Events/ScienceFair@Prague/15/Vědecký jarmark 2015_files/slick.js

 Version: 1.3.13
  Author: Ken Wheeler


/* global window, document, define, jQuery, setInterval, clearInterval */

(function(factory) {
    'use strict';
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        define(['jquery'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
        module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
    } else {

}(function($) {
    'use strict';
    var Slick = window.Slick || {};

    Slick = (function() {

        var instanceUid = 0;

        function Slick(element, settings) {

            var _ = this,
                responsiveSettings, breakpoint;

            _.defaults = {
                accessibility: true,
                adaptiveHeight: false,
                appendArrows: $(element),
                appendDots: $(element),
                arrows: true,
                asNavFor: null,
                prevArrow: '<button type="button" data-role="none" class="slick-prev">Previous</button>',
                nextArrow: '<button type="button" data-role="none" class="slick-next">Next</button>',
                autoplay: false,
                autoplaySpeed: 3000,
                centerMode: false,
                centerPadding: '50px',
                cssEase: 'ease',
                customPaging: function(slider, i) {
                    return '<button type="button" data-role="none">' + (i + 1) + '</button>';
                dots: false,
                dotsClass: 'slick-dots',
                draggable: true,
                easing: 'linear',
                fade: false,
                focusOnSelect: false,
                infinite: true,
                initialSlide: 0,
                lazyLoad: 'ondemand',
                onBeforeChange: null,
                onAfterChange: null,
                onInit: null,
                onReInit: null,
                pauseOnHover: true,
                pauseOnDotsHover: false,
                responsive: null,
                rtl: false,
                slide: 'div',
                slidesToShow: 1,
                slidesToScroll: 1,
                speed: 300,
                swipe: true,
                swipeToSlide: false,
                touchMove: true,
                touchThreshold: 5,
                useCSS: true,
                variableWidth: false,
                vertical: false,
                waitForAnimate: true

            _.initials = {
                animating: false,
                dragging: false,
                autoPlayTimer: null,
                currentDirection: 0,
                currentLeft: null,
                currentSlide: 0,
                direction: 1,
                $dots: null,
                listWidth: null,
                listHeight: null,
                loadIndex: 0,
                $nextArrow: null,
                $prevArrow: null,
                slideCount: null,
                slideWidth: null,
                $slideTrack: null,
                $slides: null,
                sliding: false,
                slideOffset: 0,
                swipeLeft: null,
                $list: null,
                touchObject: {},
                transformsEnabled: false

            $.extend(_, _.initials);

            _.activeBreakpoint = null;
            _.animType = null;
            _.animProp = null;
            _.breakpoints = [];
            _.breakpointSettings = [];
            _.cssTransitions = false;
            _.paused = false;
            _.positionProp = null;
            _.shouldClick = true;
            _.$slider = $(element);
            _.$slidesCache = null;
            _.transformType = null;
            _.transitionType = null;
            _.windowWidth = 0;
            _.windowTimer = null;

            _.options = $.extend({}, _.defaults, settings);

            _.currentSlide = _.options.initialSlide;

            _.originalSettings = _.options;
            responsiveSettings = _.options.responsive || null;

            if (responsiveSettings && responsiveSettings.length > -1) {
                for (breakpoint in responsiveSettings) {
                    if (responsiveSettings.hasOwnProperty(breakpoint)) {
                            breakpoint].breakpoint] =
                _.breakpoints.sort(function(a, b) {
                    return b - a;

            _.autoPlay = $.proxy(_.autoPlay, _);
            _.autoPlayClear = $.proxy(_.autoPlayClear, _);
            _.changeSlide = $.proxy(_.changeSlide, _);
            _.selectHandler = $.proxy(_.selectHandler, _);
            _.setPosition = $.proxy(_.setPosition, _);
            _.swipeHandler = $.proxy(_.swipeHandler, _);
            _.dragHandler = $.proxy(_.dragHandler, _);
            _.keyHandler = $.proxy(_.keyHandler, _);
            _.autoPlayIterator = $.proxy(_.autoPlayIterator, _);

            _.instanceUid = instanceUid++;

            // A simple way to check for HTML strings
            // Strict HTML recognition (must start with <)
            // Extracted from jQuery v1.11 source
            _.htmlExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*)$/;



        return Slick;


    Slick.prototype.addSlide = function(markup, index, addBefore) {

        var _ = this;

        if (typeof(index) === 'boolean') {
            addBefore = index;
            index = null;
        } else if (index < 0 || (index >= _.slideCount)) {
            return false;


        if (typeof(index) === 'number') {
            if (index === 0 && _.$slides.length === 0) {
            } else if (addBefore) {
            } else {
        } else {
            if (addBefore === true) {
            } else {

