
Note: \textcolor{red}{\bf It is absolutely \underline{CRUCIAL} that task 1 is completed \underline{BEFORE} students come to measure experimental data at the class.} Assignment 13 is significantly more complex than other assignments in the Basic physics laboratories, owing to the complexity of the tokamak machine and its operation. It isn't possible to gain the sufficient knowledge by skimming this manual once. Therefore, we implore students to designate sufficient time (approx. 3 hours) to prepare for the class by completing task 1 beforehand. If a student comes to the class unprepared, he/she runs the risk of being sent away. Even if that doesn't happen, it will still cost him/her excruciating difficulties with experimental data processing after the class, and losing more than the said amount of time to desperately trying to understand what is required in tasks 2-5.

\subsection{Communication with local support}

Primary real time communication to the local support (Dr. Vojtech Svoboda) is through Skype instant messaging. For this purpose a user (name: nti.hallgato, passwd: vendeg0 or name: nti.hallgato2, passwd: vendeg1) has been created. Before starting the experiment an instant messaging conference is to be started including users nti-hallgato, gergo\_pokol (Dr. Gergo Pokol, Hungarian supervisor) and tokamak.golem (Dr. Vojtech Svoboda, Czech support). After the session the conversation log should be saved and appended to the measurement log.

\section{Requirements for the measurement logbook}\label{sec:requirements}

There should be a single measurement log written in English language. The measurement log should include:
	\item Exact method of executing the measurement.
	\item Exact method of derivation of final results.
	\item Results of the measurement tasks.
	\item Time traces of shot parameters for some characteristic shots.
	\item Shot summary table indicating all calculated parameters of all shots executed. (Unsuccessful shots also need to be recorded.)
	\item Skype log as appendix

All comments and proposals regarding the measurements are welcome.

It would be nice, if the participants of the session would write some thankful words to the \url{} homepage, and/or send a postcard to the following address: Tokamak GOLEM, Brehova st. 7, Prague 1, Czech Republic. These activities should also be indicated in the logbook.