Revision 82dd582045b2ec890b46e78d5419389be4916146 (click the page title to view the current version)


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categories: Diagnostics
format: html
title: Small Rogowski coils

<h1>Small Rogowski Coil</h1>

<h2>Principle of Operation</h2>

<p>All the <a href="/Diagnostics/Basic/PlasmaCurrent/index">Rogowski coils</a> are based on the same principle, described <a href="/Diagnostics/Magnetic/RogowskiCoilArroundChamber/Theory/diagnostics_rogowski">here</a>.</p>

<h2>Characterisation and Parameters of Sensor</h2>

<p>The main purpose of this Rogowski coil on tokamak <a href="/Introduction/Tokamak/AAAindex">GOLEM</a> is to measure currents flowing in various conducting wires. This information can be used, for example in modelling of a magnetic field generated by a set of coils. As can be seen in fig. 1, size of this coil limits its use only for current measurements flowing through small and medium-sized conductors.</p>

<p>Calibration constant, likewise in the case of <a href="/Diagnostics/Magnetic/RogowskiCoilArroundChamber/Theory/diagnostics_rogowski">large Rogowski coil</a>, was determined by empirical (rather than analytical) means to be equal to <em>K</em> = 6.55 10<sup>6</sup>  A V<sup>-1</sup> s<sup>-1</sup>.</p>

<img src="/Diagnostics/Magnetic/SmallRoowskiCoil/small_rogowski_coil.jpg"/>