Advanced analysis

[Template source]

[Source - computations] [Source - plotting]

Plasma position is not included in the safety factor !!!


First approximation of electron confinement time te = 15.074 [us]
Electron confinement time predicted from t_98 t98 = N/A [us]
(tIPB98(y,2) = 0.0562 I0.93 B 0.15 n 0.41 P -0.69 R 1.39 ka 0.78 a 0.58 M 0.19)
Approximation of electron density through equilibrium state ne = 0.40 [10^19.m^-3]
Mean electron density ne = N/A [10^19.m^-3]

Accessible data: [data_configuration.cfg] [] - (more details)


File name



electron_confinement_t98 (txt,xls,png,npz,...) t_98 Time [s] Tau 98 extrapolation of confinement time
electron_confinement_time (txt) ElectronConfinementTimeFirstApprox Time [s] First approximation of electron confinement time
electron_density (txt,xls,png,npz,...) electron_density [m^-3] Electron density
electron_density_equilibrium (txt) StateEqElectronDensity Particle density [m^{-3}] Approximation of electron density through equilibrium state
electron_density_mean (txt,xls,png,npz,...) electron_density_mean [m^-3] Mean electron density
electron_temperature (txt,xls,png,npz,...) ElectronTemp Temperature [eV] Electron temperature
electron_temperature_max (txt) ElectronTempMax Temperature [eV] Electron temperature max (filtered)
electron_temperature_median (txt,xls,png,npz,...) ElectronMed Temperature [eV] Electron temperature median filtered
greenwald_density (txt,xls,png,npz,...) GreenwaldDensity Density [-] Greenwald density
input_power_chamber (txt,xls,png,npz,...) PowerChamber P [W] Ohmic power converted to chamber
input_power_magnetic (txt,xls,png,npz,...) PowerMagnetic P [W] Ohmic power converted to magnetic power
input_power_plasma (txt,xls,png,npz,...) PowerPlasma P [W] Ohmic power converted to plasma
input_power_total (txt,xls,png,npz,...) PowerTotal P [W] Total ohmic heating power
q95 (txt,xls,png,npz,...) Qedge Q [-] Safety factor
spectrometr\temperature (txt,xls,png,npz,...) temperature T_e [eV] Electron temperature
spectrometr\total_radiated_power (txt,xls,png,npz,...) TotalPower Power [a.u.] Total radiated power in range 200-1200 nm
temperature_mean (txt) ElectronTemperatureMean Temperature [eV] Electron temperature
total_magnetic_flux (txt,xls,png,npz,...) TotalMagneticFlux Flux [Vs] Total magnetic flux

