from pydcpf.appliances.DAS1210 import Device
import sys
from pygolem_lite.utilities import read_config
config = read_config('das.cfg')
IP_address = config['io_config']['ip']
port = int(config['io_config']['port'])
file_name = config['io_config']['file']
#IP_address = ''
#port = 10001
number_of_samples = 10 * 4096 #TODO should calculate from used frequency and recorded time
debug = True
error_tolerance = 3 #how many errors to tolerate per channel
from socket import timeout as TimeoutError
timeout = 2
papouch = Device(IP_address, port, timeout=timeout)
if sys.argv[1] == "arming":
from time import sleep
if not papouch.set_ready(): #set all channels to armed state
raise RuntimeError("Cannot arm device")
sleep(0.01) # must not terminate the connection immediately
elif sys.argv[1] == "acquisition":
from pydcpf.protocols.spinel97 import CheckSumError, ACKError
import numpy as np
#papouch.get_data(number_of_samples, 1)
from threading import Thread #multiprocessing would copy data
for channel in xrange(1, 13):
if debug:
print "Acquisition of channel %i" % channel
error_count = 0
while True:
Thread(target=np.savez_compressed, args=(file_name+'_%02i' % channel,), kwargs=dict(
data = np.hstack(
[ np.frombuffer(buf, '<i2') for buf in papouch.get_data(number_of_samples, channel) ]
, t_start = 0
, t_end = number_of_samples * 1e-6 #TODO use actual frequency on channel
, scale = 10.0 / 2**15 # 2**16 / 2 #TODO use actual amplification
except (CheckSumError, ACKError, TimeoutError) as e:
error_count += 1
print "%i. failure on channel %i: " % (error_count, channel) + str(e)
if error_count > error_tolerance:
print "Too many (more than %i) errors on channel %i, aborting acquisition of this channel" % (error_tolerance, channel)