
[Template source] [Log]

Capacitors charging: [Source] [charging log: t, UB, UBD, UCD, UDS, pchamber]

CBt capacitors ( 81.0 mF) charged to 600 V, triggered 5.0 ms
CBD capacitors (3.6 mF) charged to 0 V, triggered 13.0 ms
CCD capacitors (11.2 mF) charged to 300 V, triggered 9.0 ms
CST capacitors (2.7 mF) charged to 0 V, triggered 5.0 ms

Gas pressure: [Source]

Initial pressure pchamber 0.57 mPa
Final pressure 0.56 mPa
Request pressure 12 mPa
Working gas None
Chamber temperature N/A C

Vacuum log: [Source] [Data] [Data 2]

Current session evolution

Accessible data: [data_configuration.cfg] [config.py] - (more details, all data)


File name



cb (0.081 F) TororoidalMagneticFieldCapacitor Capacity [F] Total capacity of tororoidal magnetic field capacitors
cbd (0.0036 F) BreakDownElectricFieldCapacitor Capacity [F] Total capacity of breakdown field capacitors
ccd (0.0112 F) CurrentDriveElectricFieldCapacitor Capacity [F] Total capacity of current drive field capacitors
chamber_temperature (N/A °C) Aktual_TermoclanekNaKomore Temperature [°C] Chamber temperature
cst (0.0027 F) StabilizationCapacitor Capacity [F] Total capacity of stabilization field capacitors
lb (0.0028 H) ToroidalMagneticFieldCoilInductance Inductance [H] Inductance tororoidal magnetic field coils
pressure (0.56 mPa) Aktual_PfeifferMerkaVakua Pressure [mPa] Working gas pressure before discharge
pressure_request (12 mPa) pressure_setting_mPa Pressure [mPa] Requested gas pressure before discharge
tb (0.005 s) Tb Time [s] Time delay of torroidal mag. field
tbd (0.013 s) Tbd Time [s] Time delay of breakdown magnetic field
tcd (0.009 s) Tcd Time [s] Time delay of current drive
tst (0.005 s) Tst Time [s] Time delay of stabilization magnetic field
ub (600 V) Ub_limit Voltage [V] Charging voltage of capacitors for toroidal magnetic field coils
ubd (0 V) Ubd_limit Voltage [V] Charging voltage of capacitors for breakdown magnetic field coils
ucd (300 V) Ucd_limit Voltage [V] Charging voltage of capacitors for current drive transformer primary winding
ust (0 V) Ust_limit Voltage [V] Charging voltage of capacitors for stabilization magnetic field coils
working_gas (txt) Gas string Gas

