Revision 82dd582045b2ec890b46e78d5419389be4916146 (click the page title to view the current version)


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Liner is term used for central toroid of the chamber which contains plasma column. Liner of the GOLEM tokamak is of classical toroidal shape with circular cross section made from stainless steel. Main geometrical parameters of the liner are: \GWPhysQuantValueWithName{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/TechnologicalQuantities/MajorRadius}, \GWPhysQuantValueWithName{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/TechnologicalQuantities/MinorRadius}. This determines tokamak GOLEM to be tokamak of small class and large  \GWPhysQuantValueWithName{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/TechnologicalQuantities/AspectRatio}. The original liner 
from when this tokamak was named TM-1 was replaced in 1984, however its dimensions did not change. A sample of the replaced liner can be seen in \ref{Fig:Tokamak/VacuumVessel/Liner/liner.png}}

\def\GWpar{The GOLEM tokamak has a stainless steel toroidally shaped chamber (, \GWPhysQuantValueWithName{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/TechnologicalQuantities/MinorRadius}) 
with 18 diagnostic ports, which are organized in six groups of three ports as shown in figure \ref{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/BasicInfo/fig}. Each group consists of a top, bottom and a mid plane port. The main ({\em i.e.}, the largest) ports are located on the North and on the South side of the torus; 45$^{\circ}$ from them to each side, are the other groups: South-East, South-West, North-East and North-West. The poloidal limiter (\GWPhysQuantValueWithName{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/TechnologicalQuantities/LimiterMinorRadius}) made of molybdenum is located 40$^{\circ}$ to the West from the North port.
\GWifigure{width=0.75\textwidth}{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/BasicInfo/fig/OPmodel.jpg}{Diagnostic ports of the GOLEM tokamak.}{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/BasicInfo/fig}

<a href="liner_sample.jpg">
<img alt="The old GOLEM liner, now replaced by a new one" width="550" align="middle" height="340"
     src="liner_sample.jpg" /><br /><br />
<a href="/Tokamak/Chamber/PhotoGallery/20110224_004.jpg">
<img alt="The new GOLEM liner and limiter" width="550" align="middle" height="340"
     src="/Tokamak/Chamber/PhotoGallery/20110224_004.jpg" />
</a><br />Inside of the liner<br /><br />
<a href="/Tokamak/Chamber/PhotoGallery/p1010054.jpg">
<img alt="A diagnostic port" width="450" align="middle" height="340"
     src="/Tokamak/Chamber/PhotoGallery/p1010054.jpg" />
</a><br />A diagnostic port<br /><br />
<p>As can be seen in fig. 1, liner is made of bellows stainless steel, which is standard material in vacuum technology. There are 6x3 <a href="/Diagnostics/index">ports</a> present in 
current liner. Since the liner has circular cross section, plasma boundary is defined by a circular material limiter made of molybdenum. Having radius of 0.085 m, 
it is placed inside of liner to hinder interaction of plasma with the wall of chamber.</p>
<p>As was mentioned already, for tokamak to be operational, a high level of <a href="/predecessor-CASTOR/Vacuum/vacuum">vacuum</a> is necessary to be present inside its innermost layer of chamber (e.g. liner). 
Inside of GOLEM, background pressure of vacuum is usually maintained on values of 10 - 200 mPa. In order to enhance the vacuum exhaustion, the liner is baked, 
which means that it is possible to raise its temperature to 300 Celsius degrees. It is therefore necessary for all the tokamak components placed inside of 
liner to be constructed in a way to withstand such temperatures.</p>