\(\def\sub#1{_\mathrm{#1}}\def\sup#1{^\mathrm{#1}}\def\maximum#1{max_#1}\) Golem #36601

Tokamak GOLEM - Shot Database - #36601

[Shot logbook]
The session mission -->

     Technological parameters

    No Plasma:

Basic Diagnostics    

On stage diagnostics

Data flowmeasurement →digitization →analysis →
NameExperiment setupData acquistition systemRaw dataAnalysis results








Other diagnostics

Data flowmeasurement →digitization →analysis →
NameExperiment setupData acquistition systemRaw dataAnalysis results








Data processing off


Scan issues

for 36592 36593 36594 36595 36596 36597 36598 36599 36600 + 36601

#36592     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Training 4 MEPhI - first trial Biasing probe 85mm from plasma centre, doble rake probe at 70 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 70 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "" --DataProcessing on
#36593     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 80mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 70 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 70 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592" --DataProcessing off
#36594     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 75mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 70 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 70 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593" --DataProcessing off
#36595     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 70mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 70 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 70 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593 36594" --DataProcessing off
#36596     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 65mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 70 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 70 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593 36594 36595" --DataProcessing off
#36597     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 60mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 70 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 70 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593 36594 36595 36596" --DataProcessing off
#36598     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 55mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 70 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 70 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593 36594 36595 36596 36597" --DataProcessing off
#36599     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 55mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 55 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 55 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593 36594 36595 36596 36597 36598 " --DataProcessing off
#36600     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 60mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 55 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 55 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593 36594 36595 36596 36597 36598 36599" --DataProcessing off
#36601     ./Dirigent.sh --discharge --UBt 800 --TBt 0 --Ucd 450 --Tcd 1000 --preionization 1 --gas H --pressure 16 --comment "Biasing probe 65mm from plasma centre, double rake probe at 55 mm, Lang_BPP probe at 55 mm" --diagnostics_biasingelectrode "5000,0;7000,20;10000,-20;13000,0" --ScanDefinition "36592 36593 36594 36595 36596 36597 36598 36599 36600" --DataProcessing off


Thanks to the specific help

The tokamak GOLEM controll SW @