        _.$slides = _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide);



        _.$slides.each(function(index, element) {

        _.$slidesCache = _.$slides;



    Slick.prototype.animateSlide = function(targetLeft, callback) {

        var animProps = {}, _ = this;

        if(_.options.slidesToShow === 1 && _.options.adaptiveHeight === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
            var targetHeight = _.$slides.eq(_.currentSlide).outerHeight(true);
            _.$list.animate({height: targetHeight},_.options.speed);

        if (_.options.rtl === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
            targetLeft = -targetLeft;
        if (_.transformsEnabled === false) {
            if (_.options.vertical === false) {
                    left: targetLeft
                }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);
            } else {
                    top: targetLeft
                }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);

        } else {

            if (_.cssTransitions === false) {

                    animStart: _.currentLeft
                    animStart: targetLeft
                }, {
                    duration: _.options.speed,
                    easing: _.options.easing,
                    step: function(now) {
                        if (_.options.vertical === false) {
                            animProps[_.animType] = 'translate(' +
                                now + 'px, 0px)';
                        } else {
                            animProps[_.animType] = 'translate(0px,' +
                                now + 'px)';
                    complete: function() {
                        if (callback) {

            } else {


                if (_.options.vertical === false) {
                    animProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(' + targetLeft + 'px, 0px, 0px)';
                } else {
                    animProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(0px,' + targetLeft + 'px, 0px)';

                if (callback) {
                    setTimeout(function() {


                    }, _.options.speed);




    Slick.prototype.asNavFor = function(index) {
        var _ = this, asNavFor = _.options.asNavFor != null ? $(_.options.asNavFor).getSlick() : null;
        if(asNavFor != null) asNavFor.slideHandler(index, true);

    Slick.prototype.applyTransition = function(slide) {

        var _ = this,
            transition = {};

        if (_.options.fade === false) {
            transition[_.transitionType] = _.transformType + ' ' + _.options.speed + 'ms ' + _.options.cssEase;
        } else {
            transition[_.transitionType] = 'opacity ' + _.options.speed + 'ms ' + _.options.cssEase;

        if (_.options.fade === false) {
        } else {


    Slick.prototype.autoPlay = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.autoPlayTimer) {

        if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow && _.paused !== true) {
            _.autoPlayTimer = setInterval(_.autoPlayIterator,


    Slick.prototype.autoPlayClear = function() {

        var _ = this;
        if (_.autoPlayTimer) {


    Slick.prototype.autoPlayIterator = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.infinite === false) {

            if (_.direction === 1) {

                if ((_.currentSlide + 1) === _.slideCount -
                    1) {
                    _.direction = 0;

                _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide + _.options.slidesToScroll);

            } else {

                if ((_.currentSlide - 1 === 0)) {

                    _.direction = 1;


                _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide - _.options.slidesToScroll);


        } else {

            _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide + _.options.slidesToScroll);



    Slick.prototype.buildArrows = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {

            _.$prevArrow = $(_.options.prevArrow);
            _.$nextArrow = $(_.options.nextArrow);

            if (_.htmlExpr.test(_.options.prevArrow)) {

            if (_.htmlExpr.test(_.options.nextArrow)) {

            if (_.options.infinite !== true) {



    Slick.prototype.buildDots = function() {

        var _ = this,
            i, dotString;

        if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {

            dotString = '<ul class="' + _.options.dotsClass + '">';

            for (i = 0; i <= _.getDotCount(); i += 1) {
                dotString += '<li>' +, _, i) + '</li>';

            dotString += '</ul>';

            _.$dots = $(dotString).appendTo(




    Slick.prototype.buildOut = function() {

        var _ = this;

        _.$slides = _.$slider.children(_.options.slide +
        _.slideCount = _.$slides.length;

        _.$slides.each(function(index, element) {

        _.$slidesCache = _.$slides;


        _.$slideTrack = (_.slideCount === 0) ?
            $('<div class="slick-track"/>').appendTo(_.$slider) :
            _.$slides.wrapAll('<div class="slick-track"/>').parent();

        _.$list = _.$slideTrack.wrap(
            '<div class="slick-list"/>').parent();
        _.$slideTrack.css('opacity', 0);

        if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
            _.options.slidesToScroll = 1;
            _.options.slidesToShow = 3;

        $('img[data-lazy]', _.$slider).not('[src]').addClass('slick-loading');





        if (_.options.accessibility === true) {
            _.$list.prop('tabIndex', 0);

