Tokamak GOLEM - Shot Database - #44394

The date of discharge execution | 24-04-09 09:23:06 [Shot logbook] |
The session mission | TrainingCourses/Universities/ Motion detection & Scintillations  |
The session ID  | 44389  |
The discharge comment | motion amlification, 3x led, Ucd True, Ubt True |
Discharge command  | / --discharge --operation.discharge "style='remote',voice='on',analysis='on'" --infrastructure.bt_ecd "U_Bt=1200,t_Bt=5000,U_cd=600,t_cd=6000,O_Bt='CW',O_cd='CW'" --infr ... |
On stage diagnostics
Name | Placement | Experiment setup | Photo gallery | Data acquistition system | Raw data | Dir | Analysis results | Dir |



FastCameras:fr_ux100a=1200,height_ux100a=56,recrate_ux100a=40000,shotdur_ux100a=30,width_ux100a=1280,fr_ux100b=1 ... |

Analysis N/A |


N/A |

ScintillationProbes:U_NIM_A1=600,U_NIM_A2=600,U_NIM_A3=600,U_NIM_A4=600 ... |

Analysis N/A |


Right now the tokamak GOLEM is undergoing discharge execution, the phase called:
OFF STAGE postdischarge analysis
Next phase will be Finalization.
Wait for the discharge proccess to be completed.
Thanks to the specific help
The tokamak GOLEM controll SW @