this joint
experiment will have general validity. The radial and poloidal structure
of electrostatic turbulence was characterized. The effects of edge
biasing were analysed. Radiation fluctuations and profile measurements
were performed using fast bolometry. Plasma position measurements
were performed using novel Hall sensors.}},
address = {{WAGRAMERSTRASSE 5, PO BOX 100, A-1400 VIENNA, AUSTRIA}},
affiliation = {{Van Oost, G (Reprint Author), Univ Ghent, Dept Appl Phys, B-9000
Ghent, Belgium. Univ Ghent, Dept Appl Phys, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
EURATOM, KFKI RMKI, Budapest, Hungary. EURATOM, IPP CR, Inst Plasma
Phys, Prague, Czech Republic. INPE, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil.
UKAEA Euratom Fus Assoc, Culham Sci Ctr, Abingdon, Oxon, England.
IAEA, NAPC Phys Sect, A-1400 Vienna, Austria. Univ Sao Paulo, Inst
Phys, BR-05508 Sao Paulo, Brazil. EAEA, Cairo, Egypt. St Petersburg
State Univ, St Petersburg, Russia. Univ Saskatchewan, Plasma Phys
Lab, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W0, Canada. RRC Kurchatov Inst, Moscow, Russia.
Plasma Phys Res Ctr, Tehran, Iran. Szechenyi Istvan Univ, EURATOM
Assoc, Gyor, Hungary.}},
doc-delivery-number = {{174YK}},
doi = {{10.1088/0029-5515/47/5/002}},
issn = {{0029-5515}},
journal-iso = {{Nucl. Fusion}},
language = {{English}},
number-of-cited-references = {{10}},
subject-category = {{Physics, Fluids \& Plasmas; Physics, Nuclear}},
times-cited = {{6}},
type = {{Article}},
unique-id = {{ISI:000246978600002}}