        _.setSlideClasses(typeof this.currentSlide === 'number' ? this.currentSlide : 0);

        if (_.options.draggable === true) {


    Slick.prototype.checkResponsive = function() {

        var _ = this,
            breakpoint, targetBreakpoint;

        if (_.originalSettings.responsive && _.originalSettings
            .responsive.length > -1 && _.originalSettings.responsive !== null) {

            targetBreakpoint = null;

            for (breakpoint in _.breakpoints) {
                if (_.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(breakpoint)) {
                    if ($(window).width() < _.breakpoints[
                        breakpoint]) {
                        targetBreakpoint = _.breakpoints[

            if (targetBreakpoint !== null) {
                if (_.activeBreakpoint !== null) {
                    if (targetBreakpoint !== _.activeBreakpoint) {
                        _.activeBreakpoint =
                        _.options = $.extend({}, _.originalSettings,
                } else {
                    _.activeBreakpoint = targetBreakpoint;
                    _.options = $.extend({}, _.originalSettings,
            } else {
                if (_.activeBreakpoint !== null) {
                    _.activeBreakpoint = null;
                    _.options = _.originalSettings;



    Slick.prototype.changeSlide = function(event) {

        var _ = this,
            $target = $(,
            indexOffset, slideOffset, unevenOffset;

        // If target is a link, prevent default action.
        $'a') && event.preventDefault();

        unevenOffset = (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0);
        indexOffset = unevenOffset ? 0 : (_.slideCount - _.currentSlide) % _.options.slidesToScroll;

        switch ( {

            case 'previous':
                slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? _.options.slidesToScroll : _.options.slidesToShow - indexOffset;
                if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
                    _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide  - slideOffset);

            case 'next':
                slideOffset = indexOffset === 0 ? _.options.slidesToScroll : indexOffset;
                if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
                    _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide + slideOffset);

            case 'index':
                var index = === 0 ? 0 :
           || $( * _.options.slidesToScroll;

                return false;


    Slick.prototype.clickHandler = function(event) {

        var _ = this;

        if(_.shouldClick === false) {


    Slick.prototype.destroy = function() {

        var _ = this;


        _.touchObject = {};

        $('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).remove();
        if (_.$dots) {
        if (_.$prevArrow && (typeof _.options.prevArrow !== 'object')) {
        if (_.$nextArrow && (typeof _.options.nextArrow !== 'object')) {
        if (_.$slides.parent().hasClass('slick-track')) {

            'slick-slide slick-active slick-center slick-visible')
                position: '',
                left: '',
                top: '',
                zIndex: '',
                opacity: '',
                width: ''


        $(window).off('.slick-' + _.instanceUid);
        $(document).off('.slick-' + _.instanceUid);


    Slick.prototype.disableTransition = function(slide) {

        var _ = this,
            transition = {};

        transition[_.transitionType] = "";

        if (_.options.fade === false) {
        } else {


    Slick.prototype.fadeSlide = function(oldSlide, slideIndex, callback) {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.cssTransitions === false) {

                zIndex: 1000

                opacity: 1
            }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing, callback);

                opacity: 0
            }, _.options.speed, _.options.easing);

        } else {


                opacity: 1,
                zIndex: 1000

                opacity: 0

            if (callback) {
                setTimeout(function() {


                }, _.options.speed);



    Slick.prototype.filterSlides = function(filter) {

        var _ = this;

        if (filter !== null) {







    Slick.prototype.getCurrent = function() {

        var _ = this;

        return _.currentSlide;


    Slick.prototype.getDotCount = function() {

        var _ = this;

        return Math.ceil(_.slideCount  / _.options.slidesToScroll) - 1;


    Slick.prototype.getLeft = function(slideIndex) {

        var _ = this,
            verticalOffset = 0,

        _.slideOffset = 0;
        verticalHeight = _.$slides.first().outerHeight();

        if (_.options.infinite === true) {
            if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
                _.slideOffset = (_.slideWidth * _.options.slidesToShow) * -1;
                verticalOffset = (verticalHeight * _.options.slidesToShow) * -1;
            if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
                if (slideIndex + _.options.slidesToScroll > _.slideCount && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
                    _.slideOffset = ((_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToShow) * _.slideWidth) * -1;
                    verticalOffset = ((_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToShow) * verticalHeight) * -1;
        } else {
            if(slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow > _.slideCount) {
                _.slideOffset = ((slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow) - _.slideCount) * _.slideWidth;
                verticalOffset = ((slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow) - _.slideCount) * verticalHeight;

        if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow){
            _.slideOffset = 0;
            verticalOffset = 0;

        if (_.options.centerMode === true && _.options.infinite === true) {
            _.slideOffset += _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2) - _.slideWidth;
        } else if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
            _.slideOffset = 0;
            _.slideOffset += _.slideWidth * Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);

