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%%%% Some math symbols used in the text
% Format 
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\newcommand*{\MAT}[1]  {\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}}}
\newcommand*{\VEC}[1]  {\ensuremath{\bm{#1}}}
\newcommand*{\norm}[1]{\mathopen\| #1 \mathclose\|}% use instead of $\|x\|$
\newcommand*{\abs}[1]{\mathopen| #1 \mathclose|}% use instead of $\|x\|$
\newcommand*{\absLR}[1]{\left| #1 \right|}% use instead of $\|x\|$

\def\norm#1{\mathopen\| #1 \mathclose\|}% use instead of $\|x\|$
\newcommand{\normLR}[1]{\left\| #1 \right\|}% use instead of $\|x\|$


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% Save space in lists. Use this after the opening of the list

%%% Begin of Document


%%% Here starts the poster
%%% Format it to your taste with the options
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%=========== barevné přechody==========
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  % Title
  {\sc\LARGE \mbox{Tokamak GOLEM for fusion education - chapter 13}}
  % Authors
  {\normalsize \underline{P. Macha$^{1,2}$}, M. Pokorny$^3$, D. Kropackova$^2$, M.Humpolec$^4$, J. Chlum$^2$, K. Wen$^5$, M. Tunkl$^2$, M. Lauerova$^5$, J. Brotankova$^2$, J. Stockel$^2$, V. Svoboda$^1$, \\ S. Kulkov$^2$, A. Podolnik$^1$, J. Caloud$^{1,2}$, S. Malec$^2$ \\
    {\small $^1$ Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Prague;
$^2$ Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering CTU in Prague, Prague;
$^3$ Gymnazium Jana Nerudy, Prague;$^4$ Gymnazium Elisky Krasnohorske;
$^5$ Novy PORG Gymnazium, Prague; Czech. Rep;
$^6$ Prince William County Public Schools, Virginia}

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%%% Each box has a name and can be placed absolutely or relatively.
%%% The only inconvenience is that you can only specify a relative position 
%%% towards an already declared box. So if you have a box attached to the 
%%% bottom, one to the top and a third one which should be in between, you 
%%% have to specify the top and bottom boxes before you specify the middle 
%%% box.
    {\it #2}
    {\it #2}
\headerbox{The GOLEM tokamak}{name=golem,column=0,row=0, span=1}
\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\itemsep=-2pt \topsep=-2pt \leftmargin=12pt}
    \im Parameters: $B_{\mathrm{t}} < 0.5$ T, $I_{\mathrm{p}} < 8$ kA, pulse length $< 15$ ms.
    \im An educational device for domestic as well as for foreign students via remote participation/handling [1].
    \im Equipped by several plasma diagnostics (electric probes, magnetic probes, RE diagnostics, etc.).
    \im Great possibility for interesting experiments due to the adaptability and high flexibility.
% \ei

\headerbox{External Stabilization and Fast Cameras}{name=manipulator,column=0,row=0, span=1, below=golem}
\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\itemsep=-2pt \topsep=-2pt \leftmargin=12pt}
    \im The upgraded stabilization winding that generates stronger magnetic field provides better plasma position control.
    \im The new fast cameras have been installed for the better determination of the plasma position and for the Mirnov coils results verification.
    \im The positive effect of the stabilization is observed. The discharge duration is extended by more then 5 ms.
% \includegraphics[height=0.08\textheight]{figures/DKropackova1.png}
Top) Plasma displacement taken by fast cameras. Bottom) Comparison between fast cameras and Mirnov coils.

\headerbox{Fast $T_\mathrm{e}$ measurements}{name=PICs,column=0,row=0, span=1, below=manipulator}
\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\itemsep=-2pt \topsep=-2pt \leftmargin=12pt}
    \im Tunnel probe (TP) is used for the fast $T_\mathrm{e}$ measurements based on the calibration using PIC code PICCYL \cite{dtp1}.
    \im The results are validated against $T_\mathrm{e}$ measured by combined ball-pen (BPP) and Langmuir probe (LP).
    \im A good agreement between both methods is found.
    Time evolution of $T_\mathrm{e}$ measured by TP and BPP+LP.

