clc clear all syms test0 ee f12 f13 k Te tcpu0=cputime; % time cero of the program offsettiempo=0.0; % offset of time for Vf batt=100; % voltage og power supply smooth=101; colum1=3; colum2=4; base1='/Users/marcomartinez/Documents/GOLEM/';base2='/'; base31='niturbo'; dataTe=load(strcat(base1,base31)); baseg='Te'; basecsv1='.txt'; titlecsv=strcat(base1,baseg,basecsv1); Tex=size(10000); Te=size(10000);MdTe=size(1000000); dTe=size(100000); dxTe=size(100000); off=size(100000); k = 1.3806504*10^-23; % constant of Boltzman ee=1.602176565*10^-19; % electric charge offset=1000; % offset % offset n3=0; off(1)=0; for i=1:offset off(i)=n3+dataTe(i,colum1); n3=off(i); end n3=n3/offset; n4=0; off(1)=0; for i=1:offset off(i)=n4+dataTe(i,colum2); n4=off(i); end n4=n4/offset; [nciclox,ncicloy]=size(dataTe); data1=size(1000000); data3=size(1000000); for i=1:nciclox data1(i)=dataTe(i,3)-n3; data3(i)=dataTe(i,4)-n4; end % V13 dataTee=size(10000000); [nx,ny]=size(dataTe); for i=1:nx dataTee(i)=data1(i)-data3(i); end % offset in time, and cut data ndata=nx; offnd=0; deltat=floor(offsettiempo/((dataTe(2,1)-dataTe(1,1))*1E+6)); for i=1:ndata dTe(i) = dataTee(i+deltat+offnd)*100; dxTe(i) = dataTe(i+offnd,1); end % Te MTem=0;MdTe=0; for i=1:ndata if (dTe(i)>1E-50 && dTe(i)<30E+0) % conditions stp=0; Te(i)=11600*1; % Value initial of Te while stp<1 lhs=(1-exp(-ee*dTe(i)/(k*Te(i))))/(1-exp(-ee*batt/(k*Te(i)))); test=abs(0.5-lhs); if(test<1E-15) stp=1; else Te(i) = Te(i)*lhs/0.5; end end Tex(i)=Te(i)/11600; if (Tex(i)>1E+10) Tex(i) = Tex(i); else Tex(i) = Tex(i); end if (Tex(i)<0E+1) Tex(i) = 0; else Tex(i) = Tex(i); end else Tex(i)=0; end if (dTe(i)>=MdTe) MdTe=dTe(i); % V13 max else end end cd(base1) f=figure; x0=7;x1=19; V130=-10;V131=30; Te0=-10;Te1=40; subplot(2,1,1),plot(dxTe(:)*1E+3,dTe(:)); %title(ShotNo); %xlabel('Time [ms]'); ylabel('V_1_-_3 [V]'); %legend('V_1_-_3'); axis([x0 x1 V130 V131]); subplot(2,1,2),plot(dxTe(:)*1E+3,Tex(:)); %title(ShotNo); xlabel('Time [ms]'); ylabel('Te [eV]'); %legend('Electron Temperature'); axis([x0 x1 Te0 Te1]); saveas(f, 'Te', 'png'); csvwrite(titlecsv,[dxTe(:),dTe(:),Tex(:)]); FID = fopen('index.html', 'w'); fprintf(FID,'

Triple probe analysis

matlab code used

Data'); fclose(FID); !zip results index.html Te.png Te.txt