        if (_.options.vertical === false) {
            targetLeft = ((slideIndex * _.slideWidth) * -1) + _.slideOffset;
        } else {
            targetLeft = ((slideIndex * verticalHeight) * -1) + verticalOffset;

        if (_.options.variableWidth === true) {

            if(_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow || _.options.infinite === false) {
                targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex);
            } else {
                targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow);
            targetLeft = targetSlide[0] ? targetSlide[0].offsetLeft * -1 : 0;
            if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
                if(_.options.infinite === false) {
                    targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex);
                } else {
                    targetSlide = _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').eq(slideIndex + _.options.slidesToShow + 1);
                targetLeft = targetSlide[0] ? targetSlide[0].offsetLeft * -1 : 0;
                targetLeft += (_.$list.width() - targetSlide.outerWidth()) / 2;

        return targetLeft;


    Slick.prototype.getSlideCount = function() {

        var _ = this, slidesTraversed;

        if(_.options.swipeToSlide === true) {
            var swipedSlide = null;
            _.$slideTrack.find('.slick-slide').each(function(index, slide){
                if (slide.offsetLeft + ($(slide).outerWidth() / 2) > (_.swipeLeft * -1)) {
                    swipedSlide = slide;
                    return false;
            slidesTraversed = Math.abs($(swipedSlide).attr('index') - _.currentSlide);
            return slidesTraversed;
        } else {
            return _.options.slidesToScroll;


    Slick.prototype.init = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (!$(_.$slider).hasClass('slick-initialized')) {


        if (_.options.onInit !== null) {
  , _);


    Slick.prototype.initArrowEvents = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
            _.$prevArrow.on('click.slick', {
                message: 'previous'
            }, _.changeSlide);
            _.$nextArrow.on('click.slick', {
                message: 'next'
            }, _.changeSlide);


    Slick.prototype.initDotEvents = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
            $('li', _.$dots).on('click.slick', {
                message: 'index'
            }, _.changeSlide);

        if (_.options.dots === true && _.options.pauseOnDotsHover === true && _.options.autoplay === true) {
            $('li', _.$dots)
                .on('mouseenter.slick', function(){
                    _.paused = true;
                .on('mouseleave.slick', function(){
                    _.paused = false;


    Slick.prototype.initializeEvents = function() {

        var _ = this;



        _.$list.on('touchstart.slick mousedown.slick', {
            action: 'start'
        }, _.swipeHandler);
        _.$list.on('touchmove.slick mousemove.slick', {
            action: 'move'
        }, _.swipeHandler);
        _.$list.on('touchend.slick mouseup.slick', {
            action: 'end'
        }, _.swipeHandler);
        _.$list.on('touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick', {
            action: 'end'
        }, _.swipeHandler);

        _.$list.on('click.slick', _.clickHandler.bind(this));

        if (_.options.pauseOnHover === true && _.options.autoplay === true) {
            _.$list.on('mouseenter.slick', function(){
                _.paused = true;
            _.$list.on('mouseleave.slick', function(){
                _.paused = false;

        if(_.options.accessibility === true) {
            _.$list.on('keydown.slick', _.keyHandler);

        if(_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
            $(_.options.slide, _.$slideTrack).on('click.slick', _.selectHandler);

        $(window).on('orientationchange.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, function() {

        $(window).on('resize.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, function() {
            if ($(window).width() !== _.windowWidth) {
                _.windowDelay = window.setTimeout(function() {
                    _.windowWidth = $(window).width();
                }, 50);

        $('*[draggable!=true]', _.$slideTrack).on('dragstart', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); })

        $(window).on('load.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);
        $(document).on('ready.slick.slick-' + _.instanceUid, _.setPosition);


    Slick.prototype.initUI = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {



        if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {



        if (_.options.autoplay === true) {




    Slick.prototype.keyHandler = function(event) {

        var _ = this;

        if (event.keyCode === 37) {
                data: {
                    message: 'previous'
        } else if (event.keyCode === 39) {
                data: {
                    message: 'next'


    Slick.prototype.lazyLoad = function() {

        var _ = this,
            loadRange, cloneRange, rangeStart, rangeEnd;

        function loadImages(imagesScope) {
            $('img[data-lazy]', imagesScope).each(function() {
                var image = $(this),
                    imageSource = $(this).attr('data-lazy');

