Golem - tokamak of CTU

The GOLEM chronicle


January: Demonstration for Graduate School Event @ Eindhoven

February: Training course for the 3rd plasma nuclear fusion training course @ Bangkok, Thailand

Dear GOLEM team, I would like to sincerely thank you very much for all your training and your facilities to us in the 3rd Plasma Nuclear Fusion Training course @ Bangkok, Thailand. Best regards,Yutthana Tirawanichakul, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai

February: FUSENET General Assembly in Prague

February: Article in MF Dnes (cz)

March: Training course for Erasmus Mundus European Master

April: Hot Shots #3

May: Science week for high school students

July: Invited lectures for the Pakistan National Fusion Programme

August: Training course for the 17th TCN @ Bily Potok, Czech Rep.

Greetings postcard from participants

October: The first GOLEM demonstration to the Australia. Armidale university

Participants (operating the GOLEM tokamak remotely)
\html{November: Video "mapping"}{}


January: remote for TU Denmark

February: Training course for Erasmus Mundus European Master

May: tokamak GOLEM operated by 7 years old boy (under supervision of dr. Stockel)

June: The Science week @Nuclear Faculty, CTU

June: Remote from Kiten workshop

July: Support letter from EUROfusion programme manager office

Prof.dr. A.J.H. (Tony) Donné (Programme manager EUROfusion)

September: ITER DG Mr. Bernard Bigot (right) visiting the tokamak GOLEM

I thank you very much for this message and nice photo which reminds me about a very moving time in front of Golem. I am very grateful to you to have open and operate on a Sunday the facility. Thank you so much.
Bernard Bigot, ITER DG

September: The night of scientists

September: Tokamak GOLEM presented in the occasion of the Prince of Monaco visit at ITER

September: Gaudeamus Fair @ Brno

September: Remote training course for Budapest university

October: Plasma workshop for Belgrade University

November: Remote workshop for Eindhoven university

November: Report of the 19th Meeting of the International Board of Advisors of IPP.CR

November: Remote training course for Torino politecnico

December: Demonstration for Padova University


January: remote for TU Denmark

This week we had successful remote operations of two tokamaks, GOLEM and ST25 as a part of training school for DTU students. During two days, comparative experiments have been performed on two tokamaks, similar in dimensions and parameters, but different in that GOLEM is probably the oldest operating tokamak in the world, and ST25 is the most recent tokamak built. Both tokamaks, of course, are CRP participants. Both tokamaks demonstrated perfect reliability and good remote access without any faults. Students performed detailed studies on breakdown optimisation on both tokamaks and optimisation of RF-driven long pulses (10-20 sec) on ST25.Training of students to operate tokamaks remotely is not only a useful educational exercise, but a good step towards implementation of remote operations of tokamaks which is important as ITER is supposed to be operated fully remotely. This joint experiment, within the scope of the IAEA CRP, is another good demonstration of efficient contribution of small tokamaks into the mainstream Fusion research utilising the established Network of small Fusion devices.
Mikhail Gryaznevich, supervisor

Overal Feedback

The events you organise with students are a very good training for them. On our side, we have always had enthusiastic comments from our master students. Moreover, the GOLEM project is right in our objectives of giving the students the opportunity to operate an 'understandable' tokamak.
Remy Guirlet, FUMTRAIC 2012,2013,2014 supervisor

June: The Science week @Nuclear Faculty, CTU

September: The night of scientists

September: Remote training course for Grenoble university

October: Plasma workshop for Belgrade University

November: Tokamak GOLEM for FUSENET PhD event

December: Erasmus Mundus Training course

December: Remote training course for Eindhoven university Master classes

December: A letter from Roger Jasper


February: Remote from Cadarache #3

Spring: the GOLEM serves as practice lab in the basic course of physics @CTU

March: Demo for Lemvig high school

Thank you so much for your assistance and help with GOLEM. The students were very excited about plasma and GOLEM and had a lot of fun firing it. The high school might do a project about fusion next year, and are interrested in using GOLEM for the project. I hope they will!
Thomas Daugbjerg, a demo supervisor

April: The Nucleus Day in cooperation with the Research Centre Rez, Czech Republic

