Revision 82dd582045b2ec890b46e78d5419389be4916146 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from beginning to 82dd582045b2ec890b46e78d5419389be4916146


\def\EpigrHu{\epigraph{\it First of all, we would like to express our gratitude for this remarkable opportunity. To perform a remote measurement on a tokamak, and to be part of such an international operation for the first time in our life, is way beyond our earlier expectations as physics students. We wish you luck for the future, and lots of plasma :)}{\textit{Andras Karman, Gergely Klujber, \\  Mate Ferenczy, Peter Nemetvarga }}

\def\EpigrTD{\epigraph{\it ... The EUROfusion consortium has taken note of the systematic and successful efforts of the FNSPE CTU in the field of education of future fusion experts, with a significant impact on the European level. Remote experiments on the GOLEM tokamak in Prague are in the curriculum of several European summer schools  ..}{\textit{prof. Tony Donné, EUROfusion Programme Manager}}}