\headerbox{References}{name=reference,column=0,row=0, span=1,below=PICs}
% \bibitem{master}
% P. Macha, (2018). Edge plasma studies in tokamaks by the mean of advanced electric probes [Master's Thesis, Czech Technical University in Prague]
Tokamak GOLEM, Czech Technical University in Prague, [online]
J. P. Gunnm et. al 2016 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 700 012018
K. Dyabilin, M. Hron, J. Stockel et al. Measurement of poloidal flows on the Castor tokamak. Czech. J. Phys. 50, 57 (2000)
S. Silburn, et. al 2022 Calcam (2.8.3). Zenodo

\headerbox{Contact us}{name=contact,column=0,row=0, span=1,below=reference}
    Tokamak GOLEM,
    B\v rehov\' a 7, Prague,
    Czech Republic\\
    {\bf \texttt{}} 

\headerbox{Acknowledgment}{name=acknowledgment,column=0,row=0, span=1,below=contact}
 This work was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague, grant No. SGS22/175/OHK4/3T/14 and SGS21/167/OHK4/3T/14.

\headerbox{Angular scans of ion flows}{name=angular,column=1,row=0, span=2}
\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\itemsep=-2pt \topsep=-2pt \leftmargin=12pt}
    \im The new motorized manipulator was installed and calibrated allowing both the radial and angular profiles measurements.
    \im The manipulator was equipped with the double tunnel probe and the ion flows were measured.
    \im The angular profile of $I_\mathrm{sat}$ is measured and compared with theory and experimental results from other tokamaks \cite{Mperp}. 
    \im Parallel and perpendicular components of Mach number were measured on the GOLEM tokamak for the first time.
    \im Very good agreement is found for both the $I_\mathrm{sat}$ and $M_\perp$ profiles.
   Left) New motorized manipulator. Center) Angular profile of $I_\mathrm{sat}$. Right) Angular profile of current ratio $R$. 

\headerbox{Plasma tomography}{name=tomography,column=1,row=0, span=2,below=angular}
\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\itemsep=-2pt \topsep=-2pt \leftmargin=12pt}
    \im Two fast visible cameras Photron FASTCAM Mini UX50 (1280 by 24 px at 102,400 fps) were positioned at perpendicular ports.

    \im Lens calibration was performed using a 3D scene on an optical breadboard using Calcam \cite{calcam}.

    \im Preliminary results were produced using the Minimum Fisher Regularisation algorithm.

    \im Accuracy is limited by uncertainties in camera positions. More precise camera positions measurements are foreseen.
    Left) preliminary tomographic reconstruction from discharge $\#$39205, frame $\#$231. White line represents the vessel wall. Right) camera lens calibration using Calcam software

\headerbox{Measurements of HXR radiation}{name=RE,column=1,row=0, span=2,below=tomography}
\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\itemsep=-2pt \topsep=-2pt \leftmargin=12pt}
    \im LYSO coupled with SiPM (silicon photomultiplier) for HXR spectroscopy was installed.
    \im 3x3x5 mm crystal, 47 nm decay time.
    \im Peak pile-ups are still present, but individual peaks are identifiable.
    \im It is possible to reconstruct individual peaks heights.
    \im Spectrum cleared from pile-up effects was obtained.
Left) Comparison of HXR signals from 5 scintillation detectors. Center) More detailed plot. Right) HXR signal reconstruction and corresponding spectrum.

\headerbox{Reconstruction of Compton scattering}{name=Compton,column=1,row=0, span=2,below=RE}

\begin{list}{\labelitemi}{\itemsep=-2pt \topsep=-2pt \leftmargin=12pt}
    \im Timepix3 detectors with 2 mm thick CdTe sensors were used for the energy spectrum measurements and the Compton scattering reconstruction.
    \im Detectors were placed 3 m far from the limiter outside of the tokamak and the display plane was 304 cm from the detectors as shown in the diagram bellow.
    \im There is no evident high intensive area identified yet corresponding to the source of the HXR.

    Left) Diagram of experimental setup. Right) Energy spectrum and Compton scattering reconstruction.