April: Workshop at Observatorium Valašské Meziříčí

June: Remote from Kiten workshop

June: The Science week @Nuclear Faculty, CTU

August: International Nathiagali Summer College @Islamabad

August: SUMTRAIC #6

September: The night of scientists


Remote laboratory exercise on the GOLEM tokamak has been made compulsory for all physicist master students at the Nuclear techniques specialization at BME. Prior to the exercise they only have minimum knowledge on fusion plasmas and devices. Despite this fact, all of them tend to enjoy measurements on GOLEM very much, and during the exercises they learn to evaluate the most important physical quantities of fusion plasmas and tokamak operation parameters, like energy confinement time or edge safety factor. The exercise provides about 4 hours of continuous workload for 3-4 students each being responsible to a selected aspect of the measurement. This way they have their own responsibility which keeps them occupied, yet they need to communicate intensively with each other, which makes the measurement exercise enjoyable yet quite exhausting. We are very much grateful for this possibility, which has been providing a lasting experience of a fusion device for all future nuclear physicists at BME during the last years.
Dr. Gergo Pokol, associate professor, Head of Fusion Plasma Physics Group, BME NTI

December: PhD session from Padova

December: EMTRAIC #2

This is a small letter to say you a big THANK YOU for an interesting excursion at Golem Tokamak! It is a great work you do - "doing a science with a human face". Many thanks again!!!
Katja Melnik
Thank you so much for yesterday's experiment and it is really a nice and interesting experience for me, it's like working with my own Tokamak which is really fancy. And I think it is definitely a good training opportunity for students who just start his or her fusion study and get a close, better understanding of the basics. And last, I hope the students in my country, China, will also have the chance to get close to GOLEM, I will definitely tell them my experience here when I am back in China.
Li Fan, participant


February: Remote from Cadarache #2

Spring: GOMTRAIC #2

July: Demonstration for Bochum University

July: postcard from Bochum

October: a demo for PhD students in Garching

December: EMTRAIC #1 (Erasmus Mundus Training course)




October: Joint ICTP-IAEA College on Plasma Physics @Trieste

I really enjoyed the educational activities carried out with the tokamak GOLEM. I have a theoretical background, and I found very exciting to have the opportunity to perform experiments in remote with this machine. From the data analysis I've obtained valuable information about the basic physics of a tokamak. The machine is already very good, but it would be great if you could improve the performance.

February: FUMTRAIC - French fusion masters training course #1

a whole week event in Cadarache

I just wanted to thank you for coming in Cadarache to introduce us to the amazing work you've done with the GOLEM tokamak. It is fascinating to be able to work on such a device, and we're really enjoying the possibility to make our very first discharges .. From all of us, thank you again.
FUMTRAIC 2012 participants
Just returning from Cadarache, where last Friday I heard thepresentations given by the students in particular on that GOLEMexperiments, I confirm it was really a great success !
Gerard Bonhomme, mail correspondence

ITER news #2


Hungarian Training Course for BTE Budapest. Introductory session, more than 90 discharges performed by 3 students.

Dear Vojtech,We would like to kindly thank you for the opportunity and your assistance during our laboratory exercise. We learned much about the basics of fusion technology, with special attention to tokamak devices, and we have been enriched with great experiences.Best regards
Annamária Kéri, Máté Halász, Márton Horváth
As it turned out already in 2009 for us, GOLEM is a great possibility for student education purposes. Since that time we (Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Nuclear Techniques) organize remote measurements in each year which is the first (and yet only) tokamak experiment for the students at our university. The simplicity and the remote control abilities of the device fits perfectly to the needs of such practical lab exercise.
Daniel Imre Refy (student, supervisor and coordinator), BME Budapest, Hungary)
Thanks for the operation! The lab exercise went perfectly well, andthe students were really enjoying it.
Gergo Pokol (teacher), BME Budapest, Hungary

Spring: GOMTRAIC (GOLEM training course) #1

... It was wonderful experience for me to do experiment under your guidance. I thank you, the GOLEM team again for yesterday's rack probe experiments. We will thoroughly analyse the shots. ...

June: the 5th International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics.Kiten, Bulgaria

Introductory session, more than 80 discharges performed by 21 students from 5 European countries.

I have been present at a remote participation on GOLEM (during the KITEN workshop), and I can confirm that the students are very enthousiastic about this.
Jean-Marie Noterdaeme

August: SUMTRAIC #4

Experimentation regarding the optimization of operating parameter was good.Data analysis on the basis of set parameters provide opportunity explore the magnetic fusion physics.