                  .load(function() { image.animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200); })
                  .css({ opacity: 0 })
                  .attr('src', imageSource)

        if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
            if (_.options.infinite === true) {
                rangeStart = _.currentSlide + (_.options.slidesToShow/2 + 1);
                rangeEnd = rangeStart + _.options.slidesToShow + 2;
            } else {
                rangeStart = Math.max(0, _.currentSlide - (_.options.slidesToShow/2 + 1));
                rangeEnd = 2 + (_.options.slidesToShow/2 + 1) + _.currentSlide;
        } else {
            rangeStart = _.options.infinite ? _.options.slidesToShow + _.currentSlide : _.currentSlide;
            rangeEnd = rangeStart + _.options.slidesToShow;
            if (_.options.fade === true ) {
                if(rangeStart > 0) rangeStart--;
                if(rangeEnd <= _.slideCount) rangeEnd++;

        loadRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide').slice(rangeStart, rangeEnd);

          if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow){
              cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide')
        if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow) {
            cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(0, _.options.slidesToShow);
        } else if (_.currentSlide === 0) {
            cloneRange = _.$slider.find('.slick-cloned').slice(_.options.slidesToShow * -1);


    Slick.prototype.loadSlider = function() {

        var _ = this;


            opacity: 1



        if (_.options.lazyLoad === 'progressive') {


    Slick.prototype.postSlide = function(index) {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.onAfterChange !== null) {
  , _, index);

        _.animating = false;


        _.swipeLeft = null;

        if (_.options.autoplay === true && _.paused === false) {


    Slick.prototype.progressiveLazyLoad = function() {

        var _ = this,
            imgCount, targetImage;

        imgCount = $('img[data-lazy]').length;

        if (imgCount > 0) {
            targetImage = $('img[data-lazy]', _.$slider).first();
            targetImage.attr('src', targetImage.attr('data-lazy')).removeClass('slick-loading').load(function() {
         .error(function () {


    Slick.prototype.refresh = function() {

        var _ = this,
            currentSlide = _.currentSlide;


        $.extend(_, _.initials);

        _.currentSlide = currentSlide;


    Slick.prototype.reinit = function() {

        var _ = this;

        _.$slides = _.$slideTrack.children(_.options.slide).addClass(

        _.slideCount = _.$slides.length;

        if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount && _.currentSlide !== 0) {
            _.currentSlide = _.currentSlide - _.options.slidesToScroll;

        if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
            _.currentSlide = 0;









        if(_.options.focusOnSelect === true) {
            $(_.options.slide, _.$slideTrack).on('click.slick', _.selectHandler);



        if (_.options.onReInit !== null) {
  , _);


    Slick.prototype.removeSlide = function(index, removeBefore) {

        var _ = this;

        if (typeof(index) === 'boolean') {
            removeBefore = index;
            index = removeBefore === true ? 0 : _.slideCount - 1;
        } else {
            index = removeBefore === true ? --index : index;

        if (_.slideCount < 1 || index < 0 || index > _.slideCount - 1) {
            return false;



        _.$slides = _.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide);



        _.$slidesCache = _.$slides;



    Slick.prototype.setCSS = function(position) {

        var _ = this,
            positionProps = {}, x, y;

        if (_.options.rtl === true) {
            position = -position;
        x = _.positionProp == 'left' ? position + 'px' : '0px';
        y = _.positionProp == 'top' ? position + 'px' : '0px';

        positionProps[_.positionProp] = position;

        if (_.transformsEnabled === false) {
        } else {
            positionProps = {};
            if (_.cssTransitions === false) {
                positionProps[_.animType] = 'translate(' + x + ', ' + y + ')';
            } else {
                positionProps[_.animType] = 'translate3d(' + x + ', ' + y + ', 0px)';


    Slick.prototype.setDimensions = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.vertical === false) {
            if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
                    padding: ('0px ' + _.options.centerPadding)
        } else {
            _.$list.height(_.$slides.first().outerHeight(true) * _.options.slidesToShow);
            if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
                    padding: (_.options.centerPadding + ' 0px')

        _.listWidth = _.$list.width();
        _.listHeight = _.$list.height();

        if(_.options.vertical === false && _.options.variableWidth === false) {
            _.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth / _.options.slidesToShow);
            _.$slideTrack.width(Math.ceil((_.slideWidth * _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').length)));

        } else if (_.options.variableWidth === true) {
            var trackWidth = 0;
            _.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth / _.options.slidesToShow);
                trackWidth += Math.ceil($(this).outerWidth(true));
            _.$slideTrack.width(Math.ceil(trackWidth) + 1);
        } else {
            _.slideWidth = Math.ceil(_.listWidth);
            _.$slideTrack.height(Math.ceil((_.$slides.first().outerHeight(true) * _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').length)));

        var offset = _.$slides.first().outerWidth(true) - _.$slides.first().width();
        if (_.options.variableWidth === false) _.$slideTrack.children('.slick-slide').width(_.slideWidth - offset);


