

%Disclaimer for future generations:
%Each of the sections (except for Tools) has its own folder in /GW/Education/GMInstructions/base. Each of the subsections has its own paragraph in the full_texts.tex file in this folder (mostly). There are more folders than the manual uses and there are more paragraphs as well. For the purposes of this manual, pay them no attention.
%The folders are called Tasks, Introduction, ExperimentalSetup, Diagnostics and DataProcessing.



%\noindent\large{\bf{Úloha 13\hspace{129mm}         02PRA2
%\hspace{129mm}Fyzikální praktikum II}}

 \noindent\Large{\bf{Magnetic confinement of high temperature plasma at the GOLEM tokamak}}       

\noindent{\bf Abstract:} This assignment introduces students to the physics, technology, diagnostics and operation of the GOLEM tokamak. It comprises performing a tokamak experiment and exploring the basic scaling properties of magnetic plasma confinement.





\item \LinkToResource{Tasks}{Task1:PreparationRemote}
\item \LinkToResource{Tasks}{Task2:OscilloscopeSetupRemote}
\item \LinkToResource{Tasks}{Task3:TestDischargeRemote}
\item \LinkToResource{Tasks}{Task4:DischargeSeries}
\item \LinkToResource{Tasks}{Task5:DataProcessing}
\item \LinkToResource{Tasks}{Task6:Scaling}

\section{Theoretical introduction}

\subsection{Tokamak purpose and principle}
\subsection{Parameters of the GOLEM tokamak}
\subsection{Theory of plasma energy confinement}
\subsection{Energy confinement time measurement}
\subsection{Electron density measurement}
\subsection{Central electron temperature measurement}

\section{Experimental setup}

\subsection{Technological details of the GOLEM tokamak}
\subsection{GOLEM discharge setup}
%\subsection{The GOLEM control room}

\section{GOLEM tokamak diagnostics}
\subsection{Diagnostics overview}
\subsection{Wire loop}
\subsection{$B_t$ measuring coil}
\subsection{Rogowski coil}

\section{Technical details of signal processing}
%\subsection{Access to data}
\subsection{Offset removal}
\subsection{Signal processing, averaging and error propagation}

\section{Acknowledgments and feedback}
The invaluable effort of the following individuals in preparing this exercise
is deeply appreciated (alphabetic order): Ondřej Ficker, Ondřej Grover, Remy
Guirlet, Kateřina Jiráková, Jaroslav Krbec, Gergo Pokol, Jan St\"ockel and Milos Vlainic.

If you, the reader, wish to add your name to this list, send us your feedback to
\url{}. Especially useful and constructive feedback will be
appropriately rewarded.