June: The Science week @Nuclear Faculty, CTU #1

3 groups performed more than 50 discharges.

August: SUMTRAIC #3

Summer Training Course, Prague, Czech Republic. Introductory session, more than 100 discharges performed by participants from European countries.

November: remote from Eindhoven


August: SUMTRAIC #2

Summer Training Course, Prague, Czech Republic. Introductory session, more than 100 discharges performed by participants from European countries.

I already saw a demonstration of the remote controll of GOLEM by Dr. Stockel in Ghent University. During the SUMTRAIC I now also had the oppurtinity to experience it myself. I liked it at lot, especially that within a few seconds you choose your parameters and you will have your results. I am making a thesis work on COMPASS but I will also devote one chapter to the day of experiments at GOLEM. As a last note: keep the tradition of enlighting the candle in the GOLEM statue before each campaign:)

March: HUNTRAIC #1

Hungarian Training Course for BTE Budapest. Introductory session, more than 70 discharges performed by 3 students.

First of all, we would like to express our gratitude for this remarkable opportunity. To perform a remote measurement on a tokamak, and to be part of such an international operation for the first time in our life, is way beyond our earlier expectations as physics students. We wish you luck for the future, and lots of plasma :)
Andras Karman, Gergely Klujber, Mate Ferenczy and Peter Nemetvarga (BME Hungary)
From the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Institute of Nuclear Techniques (NTI), we already had our second session on GOLEM, and hoping for many more. Operating a real tokamak is a great experience for students, which - with the help of the GOLEM team - we are planning to share with all the students at the nuclear physics branch of the Physics MSc program at BME. Many thanks goes for this unique opportunity to Vojtech Svoboda, the GOLEM team, and all who made this enterprise possible.
Gergo Pokol, teacher at BME NTI

March: a Budapest postcard

August: First over sea remote from Costa Rica

Running the first touch from the Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica. The interface is accessible and works very well. I look forward to having my students run a session and analyse the data, and collaborate in developing this excellent project. Thank you for providing such a wonderful opportunity.
I would like to thank you for your hard work and for letting us run an experiment on GOLEM. I hope we can repeat the experience soon. It was a very tasty bit of science on the making.
Luis D. Jimenez
I am very glad to write you on behalf of the students of the Plasma Physics Group of the Costa Rica Institute of Technology, PlasmaTEC. Thank you for letting us make some plasma shots last June 15th, from Costa Rica to the GOLEM in your country. This was an important event for us and even an article was published in the university's newspaper. This kind of activities let us know more about plasma physics, because we can analyze the data and know the meaning of many things that we see in the classroom but are not able to experiment yet.....Best regards from Costa Rica and thank you again
Laura Barillas Mora

December: Global Tokamak Experiment

In a special event called the Global Tokamak Experiment using a web based system, in over 4 hours 38 participants from 10 different countries carried out 83 plasma discharges. Due to the global nature of this experiment a security access keys (also referred to as tokens) were distributed to limit the usage of the tokamak. A login based system identified between participanta, and experiment manager. Thus the machine was based in the Czech Republic, the experiment manager in the UK, and the participants in many other countries.
It was great! .. Many thanks to Billy for the excellent site design and to Vojtech Svoboda and his team for the interesting experiment. I hope that it will ever happen again. I and another student has already been discussed the results of shots yesterday the whole evening and today, a good idea to make the discussion more global=D.
GTE participant

ITER news hit #1


August: SUMTRAIC #1

Summer Training Course, Prague, Czech Republic. Introductory session, more than 100 discharges performed by 17 students from 7 European countries.

Compass may be a lot more advanced... but this was a lot more fun..
Dear GOLEM team,let me congratulate you to the first plasma in GOLEM achieved in the frame of the Summer Training Course 2009. This success is a result of your enormous effort to put the GOLEM tokamak in operation during the period of about one year. I can confirm that the participants (students and supervisors) found the experiments performed yesterday extreemly interesting and enjoyed them very much.My suggestion for the next SUMTRAIC: we should start the school with GOLEM and then continue on COMPASS.On behalf of the old CASTOR and new COMPASS team.
Jan Stockel

December: a demo for Gent university