    Slick.prototype.setFade = function() {

        var _ = this,

        _.$slides.each(function(index, element) {
            targetLeft = (_.slideWidth * index) * -1;
            if (_.options.rtl === true) {
                    position: 'relative',
                    right: targetLeft,
                    top: 0,
                    zIndex: 800,
                    opacity: 0
            } else {
                    position: 'relative',
                    left: targetLeft,
                    top: 0,
                    zIndex: 800,
                    opacity: 0

            zIndex: 900,
            opacity: 1


    Slick.prototype.setHeight = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if(_.options.slidesToShow === 1 && _.options.adaptiveHeight === true && _.options.vertical === false) {
            var targetHeight = _.$slides.eq(_.currentSlide).outerHeight(true);
            _.$list.css('height', targetHeight);


    Slick.prototype.setPosition = function() {

        var _ = this;



        if (_.options.fade === false) {
        } else {


    Slick.prototype.setProps = function() {

        var _ = this,
            bodyStyle =;

        _.positionProp = _.options.vertical === true ? 'top' : 'left';

        if (_.positionProp === 'top') {
        } else {

        if (bodyStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined ||
            bodyStyle.MozTransition !== undefined ||
            bodyStyle.msTransition !== undefined) {
            if(_.options.useCSS === true) {
                _.cssTransitions = true;

        if (bodyStyle.OTransform !== undefined) {
            _.animType = 'OTransform';
            _.transformType = "-o-transform";
            _.transitionType = 'OTransition';
            if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.webkitPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
        if (bodyStyle.MozTransform !== undefined) {
            _.animType = 'MozTransform';
            _.transformType = "-moz-transform";
            _.transitionType = 'MozTransition';
            if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.MozPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
        if (bodyStyle.webkitTransform !== undefined) {
            _.animType = 'webkitTransform';
            _.transformType = "-webkit-transform";
            _.transitionType = 'webkitTransition';
            if (bodyStyle.perspectiveProperty === undefined && bodyStyle.webkitPerspective === undefined) _.animType = false;
        if (bodyStyle.msTransform !== undefined) {
            _.animType = 'msTransform';
            _.transformType = "-ms-transform";
            _.transitionType = 'msTransition';
            if (bodyStyle.msTransform === undefined) _.animType = false;
        if (bodyStyle.transform !== undefined && _.animType !== false) {
            _.animType = 'transform';
            _.transformType = "transform";
            _.transitionType = 'transition';
        _.transformsEnabled = (_.animType !== null && _.animType !== false);


    Slick.prototype.setSlideClasses = function(index) {

        var _ = this,
            centerOffset, allSlides, indexOffset, remainder;

        allSlides = _.$slider.find('.slick-slide');

        if (_.options.centerMode === true) {

            centerOffset = Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2);

            if(_.options.infinite === true) {

                if (index >= centerOffset && index <= (_.slideCount - 1) - centerOffset) {
                    _.$slides.slice(index - centerOffset, index + centerOffset + 1).addClass('slick-active');
                } else {
                    indexOffset = _.options.slidesToShow + index;
                    allSlides.slice(indexOffset - centerOffset + 1, indexOffset + centerOffset + 2).addClass('slick-active');

                if (index === 0) {
                    allSlides.eq(allSlides.length - 1 - _.options.slidesToShow).addClass('slick-center');
                } else if (index === _.slideCount - 1) {



        } else {

            if (index >= 0 && index <= (_.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow)) {
                _.$slides.slice(index, index + _.options.slidesToShow).addClass('slick-active');
            } else if ( allSlides.length <= _.options.slidesToShow ) {
            } else {
                remainder = _.slideCount%_.options.slidesToShow;
                indexOffset = _.options.infinite === true ? _.options.slidesToShow + index : index;
                if(_.options.slidesToShow == _.options.slidesToScroll && (_.slideCount - index) < _.options.slidesToShow) {
                    allSlides.slice(indexOffset-(_.options.slidesToShow-remainder), indexOffset + remainder).addClass('slick-active');
                } else {
                    allSlides.slice(indexOffset, indexOffset + _.options.slidesToShow).addClass('slick-active');


        if (_.options.lazyLoad === 'ondemand') {


    Slick.prototype.setupInfinite = function() {

        var _ = this,
            i, slideIndex, infiniteCount;

        if (_.options.fade === true) {
            _.options.centerMode = false;

        if (_.options.infinite === true && _.options.fade === false) {

            slideIndex = null;

            if (_.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {

                if (_.options.centerMode === true) {
                    infiniteCount = _.options.slidesToShow + 1;
                } else {
                    infiniteCount = _.options.slidesToShow;

                for (i = _.slideCount; i > (_.slideCount -
                    infiniteCount); i -= 1) {
                    slideIndex = i - 1;
                    $(_.$slides[slideIndex]).clone(true).attr('id', '')
                        .attr('index', slideIndex-_.slideCount)
                for (i = 0; i < infiniteCount; i += 1) {
                    slideIndex = i;
                    $(_.$slides[slideIndex]).clone(true).attr('id', '')
                        .attr('index', slideIndex+_.slideCount)
                _.$slideTrack.find('.slick-cloned').find('[id]').each(function() {
                    $(this).attr('id', '');




