Revision 82dd582045b2ec890b46e78d5419389be4916146 (click the page title to view the current version)


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\def\title{SUMTRAIC, Prague] Summer Training Course}

Introductory session, more than 100 discharges performed by 17 students from 7 European 
countries. }

%\def\fumtraicXIIfig#1{\FigureMinipageGraphics{#1}{links/fumtraicXII/15022012211a.jpg}{FUMTRAIC 2012, students with their tutors in the Tore Supra control room from where the GOLEM tokamak was operated ($\approx$ 1000 km away from the device.)}{fig:fumtraicXII}}



\caption{SUMTRAIC 2010 - A group of participants listening the introductory lecture and later on analysing data at the PC room.}

{\bf  \title}

{\bf Session link: }\url{}

{\bf Quotation: }

\def\StandardLayout{{\bf \large \title}\newline \descr Link: \link}