    Slick.prototype.selectHandler = function(event) {

        var _ = this;
        var index = parseInt($('.slick-slide').attr("index"));
        if(!index) index = 0;

        if(_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow){
            if(_.options.centerMode === true) {


    Slick.prototype.slideHandler = function(index,sync) {

        var targetSlide, animSlide, oldSlide, slideLeft, unevenOffset, targetLeft = null,
            _ = this;

        sync = sync || false;

        if (_.animating === true && _.options.waitForAnimate === true) {

        if (_.options.fade === true && _.currentSlide === index) {

        if (_.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {

        if (sync === false) {

        targetSlide = index;
        targetLeft = _.getLeft(targetSlide);
        slideLeft = _.getLeft(_.currentSlide);

        unevenOffset = _.options.slidesToScroll === 1 ? 0 : _.options.slidesToShow - (Math.round(_.slideCount / _.options.slidesToScroll));

        _.currentLeft = _.swipeLeft === null ? slideLeft : _.swipeLeft;

        if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centerMode === false && (index < 0 || index > _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow + unevenOffset)) {
            if(_.options.fade === false) {
                targetSlide = _.currentSlide;
                _.animateSlide(slideLeft, function() {
        } else if (_.options.infinite === false && _.options.centerMode === true && (index < 0 || index > (_.slideCount - _.options.slidesToScroll))) {
            if(_.options.fade === false) {
                targetSlide = _.currentSlide;
                _.animateSlide(slideLeft, function() {

        if (_.options.autoplay === true) {

        if (targetSlide < 0) {
            if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
                animSlide = _.slideCount - (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll);
            } else {
                animSlide = _.slideCount + targetSlide;
        } else if (targetSlide >= _.slideCount) {
            if (_.slideCount % _.options.slidesToScroll !== 0) {
                animSlide = 0;
            } else {
                animSlide = targetSlide - _.slideCount;
        } else {
            animSlide = targetSlide;

        _.animating = true;

        if (_.options.onBeforeChange !== null && index !== _.currentSlide) {
  , _, _.currentSlide, animSlide);

        oldSlide = _.currentSlide;
        _.currentSlide = animSlide;



        if (_.options.fade === true) {
            _.fadeSlide(oldSlide,animSlide, function() {

        _.animateSlide(targetLeft, function() {


    Slick.prototype.startLoad = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.options.arrows === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {



        if (_.options.dots === true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {





    Slick.prototype.swipeDirection = function() {

        var xDist, yDist, r, swipeAngle, _ = this;

        xDist = _.touchObject.startX - _.touchObject.curX;
        yDist = _.touchObject.startY - _.touchObject.curY;
        r = Math.atan2(yDist, xDist);

        swipeAngle = Math.round(r * 180 / Math.PI);
        if (swipeAngle < 0) {
            swipeAngle = 360 - Math.abs(swipeAngle);

        if ((swipeAngle <= 45) && (swipeAngle >= 0)) {
            return 'left';
        if ((swipeAngle <= 360) && (swipeAngle >= 315)) {
            return 'left';
        if ((swipeAngle >= 135) && (swipeAngle <= 225)) {
            return 'right';

        return 'vertical';


    Slick.prototype.swipeEnd = function(event) {

        var _ = this, slideCount;

        _.dragging = false;

        _.shouldClick = (_.touchObject.swipeLength > 10) ? false : true;

        if (_.touchObject.curX === undefined) {
            return false;

        if (_.touchObject.swipeLength >= _.touchObject.minSwipe) {

            switch (_.swipeDirection()) {
                case 'left':
                    _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide + _.getSlideCount());
                    _.currentDirection = 0;
                    _.touchObject = {};

                case 'right':
                    _.slideHandler(_.currentSlide - _.getSlideCount());
                    _.currentDirection = 1;
                    _.touchObject = {};
        } else {
            if(_.touchObject.startX !== _.touchObject.curX) {
                _.touchObject = {};


    Slick.prototype.swipeHandler = function(event) {

        var _ = this;

        if ((_.options.swipe === false) || ('ontouchend' in document && _.options.swipe === false)) {
        } else if (_.options.draggable === false && event.type.indexOf('mouse') !== -1) {

        _.touchObject.fingerCount = event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.touches !== undefined ?
            event.originalEvent.touches.length : 1;

        _.touchObject.minSwipe = _.listWidth / _.options

        switch ( {

            case 'start':

            case 'move':

            case 'end':



    Slick.prototype.swipeMove = function(event) {

        var _ = this,
            curLeft, swipeDirection, positionOffset, touches;

        touches = event.originalEvent !== undefined ? event.originalEvent.touches : null;

        if (!_.dragging || touches && touches.length !== 1) {
            return false;

        curLeft = _.getLeft(_.currentSlide);

        _.touchObject.curX = touches !== undefined ? touches[0].pageX : event.clientX;
        _.touchObject.curY = touches !== undefined ? touches[0].pageY : event.clientY;

        _.touchObject.swipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(
            Math.pow(_.touchObject.curX - _.touchObject.startX, 2)));

        swipeDirection = _.swipeDirection();

        if (swipeDirection === 'vertical') {

        if (event.originalEvent !== undefined && _.touchObject.swipeLength > 4) {

        positionOffset = _.touchObject.curX > _.touchObject.startX ? 1 : -1;

        if (_.options.vertical === false) {
            _.swipeLeft = curLeft + _.touchObject.swipeLength * positionOffset;
        } else {
            _.swipeLeft = curLeft + (_.touchObject
                .swipeLength * (_.$list.height() / _.listWidth)) * positionOffset;

        if (_.options.fade === true || _.options.touchMove === false) {
            return false;

        if (_.animating === true) {
            _.swipeLeft = null;
            return false;



    Slick.prototype.swipeStart = function(event) {

        var _ = this,

        if (_.touchObject.fingerCount !== 1 || _.slideCount <= _.options.slidesToShow) {
            _.touchObject = {};
            return false;

        if (event.originalEvent !== undefined && event.originalEvent.touches !== undefined) {
            touches = event.originalEvent.touches[0];

        _.touchObject.startX = _.touchObject.curX = touches !== undefined ? touches.pageX : event.clientX;
        _.touchObject.startY = _.touchObject.curY = touches !== undefined ? touches.pageY : event.clientY;

        _.dragging = true;


    Slick.prototype.unfilterSlides = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.$slidesCache !== null) {







    Slick.prototype.unload = function() {

        var _ = this;

        $('.slick-cloned', _.$slider).remove();
        if (_.$dots) {
        if (_.$prevArrow && (typeof _.options.prevArrow !== 'object')) {
        if (_.$nextArrow && (typeof _.options.nextArrow !== 'object')) {
            'slick-slide slick-active slick-visible').css('width', '');


    Slick.prototype.updateArrows = function() {

        var _ = this, centerOffset;

        centerOffset = Math.floor(_.options.slidesToShow / 2)

        if (_.options.arrows === true && _.options.infinite !==
            true && _.slideCount > _.options.slidesToShow) {
            if (_.currentSlide === 0) {
            } else if (_.currentSlide >= _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow && _.options.centerMode === false) {
            } else if (_.currentSlide > _.slideCount - _.options.slidesToShow + centerOffset  && _.options.centerMode === true) {


    Slick.prototype.updateDots = function() {

        var _ = this;

        if (_.$dots !== null) {

            _.$dots.find('li').eq(Math.floor(_.currentSlide / _.options.slidesToScroll)).addClass('slick-active');



    $.fn.slick = function(options) {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

            element.slick = new Slick(element, options);


    $.fn.slickAdd = function(slide, slideIndex, addBefore) {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

            element.slick.addSlide(slide, slideIndex, addBefore);


    $.fn.slickCurrentSlide = function() {
        var _ = this;
        return _.get(0).slick.getCurrent();

    $.fn.slickFilter = function(filter) {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {



    $.fn.slickGoTo = function(slide) {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

                data: {
                    message: 'index',
                    index: parseInt(slide)


    $.fn.slickNext = function() {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

                data: {
                    message: 'next'


    $.fn.slickPause = function() {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

            element.slick.paused = true;


    $.fn.slickPlay = function() {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

            element.slick.paused = false;


    $.fn.slickPrev = function() {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

                data: {
                    message: 'previous'


    $.fn.slickRemove = function(slideIndex, removeBefore) {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

            element.slick.removeSlide(slideIndex, removeBefore);


    $.fn.slickGetOption = function(option) {
        var _ = this;
        return _.get(0).slick.options[option];

    $.fn.slickSetOption = function(option, value, refresh) {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

            element.slick.options[option] = value;

            if (refresh === true) {


    $.fn.slickUnfilter = function() {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {



    $.fn.unslick = function() {
        var _ = this;
        return _.each(function(index, element) {

          if (element.slick) {


    $.fn.getSlick = function() {
        var s = null;
        var _ = this;
        _.each(function(index, element) {
            s = element.slick;

        return s;
